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stood. “Go shower. I’ll tell you what you can and cannot wear.” He turnedhis back on her, going to his closet. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a shirt, hebegan to get dressed. Ally hadn’t returned by the time he was ready. He checkedthe time, and still nothing. He wasn’t a patient man.

He stormed to thebathroom about to bark orders at her, but when he got to the threshold, hestopped. Ally couldn’t know he was close, and as he listened, he heard hersobbing. These were not weak tears nor an attempt to try to gain attention. Theshower cover hid her from view, but he saw the shadow of her crouched down inthe bottom. Her hands over her mouth as she tried to muffle the sound.

Emotions were notsomething he liked to meddle with.

For severalminutes, he listened. She hated him. Hated everything about their arrangements.He was a fool to think there could ever be more.

Stepping back fromthe bathroom, he licked his lips and yelled, “How long are you going to fuckingbe?”

Another fewseconds’ pause. “A couple of minutes. I’ll be out soon. I promise.” Her voicegave away the fact she’d been crying.

“I’m heading down.I’ll have someone come and deal with you.”


He wanted her totell him why she was crying, even if he didn’t want the answers. Instead, heturned on his heel and left the bedroom.

On his way down,he found the nearest whore, grabbing her arm andforcing her to face him. “Take up some decent food to my bedroom and get hersome clothes as well. Don’t fucking test me.” He lether go and she stumbled on her heels.

They were way too fucking high to be walking around in the club, but the brothers,for some odd reason, couldn’t get enough of the women in high heels. They were completelyunsuitable.

Fuck, he was getting old.

He headed into hisoffice and glanced over his cell phone. There hadn’t been any missed calls.Collapsing in his office chair, he ran a hand down his face. He hadn’t slept thatgood in such a long time. It just felt … right having her next to him.

His office dooropened and he wasn’t surprised to see another club whoreholding a tray.

“Hi, Lord,” shesaid.

She was alreadyheavily made up. The skirt she wore only just covered her ass and the top, well,there was no point to her even wearing it as he saw nipple. She bent forward, puttinghis breakfast and coffee in front of him.

When she liftedup, with her head tilted to the side, she nibbled on her lip. “Is thereanything else I can do for you?”

“No, get out.”

“Oh, well, I’m availableto you.”

He sat back andlooked at her. “Who put you up to this?”

“No one.”

Lord picked up hiscoffee cup and threw it across the room. Hot coffee splashed across all the tiles.“Do I look like the kind of man who likes to be lied to!” He growled theword out.

“Tank and Rubber saidyou needed me. That you wanted a good time. I’ve been well tested and the brothersare all satisfied. I promise.” She offered him a smile and he shook his head.

“Get the fuck out.”

He had no desirefor pussy that had seen several of his brothers pounding it. The club whores were fun, but he wasn’t interested. Not now. Not whenhe had a precious peach upstairs, ripe for the plucking.

“And tell someoneto clean up this fucking mess,” he called out after her.

With a knife andfork in hand, he dug into his breakfast, ignoring the next person who came into scrub at his floors.

His thoughts returnedto Ally upstairs. Had they gotten her some good food? What was she thinking thismorning? Why did she fucking cry? None of hisquestions were going to be answered unless he actually asked them, and therewas no way in hell he was doing that.

Just as he wasabout to snap and break something, his cell phone went off.

He checked. It wasStump.

“Tell me what you’vegot,” he said.

“There was anattack on one of the brothels. Guess which one.”

“The same oneMisty was working at?” he asked.

“You got it. I’min the security room with Brick. We’re checking over the footage. I think Mistyis fucking lying. The Skull Nation just walked rightin. Five guys. They weren’t wearing cuts, but I’ve seen their ugly fucking faces to know them when I see them. Nothing happenedlike Misty said,” he said. “We’ve got three dead girls here now, boss. Two menare down, and we’ve got one customer dead as well. He wasn’t a big client.”

“I don’t give a fuck about the prick. This is still bad for business.No one wants to go to a whorehouse where they couldget killed. Find out if the man has any family. Take care of it. Same as the girls.”

“Already done. Oneof the girls has two kids, but they live with the dad. I’ll pay him a visit andsee what happens.”

“And where’s Mistynow?” he asked.

“She’s nicelybound and scared. You’d love her crocodile tears.” At the mention of Misty’s tears,it made him think of Ally. Misty’s tears were understandable. She was going todie, no matter what. Her death was inevitable. Why was Ally crying? Her lifewas probably fucking miserable. She’d been dealing withher father for years, no matter her age. She had a shitlife, he got it. Why did she want to go back to it so badly?

“Get me everythingyou can. Bring Misty back here to the club. I think it’s going to be another goodreminder for everyone of what happens to traitors.”

Hanging up hiscell phone, he had no doubt in his mind that Misty had been bullshittinghim. He had a good sense about people. She’d been the one to tell him she wasn’ta rat and how loyal she was. In his experience, someone who said that shit first up was usually a fucking liar.

He had a badfeeling twisting his gut when it came to Ally. Not because she’d done anything wrong,but because she was telling him the truth.

Misty was all lies.

Ally was alltruths.

He’d gotten usedto people fucking with him. People like Ally were anentirely new experience for him. She confused him on so many levels.

Lord finished hisbreakfast, sitting back,

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