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going to happen.

He felt the presenceat the doorway before his VP spoke.

“You okay, boss?”

Lord grabbed atowel and dried his face. “I’m still pissed off.”

“I never knew anyof that shit was going down,” said Brick. “It won’t happen again.”

He nodded. “You’reright. It won’t.”

Lord left his bathroom,brushing past his VP. The doctor was still with Ally. It gave him the time heneeded to clear his head and get some shit sorted outwith his wayward club members.

“Stump said everythingwas handled.”

“It wasn’t just thatwhore. Every asshole in thisclub needs to respect what’s mine. I want every brother in church tonight.”

“I’ll make it happen,Lord.”

He paced back andforth, still fuming. The image of Ally injured and crying kept invading his thoughts,making him feel like a failure. Making him want to kill. She’d made him smilelast night. Made him feel like a real fucking personand not a broken monster. That was a feat in itself.

Even though she madehis cock hard just being in the same room as him, he was content just to watcha movie with her. Why hadn’t he claimed what was his? She’d agreed to the deal.

Because herespected her.

Wanted her formore than a plaything even though that was the deal.

She was a goodgirl, and his own fucking club was destroying herinnocence.

“I’m trying tounderstand,” said Brick. “You hated that girl, wanted her dead before you evenmet her.”

“Shit changed.”

“Yeah, I get that.But what changed exactly?”

He didn’t want hismen to think he’d gone soft. And the last thing he wanted was a fucking therapy session. “She’s a virgin. It got me tothinking about the future. I’m forty. If I wait forever, I’ll never have an heir.”

“Okay,” said Brick.“So this is about knocking her up?”

“It’s not.” He grabbeda new shirt out of his drawer and pulled it on over his head. What he needed todo was check up on Ally and the doctor.

“So, she’s off-limits?”

Lord stopped dead inhis tracks. “You’re just getting the idea now? No one fuckinglooks at her.”

He was usually onfriendly terms with his VP, but not today. His mood was in the shitter and it wasn’t going to change until Ally stoppedbeing scared of her own shadow.

There was a lot todeal with at church tonight. Top on his list was ensuring Ally’s safety and remindingeveryone of his rank in the club. Next was dealing with the Skull Nation bullshit weighing him down. They thought they were smart,probably thought he was cowering as they methodically took over his businessesup north. That was where they were wrong. Lord would make his move and it wouldbe remembered for generations when he did.

As he walked thehalls, heading to the infirmary, several brothers and whorestried to kiss ass. They knew what was coming. The devil was pacing in Lord’sheart, and that was never a good thing.

He ignored themall.

In the blink of aneye, one girl had taken precedence in his life. He couldn’t believe it himself.

Lord pushed openthe door without knocking. Ally was still up on the examination table, a whitesheet covering her body. He’d already brought down a full change of clothesbefore heading up to his room earlier.

“What’s the damage?”he asked.

“Nothing’s broken,”said the doctor, scribbling notes in a file. “But she has some mild ligamentdamage that will take time to heal. She’ll be bruised for a while. The colorsare already starting to peek through.”

A wave of reliefflooded him. He’d do everything in his power and spare no expense making sureshe returned to perfect health. “You’re certain? You gave her a full exam?”

“I was very thorough,Lord, just as you asked.”

He nodded. Allywouldn’t make eye contact with him. Lord wasn’t good at coddling or kissingass, but he knew what he had to do. He’d been an assholeto this girl, and her only sin was being the daughter of a rat.

Richard Prixman was the last thing on his mind. Ally was hisproblem now. He no longer saw her as an enemy or loose end to wipe out ofexistence. No, he saw her for what she was—a gorgeous woman he wanted to keep.Not for a week or a month. Forever.

The doctor packedup his travel bag and tipped his hat as he made his way to the door. He’d addthe visit to his monthly bill. He was a familiar face around the club. Thebrothers were always getting themselves into scrapes, and they didn’t visithospitals whenever necessary.

Awkward silenceset in immediately once the doctor closed the door behind him.

“I need to get dressed,”said Ally, still averting her gaze.

“Okay, so get dressed.I brought you clothes, remember?”

“Can you waitoutside?”

He huffed and hadto stop himself from laughing out loud. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.” Lordwalked over to the examination table where her legs were now dangling over theside, the sheet pulled up high. “Despite what you think, I wasn’t involved inany of this. And our deal is still in full effect.”

“So, your own clubmembers beat me half to death and humiliate me, but I’m still required to beyour sex slave for God knows how long?”

He shrugged a shoulder.

She continued. “Oh,right. The alternative is getting murdered by you for my father’s lack ofloyalty.”

At least she hadsome fire. He’d hated seeing her broken and afraid to speak.

“You have a goodmemory. Now get dressed,” he said. “Or you can walk to my room naked, if youprefer.”

She glared at himand it made his cock firm up. In his world, women never challenged him, and hefound her little tantrums arousing. If she wasn’t sobanged up, he’d spank her ass. Within minutes, she’d managed to pull on the shirtand sweatpants without exposing an inch of skin. He did notice how she cringed whenlifting her arms over her head. That deep-seated rage started to boil up again,but he pushed it down. He needed to show Ally his softer side, if he even hadone, and keep his anger in check. His club members would be schooled tonight,and he sure as hell didn’t mind showing those responsible his darker side.

“I’m ready.” She stoodin front of him now, trying to put on a brave face. He saw right through her.Ally was hanging on by a thread.

He held the door openand followed

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