» Other » Jordan's Desires [Brac Village 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove), Lynn Hagen [sight word books .TXT] 📗

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and this didn’t set well with him, but his hands were tied. The deed was done and now he had to clean up the mess.

“Car accident?” Mark asked as he handed the wallet back. “We could make it look convincing.”

They both jumped when someone knocked on the door. Jordan and Mark looked at one another and then down at the body.

“I’ll get rid of whoever it is,” Mark said as he hurried to answer the door. Jordan shoved the wallet back into the lawyer’s pants.

“Hey, Jordan.”

Jordan glanced up to see Bailey standing next to Mark. His mate’s eyes were gazing at the body on the floor. Great. This was all he needed. Bailey already looked at him like he was some kind of murdering maniac. Seeing Jordan kneeling over a dead body was not going to help his case.

“Did I come at a bad time?” Bailey asked.

“He tried to kill Jordan,” Mark explained to Jordan’s mate. “He’s a spy sent here to find out if Brac Village truly has nonhumans.”

Jordan appreciated his boss trying to explain things to Bailey, but he knew he was the one who had to fix this. “That was a vampire I killed last night. He was coming to drain you.”

Bailey slowly blinked at Jordan, his face slack. “I’m sorry, I thought I heard you say vampire.”

“He did,” Mark interjected. “The one last night was what we refer to as rogue.”

“And him?” Bailey pointed to the man on the ground.

“Human,” Jordan answered. “A fucking lawyer.”

“Okay, another sort of vampire,” Bailey said as he let out a slow breath, pushing his hands in front of him. “I’m not going to freak out.”

“Good, because I don’t have time to get shot today,” Jordan grumbled. “Help me get the body into the car.”

“Oh hell no,” Bailey said as he took a step back. “I am not touching a dead body.”

“He can’t hurt you,” Jordan said as he opened the door of the car. “It’s not like he’s going to jump up and attack you.”

“It still gross,” Bailey replied. “He’s dead.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Mark walked toward the car and opened the driver’s door. “You need to go find that file.”

Bailey’s brows slanted into a frown. “What file?”

After closing the back door of the car, Jordan turned and faced Bailey. “It seems the Vampire Hunters are well organized. This guy”—Jordan chucked a thumb at the back of the car—“said he had a file on me. If that’s true, I need to destroy it before it falls into the wrong hands.”

“As long as I don’t have to touch any dead bodies, I’ll help.”

Jordan was stunned that Bailey would offer after his mate had tossed him out last night. Travis had told him what had transpired after Jordan shifted to heal. He had been crushed and angry at what Bailey had done. But as he worked today, Jordan had thought about it and knew that if he were human and just found out about shifters, he probably would’ve done the same thing.

But he wasn’t going to tolerate his mate standing him up. “Then we need to get going,” Jordan said as he walked toward the door. “I saw his address on his ID card. We have a long ride ahead of us.”

Mark was just standing there, almost gaping at Jordan, but spoke to Bailey. “I’m not sure what you’ve done to him, but I’ve never heard him talk so damn much.”

“Shut up,” Jordan muttered.

* * * *

Bailey was out cold when Jordan pulled into his mate’s driveway. It had been a long night and Jordan was exhausted himself. He had found the file that the lawyer had been referring to.

Slipping from the truck, Jordan walked to the other side and lifted his mate out, carrying him inside. Bailey was not a light guy. Thank goodness Jordan was strong. He gently lowered Bailey onto the couch.

He knelt there, studying Bailey. Since finding out that the human was his mate, things had snowballed out of control. Jordan really hadn’t had a chance to talk to the guy or get to know him.

He brushed his hand over Bailey’s short, brown hair, wondering just how hard it was going to be between them. He knew Harley had broken Bailey’s heart, but he also knew the human was his, not Harley’s. Jordan wished he had come to town sooner. Maybe he could have saved his mate the heartache instead of picking up the pieces.

Bailey opened his eyes and Jordan was amazed once again at how beautiful the sage-green coloring truly was. Everything about Bailey appealed to Jordan. His compact body, handsome face, espresso hair, and pretty eyes, made up one hell of a package. Now all Jordan had to do was crack the man’s defenses and find out who Bailey was, what made him tick.

“How long have I been out of it?” Bailey asked.

Jordan’s eyes were glued to the man’s mouth when his tongue flicked out and licked his bottom lip. Before he knew what he was doing, Jordan leaned in and tasted his mate for the very first time.

Jordan’s tongue licked purposefully at the upper lip and was granted entry to the warm wet cavern. The kiss sent the pit of his stomach into a wild swirl as he pressed Bailey’s lips to his, caressing his mouth more than kissing it.

Their tongues dueled and fought over who would control the kiss as Jordan pinned Bailey against the couch. As if in slow motion, Bailey’s head tilted back as Jordan kissed his mate’s throat. Bailey moaned as Jordan teased his flesh with his lips and the sound sent shivers through him.

Jordan moved back to Bailey’s mouth and their tongues tangled in an intimate glide, his emotions whirling and skidding, the need to claim almost overwhelming.

“I can’t.” Bailey pushed at Jordan’s chest.

Jordan pulled back, gazing down at his mate and then their mouths crashed together again, hungrier and more desperate than before, muffling the sounds of their pleasure. Bailey tried to push at Jordan again,

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