» Other » Jordan's Desires [Brac Village 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove), Lynn Hagen [sight word books .TXT] 📗

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been a firefighter all that long but he enjoyed his job. He liked knowing that he might be saving someone’s life or at least saving their possessions for them. Strangely enough, in most cases, it was the thing that would mean nothing to a burglar that usually meant the most to those that lost them. He couldn’t imagine losing every memory he had of his family due to a fire.

When the truck careened around a corner, Bailey started to slide forward out of his seat. Training took over and he grabbed the oh shit bar and held on for dear life. He liked fighting fires. He wasn’t so keen on riding in the fire truck at breakneck speeds.

Bailey was the first to jump down when the truck came to a halt. He stood there for a moment, totally confused. There was no smoke, no flames, nothing.

“What the hell is going on?” Reno asked, looking just as confused as Bailey. The house stood in complete silence, not a lick of flame or a puff of smoke in sight. Bailey scratched his head, trying to figure out what was going on when he heard something whizz past his head.

“Get down!” Bear shouted.

Bailey didn’t understand what was going on. Travis grabbed him and both men dropped to the ground. He heard another whizz and then a ping. It finally registered that someone was shooting at them.

Bailey covered his head, feeling the panic rise up inside of him. He had no clue why anyone would be shooting at them. He cringed, trying to crawl backward under the truck as the bullets kept coming.

“Why are we being shot at?” Bailey asked in a shrill tone.

“Fuck if I know,” Travis answered. “I haven’t slept with anyone’s husband…lately.”

Bailey gaped at Travis. “Are you serious?”

Travis shrugged.

Great, just great. Bailey was going to die because Travis was a horndog. That’s exactly what he wanted on his tombstone too. Just so everyone knew what an idiot Travis was. “You sleep with married men?”

“Never said I was perfect.”

Bailey wanted to punch the guy. He was already dealing with enough crap. He didn’t need to add Travis’s sordid life to the mix. He was half-tempted to throw his friend from under the truck and let the shooter have him.

Sirens could be heard far off and Bailey prayed the cops made it here in time. Bear must have called them. Bailey kept his head protected as shouting sounded all around him. He wasn’t a chicken by nature, but he knew a bullet was a bullet.

If he was hit by one of those, dead was dead.

The cop cars pulled up and chaos broke out. Bear warned Travis and Bailey to stay under the truck until the police gave the all clear. Bailey wasn’t going to argue with that. Thank fuck he wasn’t in full gear or he would have never fit under the truck in the first place.

After what felt like eons, Bear finally called for them to come out. Bailey scooted on his belly until he was clear, and then got to his feet. “Who was it?” he asked as he brushed a hand over his head, cursing when he saw how badly his hand was shaking.

“They haven’t found anyone,” Bear informed them. “We’re going to head back to the station while the cops do their job.”

Bailey was taken aback at Bear’s growl. One of the cops scowled at Bear and the chief flipped the cop off. “Fuckers think they can talk to me any way they want to.”

“I can haul you in!” the cop shouted at Bear.

“Try it,” Bear shouted back. “Just because you have a badge doesn’t mean you are god.”

Bailey climbed into the truck, ready to get out of there. He was shaking and needed time to himself to compose his nerves.

Bear stopped arguing and drove them back to the station. As soon as Bailey climbed from the truck and stripped his gear off, Jordan came rushing into the bay. He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but Jordan pulled Bailey into his arms, crushing him with a tight hug before the man began to rub himself all over Bailey. A heated blush crept across his face when his fellow firefighters snickered.

“What are you doing?” Bailey hissed.

“Are you hurt?” Jordan asked as he continued to rub his body over Bailey’s. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought that the man was marking him with his scent.

“No,” he answered. “Just a bit shaken up.”

“Get a room,” Flint shouted.

Bailey ignored the man as he pulled Jordan to the other side of the fire truck. Before he could say another word, Jordan planted a kiss on his lips that made Bailey’s cock ramrod straight. Jordan pushed Bailey’s back into the fire truck, inserting his knee between Bailey’s legs.

“Not here,” Bailey moaned, but made no move to stop Jordan. “Are you nuts?”

“Just worried,” Jordan said as he kissed Bailey along his jaw. “Did they catch the shooter?”

Bailey tilted his head to the side, giving Jordan plenty of room to explore with his tongue. “How did you know about the shooter?”

“Word travels fast.”

Apparently. It hadn’t even been thirty minutes and Jordan had found out. Bailey dropped his jacket to the cement floor as he wrapped his arms around Jordan’s neck. “Are you going to fuck me right here in the bay?”

Jordan purred. It was the sexiest damn sound Bailey had ever heard. It rumbled up Jordan’s chest, vibrating against Bailey. He wanted to hear it again. The guy’s hands were all over Bailey, touching him everywhere.

He’d never had anyone this happy to see him. He felt another part of his wall crumble as Jordan kissed and nuzzled his neck.

“I need to put things away,” Bailey insisted as he halfheartedly pushed at Jordan’s chest.

“They can wait,” Jordan said as he nuzzled a particularly sensitive spot under Bailey’s chin. “I can’t.”

Bailey felt Jordan’s tongue swipe over the tender skin right under his ear and melted into a puddle of goo. “Okay.”

He couldn’t

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