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lessons from, 267

‘it could give me no more’, 279

censorship: see Breen office

Chaliapin, Fyodor, 357

Chaplin, Albert (C.’s uncle), 59

Chaplin, Charles (C.’s father),

C’s early memories of, 15–16, 20

and Louise, 33–40passim; C.

sees for last time, 58 ; death and

funeral of, 59–60

Chaplin, Charles, Junr (C.’s son),


Chaplin, Mrs (C’s mother), 14 ff.

passim; stage career, 17–20

struggle with poverty and ill-

health, 23 ff.; admitted to mental institution; 33, 69, 74–5, 81, 88,

132; goes to California, 249,

281–2; death, 283–4

Chaplin, Spencer (C’s uncle), 39

Chaplin, Sydney (C’s brother), 10,

13, 16, 23, 26–40, 51, 54, 67, 73,

74, 81, 82, 85–8, 92, 98, 99, 100–

102; joins Keystone Co., 157,

159; takes over C’s business

affairs, 172 ff.; on mergers, 220

with C. in Japan, 362 ff.; success

and retirement, 348

Chaplin, Sydney (C.’s son), 283

Chaplinesque (Hart Crane’s poem), 246

Charcoate (vaudeville hypnotist),


Chartwell (home of Sir Winston

Churchill), 333–5

chase, the (in comedy films),

‘I hated it’, 143; Lehrman’s

addiction to, 148

Chekhov, Anton, and emotion in the theatre, 252

Cherrill, Virginia, 323


C’s first impressions of, 125–7;

Essanay studio at, 161, 164

crowds greet C. at, 177

children, C’s, 235, 284, 448

children as actors, C. on, 232

Chou En-Iai, C. and, 471–2

Churchill, Randolph, 333

Chirchill, Sir Winston, 332–5, 337,


City Lights, 208, 209, 322–9, 337,


Clarissa(Wm. Gillette’s play), 89


Clark, Bert, 225

Clark, William A. (railroad magnate), 185–6

class distinctions, C.’s views on, 133

clergy, C’s opinion of the, 339

clog-dancing, as C’s first stage

work, 42–4

close-up (film technique), C. on the, 152

Coal Hole, the (public house, London), 82

Cochet, Henri, 344, 356

Cocteau, Jean (‘we had a glut of each other’), 380–82

Cohan Theatre (New York), 326–7

Conn, Harry (of Columbia Pictures), 183

coincidences, C. on, 343–4

Collier, Constance, 194–7, 217, 420passim,

217, 420

Collins, Josie, 180

Collins, Canon Lewis, 339

coloured photography, C’s ‘abhorrence

of, 278

comedy, distinction from humour, 210

comedy ‘business’, importance of an ‘attitude’ in, 146

Committee on Un-American Activities, 439, 458

Connelly, Marc, 251

Connolly, Cyril, 428

Coogan, Jackie, 230–33; ‘sensational’

in The Kid, 249; his earnings,


Cooper, Miriam, 156

Copeau, Jacques, 276

costume of C’s ‘tramp’ character,

origin of idea for, 145; ‘it imbued

me with the character’, 147

Coward, Noël, 473

Cowl, Jane, 257

Coyne, Frank (comedian), 47

Crane, Hart, 244, 245–6

Craney-Gatts, Mrs (Amer, millionairess), 186


C’s belief in his, 149; ‘made films

exciting’, 154

Cripps, Sir Stafford, 388

Crocker, Harry, 284, 312, 315, 415–16, 452, 464

Crowninshield, Frank, 243

Cunningham Reid, W., 359

Cure, The, Nijinsky watches shooting of,1 91–2

Curtiss, Glenn, 186

dancing lessons, C. gives,10, 66

Dando, Arthur (of Karno’s troupe), 139–40

Dandy Thieves, The(Karno sketch), 122

Davenport, Dorothy, 154

Davies, Marion, 303; and W. R.

Hearst, 303 ff., 319

‘Death Valley Scottie’, 185–6

Debussy, Claude-Achille, 113

De Mille, Cecil B., 173, 218

Depression, the (1930s)

C. and, 324, 371; the U.S.A. in,


Dexter, Elliott, 226

Diaghilev, Sergei, 192

Dillon Read & Co., 292

Dog’s Life, A, 208, 213, 218

Dolly Sisters, the (‘sensationally beautiful’), 155

Dolores, 243

Doro, Marie (‘Oh God, she was

beautiful’), 88–91, 217–18, 280

Dough and Dynamite, C directs for

Keystone, 157

Douglass, Major H., C’s interest in his Social Credit scheme, 324, 350

Doyle, Jack (boxer), 186

Dreiser, Theodore, 429

Dressler, Marie, 157, 214

Drew, John, 174, 256

Dukas, Helene (Einstein’s secretary), 316

Duke of York’s Theatre (London), C. plays at, 89–91, 217

Dunville, T. E., 46

Durant, Tim, 382, 407, 410, 414

Durant, Will, 448

Duse, Eleonora (‘greatest actress I have ever seen’), 194, 255

Early Birds (Karno sketch), 73, 92

Eastman, Crystal, 280

Eastman, Max, 209, 244, 280

Edendale, Los Angeles, Keystone Co.’s studios at, 141–2 education,

C’s impressions and early experiences

of, 40–41; ‘I wanted to

educate myself, 123; see also


Edward, Prince of Wales,

and W. R. Hearst, 315; C. stays

with: ‘a charming host’, 356–8

Eglevsky, André, 447

Eight Lancashire Lads (clog-dancing troupe), C. joins the, 42–5

Einstein, Albert, 316–19; weeps at

City Lights, 327; see also Relativity

Einstein, Mrs Albert, 316–19

Eisenstein, Sergei, 250, 319–20

Eisler, Hanns, 391–2, 428, 439, 442

Elliott, Maxine, 174, 188

Ellsworth, Elmer, 144, 153

Elstree: ‘Where’s that?’, 330

Emerson, John (Herbert Tree’s film director), 195

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, C. discovers writings of, 134

empathy in acting, C. on, 255

Emperor Jones (Eugene O’Neill),


Empress Theatre, Los Angeles,

Karno sketch ‘a howling success

at’, 139

Ervine, St John, 278

Essanay Company, C. and, 160–74;

for list of C’s films see p.478

Eton, C’s impressions of, 346–8 exhibitors (’ rugged merchants’), 219

Exmouth(training ship), C’s brother

in, 31–2

Fadiman, Clifton (of Columbia Broadcasting System), 411

Fairbanks, Douglas, Snr, 195, 197 200; and Mary Pickford, 198,

199, 288–90, 372; and’Liberty

Bonds, 213–17 passim; and

Shoulder Arms, 219; and film

companies’ mergers, 221; and

United Artists, 221–3; with C. at

St Moritz, 360–61 ; C’s last meeting

with, 388–9

Fairbanks, Douglas, Junr, 389, 448,


faith, C. on, 287

family origins, C’s, 16, 108

fanmail becomes ‘a problem’, 172

Farrar, Geraldine, 181

Fealy, Maude, 184–5

Fauchtwanger, Lion, 384, 425, 428,


Fields family (C’s London neighbours),


Fifth Avenue Theatre (New York), The Wow-wows a success at, 124 film-cutting, C. on, 149 film-directing, C. and, 152, 205–6,


film-making, C. on, 250 ff

film plots, basis of C.’s comedy in,


First National Films, 203 ; disagreement

over The Kid, 237; ‘came to

me-theirhats in their hands’,

241 ; ‘I wanted to be rid of them’,

291, 91 ; for list of films see p.479

first stage and film appearances,

C’s18, 148

First World War, 158, 209; U.S.A.

and, 212, 223–4

Fiske, Mrs (Amer, actress), 257

Flower, Sir Archibald, 358

flower-selling, C. tries (as a boy), 60

Folies Bergère, C. plays at the,

108 ff.

Football Match, The(Karno sketch)

C. plays opposite Harry Weldon in, 98–101 ; gets Weldon’s part

in, 114

Ford, Miss Rachel (C’s business

manager), 465

Forester’s Music Hall (Mile End

Road, London), C. ‘gets the bird’

at, 95–6

Fort Belvedere, C. at, 357–8

fortune-telling, C. and, 129–30

Foster, Margaret (wife of Dudley

Field Malone), 244

Frampton, George, 268

Frank, Waldo, 244, 245, 276

Friganza, Trixie, 257

Fulmuller, Dr von, 353–4

Furness, Thelma, Lady, 356

Gandhi, Mahatma, Winston Churchill on, 334; C. meets, 335–7

Gandhi, Mrs, 470

Garfield, John, 403–4

Garrick Club (London), famous

men and treacle pudding for C. at,


Gatti-Casazza, Giulio, 182

George, Prince (of Greece), 276

George I, King (of Greece), at

Sherlock Holmes play, 90

George V, King (of England), 271

Geraghty, Tom, 199

Germany, C. in, 275, 353 ‘getting the bird’, C’s only experience of,


Getty, Paul, 422

Giannini, A. P. (banker), 186

Giesler, Jerry (C’s lawyer in paternity suit), 417 ff.

Gilbert, John (‘Jack’), 186, 307

Gillette, William, 82, 88–9, 90

Gish sisters, the, 156 glass-blower, C’s job as a, 61

Glyn, Elinor, 200, 201–2, 303, 313,


Goddard, Paulette, 375 ff.; C. marries,

380; ‘a widening breach’,

382, 387, 400–401

Godowsky, Leopold, 91

Gold Rush, The,208, 209, 223;

original idea for, 299–300 ; grosses

6 million dollars, 300; C’s

collapse follows, 300

Goldwyn, Samuel, 226, 285; his

assessment of C, 291 golf: ‘a game I loathe’, 102

Goodwin, Nat, 156; ‘the greatest’,

174; advises C. ‘keep off Broadway’,

174, 178

Gordon, Harry (of First National

Films), 241–3

Gould, Frank J., 115, 348

Grauman, Sid, 128, 134; his ‘foot-

prints-in-cement’ scheme, 184

Graves, George (comedian), 92

Gray, Tippy, 419, 420, 421,


Great Dictator, The, 386 ff., 443;

plagiarism suit over, 445–6

Greet Hetty (’hundred

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