My Autobiography, Charles Chaplin [books to read in your 20s .TXT] 📗

- Author: Charles Chaplin
Book online «My Autobiography, Charles Chaplin [books to read in your 20s .TXT] 📗». Author Charles Chaplin
Green, Mr and Mrs (of the Sherlock
Holmes company), 82
Green Room Club (London), H. A.
Saintsbury engages C. at, 77
Greene, Graham, 467
Greenwich Village, C. in, 244, 245–7
Griffith, D. W., 129; ‘a genius’, 173;
and film company mergers, 221 ;
and time-saving in films, 250
Griffith Brothers, the (trapeze clowns), 47
Guest, Maurice, 180–82 Gus Edwards’ School Days(U.S.A.
music hall act), 123
Hackett, Walter, 268
Hahn, Greta, 83
Hamilton, C. E. (Charles Froh-
man’s manager), 77
Hardwicke, Sir Cedric, 408–9
Harley, Lily (stage name of C’s
mother), 21
Harlow, Jean, 186
Harrington, Tom, 225–8 passim,
236, 249
Harris, Frank, 239, 280–81; and
H. G. Wells, 278
Harris, Jed, 255 Harris, Mildred, 226; C. maries,
227–8; ‘we were mismated’:
separation and divorce, 236 ff.
Hart, W. S., 221
Haskil, Clara, 472
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, C. and works of, 135
Hazlitt, William, C. and works of, 135, 325, 447
Hearst, Millicent (wife of W. R. Hearst), 305, 308–9
Hearst, Phoebe (mother of W. R. Hearst), 304
Hearst, William Randolph, 304 ff.,
319, 332, 384
Hearst Productions, 314 Hell’s Angels(Howard Hughes’ film), 186
Henshaw, Judge (bead of Liberty Bond Committee), 214–16
Hergesheimer, Joseph, 200
Hill, Charles (C’s grandfather), 16,
Hill, Mrs Charles (C’s grandmother), 16
Hillman, Sidney, 404
Hindrum, Captain (at C’s school), 30
Hirschfeld, Albert, 363–4
His New Job(C’s first Essanay
film), 166
His Night Out(C’s Essanay film), 169
His Prehistoric Past(C’s Keystone film), 154, 160
Hitler, Adolf,
W. R. Hearst’s interview with, 316; C’s view of, 316; as idea for
The Great Dictator, 386
hog-raising, C. considers, 125
as Mecca for writers, 200; ‘every-one in the hotel looked lost’,
201 ; C.returns to, 372, 374
‘Honest Joe’: see Schenck, Joe
Honeysuckle and the Bee,The (song), C. and, 37
Hong Kong, C. in, 379
Honolulu, C. in, 203, 379
Hoover, Edgar, 419
Hoover, Herbert, 373, 395–8
Hopkins, Harry, 393 hop-picking, C’s brother goes,
Horns, the (public house, Kenning-ton), 9, 97; C revisits, 265
Horowitz, Vladimir, 390
horses, C’s attitude to, 199, 271
House of All Nations (Chicago brothel),
Hughes, Howard, 186 humour, C. on, 148; distinction
from comedy, 210
Huxley, Aldous, 428 hypnotism, C. and, 169–70
Hyton, Charlie, 296–7
Ibanez, Blasco, 200 Idle Class, The (C’s film), 258–9
Immigrant, The(C’s film), 208
Ince, Thomas, 156, 294; death of,
Inge, the Very Rev. W. R. (Dean Inge), G. B. Shaw’s anecdote on,
Ingersoll, R.: ‘his Essays and Lectures
an exciting discovery’, 134
intellect and emotion in the theatre,
C. on, 250 ff.
Irving, Sir Henry,
C. at funeral of, 91; and Nat Goodwin, 174; ‘noble, sensitive’, 258.
Irving, Washington, C. and works of, 135
Ivan the Terrible:’the acme of all historical pictures’, 320
Jack Jones (music-hall song), C. and, 18
Jackson family (of the Eight Lancashire Lads), 43 ff., 349
Jail Birds (Karno sketch), 92
Japan, C. in, 362–71, 380
Jeffers, Robinson, 384
Jim, the Romance of a Cockney
H. A. Saintsbury’s melodrama),
C.’s part in, 77–81
jobs, C’s earliest, 60–64, 71–3
Johnson, Dr Hewlett, C’s view of, 339
joke-book, C. uses a, 95
Jolson, Al, C. on 256
Joyce, Peggy Hopkins, 293–4
Karno, Fred, 73, 92, 116 ; as a comedian, 98;
engages C. for Harry
Weldon sketch, 98–101, 114; and
Mumming Birds, 103, 114, 116;
popularity of his shows in
America, 121; C. on his house
boat, 133
Karno, Fred, Junr, 140
Kay Kay (C.’s children’s nurse), 466
Kelly, Arthur (Hetty’s brother), 137, 263
Kelly, Hetty, C. and, 103–7, 115–16, 259, 263
Kendal, Mr and Mrs, C. turns down a part with, 91
Kessel, Charles, 138–9
Kessel and Bauman (Amer, film producers), 138, 159
Keynes, John Maynard, 331
Keystone Film Company, C. joins, 138 ff.; ‘a wrench leaving’, 161; see also Sennett,
Mack. For list of films see
Khrushchev, Nikita, C’s meeting with, 467–9
Kid, The, 230–35; C.’s disagreement
with First National over, 237;
trial showings of, 238, 242–3;‘
proclaimed a classic’, 249–50
Kinsey-Taylor, Dr, C. as pageboy to, 61
Kitchen, Fred (comedian), 92
Kitchener, Field Marshal Lord, C. and, 91
Klieg lights, 157
Knoblock, Edward, 260, 261, 268, 269, 272
knowledge, C.’s motives for ‘passionately wanting’, 134
Kono (C’s Japanese secretary), 366 ff. passim
Korda, Sir Alexander, 386
Leemmle, Carl, 160, 316
Lambeth Workhouse, 25–7
Larkin, Jim, 280–81
Laski, Harold, 341
Laughing Gas, C. directs for Keystone, 157
Lawson, John, 429
Legion of Decency, and Monsieur Verdoux, 429, 438; see also Breen office.
Legion of Honour, C. as member of, 275, 353
Lehrman, Henry (Keystone film director), 144; ‘thought I knew too much’, 145; ‘mutilated my funny business’, 145, 148
Leno, Dan, 47, 132
‘Lestock, the Dashing Eva’, 56–7
Lewis, Sinclair, 408
Liberty Bond Drives (U.S.A.), C.
and the, 213–17
life, C’s views on, 199–200, 206, 210,287,290
Lillie, Beatrice, 303
Limelight, 257, 447, 449, 452–3,
458–9, 463
Lipton, Sir Thomas, 310–11
literature, C.’s interest in, 48, 244;
see also entries for individual
Lloyd, Harold, 171
Lloyd, Marie, 47
Locke, William J., 200
Lockhart’s tea rooms (London), C.’s memories of, 62
London, C.’s early life in, 13 ff.;
revisits the old homes in, 259 if.
London Topical Times, C.’s good notice in, 81
loneliness, C. and, 82, 137, 177, 287,
372, 375, 426; ‘it is repellent’,
180; ‘much has been written
about my loneliness’, 266
Louis Ferdinand, grandson of the Kaiser, 373
Louise (C.’s father’s mistress), 33–40, 87
love affairs, C.’s, 41, 103 ff., 134, 156, 352, 354–6, 361
Lucas, E. V., 268
Luce, Clare Boothe, 448–9
Ludwig, Emil, 351
Lusitania, s.s., sinking of the, 212
Lutyens, Sir Edwin, 268, 271–2
Mabel’s Strange Predicament (C.’s
early Keystone film), 148–9
McCarthy family (Kenningtonneighbours),11, 66–8
McCormick, Anne O’Hare, 396
MacDonald, Malcolm, 337
MacDonald, Ramsay, 332, 338
Mack, Charlie, 198
McKay, Claude (Jamaican poet), 280
Madison’s Budget (Amer, joke-book), 95
Maeterlinck, Madame, 260
Male and Female (De Mille film), 173
Malone, Dudley Field, 244, 246, 403
Manchester: ‘cataleptic’ on Sunday, 358–9
Mann, Thomas, 316, 384, 428, 440
Manoir de Ban (C.’s home in Switzerland), 465
Manon, Charlie, C.’s brother joins troupe, 92
Mao Tse-tung, 472
Marceline (French clown), 45–6;
suicide, 46
Marriage Circle, The (Lubitsch film), 295
marriages, C.’s, 228, 300, 380
Mary, Queen, inspiration for her
doll’s house, 272
Masefield, John, 303
Maugham, W. Somerset, 200; C. on
Rain, 127, 200; C. corrects his
quotation of C.’s comments,
266–7; his output, 384
Maxwell, Elsa, 276
Mayer, Louis B., and Mildred
Harris’s contract, 229
Mead, Senator James M., 405
Meighan, Thomas, 202; and Edna
Purviance, 204–5
Melba, Dame Nellie, 191
Menjou, Adolphe, 295
mergers of film-producing companies,
Merry Major, The (sketch), C. plays
juvenile lead in, 97
‘Method’ school of acting, C. on
the, 254–5
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co., 229;
and Hearst Productions, 314
Meyer, Walter (Einstein’s assistant), 316
‘million-dollar carpet’, the (Alexandria Hotel,
Los Angeles), 183–4
millionaires, C. on, 306
Miracle, The (Reinhardt’s spectacle),
Miss Priscilla’s Cat (C.’s comedy
recitation, as a boy), 41
Mr Perkins, M.P. (Karno sketch),
Mizner, Wilson, 217
Modern Times, 209; original idea
for, 377–8; ‘a great success’, 382
Molnár, Erik, and emotion in the
theatre, 252
money, C. and,
‘like an avalanche… frightening’,
174; ‘it all seemed slightly mad’,
188; ‘it was legendary’, 189;
‘the delights of, 261
Monsieur Verdoux, 412–13, 426;censorship and, 429 ff.; sequences
from script of, 430–36; opening
of, 443–4
Montagu, Ivor, 319, 467
Monterey, Carlotta, 155
Moore, Alexander, 311
Moore, George, 448–9
Morgan, Anne (daughter of J. P. Morgan), 272–3, 275–6
Morris, Gouverneur, 200; on The Kid, 233–4
Mirros, William (Amer, theatre-owner), 121 ; C.
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