Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Peter Longerich
Book online «Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗». Author Peter Longerich
grandparent was to be considered ‘non-Aryan’. 30
The Professional Civil Service Law marked the point at which the legal
equality of Jews across the Reich that had been in force since its foundation in
1871 was finally shattered, and it heralded the step-by-step revision of their
emancipation. The law also marked a significant infringement of the traditional
rights and privileges of the civil service, which were constitutionally protected
but, since the Enabling Act, liable to suspension. Whilst the political ‘cleansing’
of the civil service represented a measure that was not out of line with the kind of
personnel changes that usually accompany a change of regime, the dismissal of
civil servants ‘of non-Aryan descent’ was something completely new: a racial
criterion was being used to rob part of the civil service of the constitutionally
guaranteed status that formed such an important element of the German
tradition of the servant of the state. The fact that such a racially motivated
political intervention in the existing legal system was accepted by the service
meant a significant victory for the NSDAP in its attempt to subjugate the
conservative state apparatus that was so wedded to the principle of the consti-
tutional state founded on the rule of law.
The imposition of the ‘Aryan principle’ in public administration during the
next few weeks was perfected using further legal measures. In the months that
followed some 50 per cent of a total of about 5,000 Jewish civil servants were
deprived of their jobs by the new laws. 31
Displacement from Public Life, 1933–4
The elimination of Jewish civil servants was undertaken by the new government
simultaneously with the exclusion of Jewish members of the legal profession from
the legal system. Yet more wide-reaching plans to prevent even Jewish doctors
from exercising their profession failed initially because of resistance from the
Chancellor, Hitler, who did not consider such plans as opportune at that point. 32
Whilst the law concerning admission to the legal profession passed on 7 April33
did indeed determine that lawyers ‘of non-Aryan descent’ should lose their right
to practise their profession, there were the same exemptions made as in the
professional civil service law. As a result of these regulations more than 40 per
cent of the Jewish notaries and almost 60 per cent of the Jewish lawyers in the
largest German state, Prussia, were initially able to continue to practise. They
were, however, subject to innumerable obstacles put in place by the Party, which
went as far as forcibly expelling them from court buildings, which happened
several times in the spring of 1933. 34
Jews in other professions regulated by the state, like patent lawyers and
accountants, were soon hit by similar measures. Doctors and dentists were
excluded from practising in the health insurance system. 35 The ‘Law against the Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities’ also imposed a quota on the
numbers of Jewish pupils and students that could be accepted. 36 Jewish school and university students were subsequently discriminated against in many ways and
were excluded from certain activities such as participation in sport. 37
The National Socialists also took special measures to exclude Jews from the
cultural life of the nation. As early as 30 January the former senior functionary of
the National Socialist Campaign Group for German Culture, Hans Hinkel, was
made ‘Commissar without portfolio’ in the Prussian Ministry of Culture and
given the task of ‘removing Jews from cultural life’. In April, Goering directed
his attentions to the theatre in particular by making him Head of the Prussian
Theatrical Commission. 38 In March and April, as part of the familiar interplay of Party grass-roots ‘campaigns’ and administrative measures, National Socialist
rallies led to theatrical performances and concerts by Jewish artists being dis-
rupted and Jewish musicians and theatre directors being dismissed. 39
On 6 April 1933 Hitler once more voiced his public support for this policy, at a
reception for leading medical officials, where he explained that ‘the immediate
eradication of the excess of Jewish intellectuals from the cultural and intellectual
life of Germany is necessary if justice is to be done to Germany’s natural right to
an intellectual leadership appropriate to its own kind’. 40
The middle of April saw the beginning of the ‘campaign against un-German
thinking’ in most universities, where members of the National Socialist Student
League systematically combed through the holdings of private lending libraries.
On 10 May in many German cities works by left-wing, pacifist, and ‘morally
corrosive’ authors were burned alongside the works of Jewish writers and
scientists. 41
Racial Persecution, 1933–1939
There was a temporary shift in the persecution of the Jews at the beginning
of July 1933 when Hitler proclaimed the end of the ‘National Socialist Revo-
lution’ in a speech to the Reichstatthalter, those established by the new regime
as the governors of the individual German states. 42 For reasons of foreign, domestic, and economic policy the regime felt compelled to rein in the
violence of the SA with the result that attacks on Jews and Jewish property
were moderated once more. But the government’s intention to find a com-
prehensive solution to the ‘Jewish question’ was interrupted after only a few
months. Of the three major legislative programmes announced in early July
by Hans Pfundtner, Permanent Secretary in the Reich Ministry of the Inter-
ior, 43 only one, the sterilization law, was to find its way into cabinet discussions, whilst the two anti-Jewish projects he had listed—a Citizenship Law
and a law for the ‘Purification and Continuing Purity of German Blood’—
were postponed. Nonetheless, the July 1933 law concerning the revocation of
naturalization and deprivation of citizenship, did come into force. 44 It was especially important in that it created the legal foundations for removing
from the Reich the ‘Ostjuden’ or Eastern European Jews who had entered
since the end of the First World War, by depriving them of their German
Hitler explained what had originally been much more extensive planning in the
area of racial legislation and the reasons for its temporary postponement in a
speech to the Reichstatthalter conference on 29 September 1933:
He, the Chancellor, would have preferred to move gradually towards stepping up the rigour with which the Jews in Germany were treated, by creating first of all a nationality law and using this as the basis for ever harsher approaches to the Jews. However, the boycott
provoked by the Jews had necessitated immediate counter-measures of the severest kind.
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