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it sinks its teeth into a meal. I feel more like a prizethan a person. Wolf does not notice my concern, adding, “You arewrong in thinking that Condor does not value you. He would neverlet me just trade to gain you; he’d not rest until my head wasstaked outside your fence.” Wolf’s fingers graze my cheek and neck,slowly drifting to my collarbone and back. “Although, that is abattle I would fight zealously. For now, the fact that you wouldeven consider making this switch to my pack gives me hope.” Heleans over to kiss my forehead, his words as soft as his lips. “Iwill have you as my beta, mark my words. Nor have I forgotten thatyou owe me an unmasked kiss, my Lupe.”

“Lupe? That’s new,” Inotice, a warmth growing in my heart as I realize that my harshnessyesterday has not damaged our friendship beyond repair.

“It will be your name whenyou gain your mask in my pack. Lupe, another name for a wolf. Iwant you as my equal.”

It is a tender gesture, anunexpected kindness that I had not realized Wolf possessed beforethis moment. He has been very good tome, I admit as I lean into his chestwillingly. He has protected me far morethan those in my own House. Maybe I can find a way to get over hisclaws and horrible mask.

Antero clears his throat awkwardly. Ihave no idea how many times he has already tried to break into ourconversation. I have been so consumed by Wolf’s presence that I hadforgotten everything else but him. “My mask? What will I be? Arethere any rules as to what you choose?”

“I’ve already chosen foryou. In the forest before I cut your arm, an animal spared my life.That creature will be what you become,” I answer, my hand reachingto Wolf’s neck, just below his mask. While I still shudder at thesight of the carcass, I manage to tickle the edges of the furwithout shuddering. He catches my hand in his own, a grin liftingthe corners of his mouth.

“The cougar?”

“In Cassé, we call thempanthers,” I correct him quickly. “That word, cougar, is ofDéchets. Use names like that here, and they will see right throughyou.” Clenching Wolf’s hand, I worry aloud. “Will we be able to gethim past Wren? Simple vocabulary slips like that will be enough toput him wise to our trail of lies.”

“Is it really such a bigdeal?” Antero whines at me. “Cougar, panther, it’s the sameanimal.”

“Yeah, but you don’t knowWren,” Wolf replies for me, my irritation at the boy causing myeyes to see red. “We’ll come up with a story that would explain hisunusual word choices. Something about living near the Devil’sSpine, interacting with the Déchets guards at theborders.”

“Fine, Panther,” Anterosnaps, agitated by my words. “But won’t the rest of the House ofLions realize that they did not have me in theiralliance?”

“It’s a pretty largegroup, at least one hundred or more, I would wager. I have a couplefriends already in the House that are trustworthy, discreet. Theywill vouch for you if I ask them to.” Wolf’s eyes have not left me;I can feel his gaze leaving heated trails along my skin. He raisesmy hand to his lips once more, kissing the knuckle of my left ringfinger. In the days before our lands were destroyed, that fingerhad been where a wedding band was worn. This action seems morepossessive than a piece of metal jewelry ever could to me. “I askyou to give me a head start before you take him into your House,”Wolf asks, his fingers tightening around mine. “Let me prepare mypeople for the battle so that they are not ambushed.”

“How long do you want meto wait?”

“Give me until the eveningat least.” Wolf drops my hand, all at once becoming the leaderprotecting his people. “We maintain our camps with the knowledgethat a battle might arise, so the preparations will be few.Besides, you need a little time to get him ready. The eveningshould be enough for us.”

I reach up to touch a small bare patchof skin over Wolf’s heart. “Be careful,” I answer with a lump in mythroat.

“I also ask that you meetme here in the woods every now and again while our houses are atwar. Just to make certain that you are still safe.” With my nod ofassent, Wolf rises and lopes off to his pack, not bothering to sayany more.

When I manage to face Antero, a hardtone colors my words. “I will use my control over you any time thatI need to keep you out of trouble. Be warned before you commit tothis path—you will most likely do unspeakable things. Know that Iwill not heinously abuse you, but I will do whatever is necessaryfor us all to survive. Even if you do not agree with what Icommand, you will obey.” I wait as Antero stares at me, judging hisreaction. To my surprise he is not as outraged as I expect him tobe. Instead, he is calm, his next words even keeled in histone.

“What supplies do we needto create my mask?”

“First, I need answers,” Icommand. Speak the truth,I whisper into his mind, his body growing stiffas I issue my questions. “What were you doing in Cassé? You had tohave a reason to show up in this land.”

Antero rebels against my controlimmediately. It is visible in the clenching of his teeth, theballing up of his fists. My orders, however hard he struggles,cannot be denied.


The words come flowing from Antero’smouth, hatred building in his eyes. “I am searching for the landthat you call the Pith.”


I see blood staining his teeth, nodoubt from where Antero has bitten his own tongue in an effort notto speak. “I am a lowly priest in Déchets, but I am also born to aprominently ranking family. My father believes your Pith holds aweapon we have been searching for, a means to eradicate all thepeople from Cassé.”

My head reels at thepossibility. “No one goes to the Pith,” I repeat, the wordssuddenly in question. Why is the Pith offlimits? I have always assumed it isbecause it is barren, but what if there is something

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