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the steps to inspect my newcomer. “So,Wolf’s not enough for you now? Gotta bring your toys home too? Thisone’s practically a child, Mynah,” Condor hisses, leaning closeenough that his mouth grazes my ear. “Anytime you want a real man,you know where I am.”

“I seek asylum,” Pantherinterjects, and I tighten my grip on his arm, cursing hisinitiative. Asylum is a word of Déchets,you fool!

“Asylum?” Condor lets outa whistle. “Been over the Devil’s Spine, have you?”

This time, Panther waits for me toanswer, and I struggle not to kick him. “He was a trader for Lionnear the mountains’ border. Probably picked it up there,” I lie,trying not to look at Wren, who is hovering by the door. Oneglance, one hiccupped breath, one flex of the jaw, and he will knowthat I am being untruthful. I keep my eyes on Condor’s mask,praying I do not react to my words.

“So, what’s he doinghere?” Condor’s patience is growing thin already. His boots tap onthe ground with resounding thumps.

“I do not want to be inWolf’s pack,” Panther murmurs. “Not after he killed Lion the waythat he did.”

“And just how did Liondie, Panther?” Wren challenges as he draws closer, sniffing out thetruth almost like a hound searching for blood. By the way hewatches Panther, I am certain that Wren suspects something to beamiss.

Wolf removed his mask andhis people killed him. I feed the story toPanther quickly through the bond. Tell himthat exactly. Nothing else.

Panther complies, and a howl oflaughter erupts from Condor as he pulls me into a bone crushingembrace. “Damn it all, Mynah! Just when I decide that you are awaste of space, you do something useful like this!”

Wren sulks as he sits on the porchswing, not quite convinced but not pushing his luck either. Iwrench Condor’s arm as his hands get too personal for my liking,relishing the satisfaction of him dropping to his knees as I bendhis wrist to the edge of breaking. “You have never thought suchlies about me. We both know that I am one of the best you have. Donot touch me, Condor. I am not in the mood.”

When I let go of his arm, he catchesmy throat. “You want to challenge me?” He tightens his hold until Icannot breathe. “You really want to do this?”

Out of the corner of myeye, I see Panther twitch. No,Antero, I command. Stay still. Condor’s been waiting for this moment for a fewweeks now. Let him stay focused on me, and he’s less likely toquestion you further. Do nothing.

“What are you going to do,Mynah?” Condor uses his height against me, raising his hand aroundmy throat until I am standing on my toes.

“Is this what gets youoff?” I croak, knowing exactly what response I will receive.“Overpowering a woman when she brings you exactly the kind ofleverage you want. You are pathetic, Condor.” Lights explode behindmy eyes as he backhands my jaw. I land in a heap at Panther’s feet.A kick to my ribs snaps a bone, and I yelp with the impact. Anotherjab bloodies my nose.

Don’t move, Antero,I repeat as pain lances up my arm. Condor standson my wrist, rolling his weight back and forth as he grinds my limbinto the ground. “You know, you’d be a wonderful second if you’dever learn to control that mouth of yours.”

“Shhh…don’t let Falconhear that.” I cough up blood with my laughter.

“Do you have a death wish?Have I made your life so miserable?” Condor asks, leaning down so Ican see his disapproving glare. Quietly, so the rest of theonlookers do not hear, he asks, “Why do you always have to makethings so difficult?”

“Why Condor, if I didn’tknow any better, I’d think you truly cared about me! But that’scrazy, isn’t it? After all, the only person you truly love isyourself!” Then a blow to my head steals my consciousness away, andI fall into blissful sleep.

When I wake, I am lying exactly whereI had fallen the night before, groaning as my body is frozen withpain and cold morning dew. My left eye is swollen shut, and mylower teeth feel wobbly in my gums. On the back of my wrist bits ofgravel have set themselves into my skin, and I pick them away likebloody jewels being extracted from their bezels by a masterjeweler.

“Are you okay?” Warblercries from the threshold, tiptoeing to see me better. “Creeper, gohelp Mynah inside.”

I hear a soft giggle as Creeper jumpsfrom the porch. He drops to my side, leering as he looks me over.“Pretty Mynah! Pretty bird! How I’d love to hear you sing!” Hecackles once more, his fingers twitching as he inchescloser.

“Touch me in any way thatI find offensive, and I will give you twice over what I was givenlast night,” I grumble, my voice hoarse from the cold nightair.

“No fun!” Creeper moans,but he is careful to keep his hands on my shoulders and under myknees. I still feel like I have been violated just by hisnearness.

He slowly helps carry me up the steps,every footfall jarring the breath from my lungs. He sets me down assoon as we are on the porch, and I cannot get away from him quicklyenough. When he walks by Warbler, I watch in horror as he brushes ahand over her hair. “Thank you, Creeper. You have pleased me,”Warbler whispers, her voice growing soft. It reminds me of the toneI’d use when speaking to a lover, and the thought makes my bloodrun cold.

“Reward tonight?” Creeperasks, his fingers brushing Warbler’s shoulders. Warbler nods once,and Creeper grins widely, holding the door open for us.

“Let’s get you inside,”Warbler addresses me, her words reminding me of an overprotectivemother who’s just discovered her child has a freshly scrapedknee.

“Please tell me that youand Creeper are not together,” I mumble as I slump gingerly on aripped chair. As I sink into its tattered leather, I cannot helpbut wince. My ribs feel as though my lungs are two large birds,beating against their cages in search of escape.

“Creeper, go upstairs toyour room,” Warbler calls out before answering my questions. Heruns his hands over her hair one final time before he disappearsupstairs, a giggle accenting his

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