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quiver full, 824. man 's without a shirt, 8. mixtures of happy days, 554. never so, as we suppose, 794. pair live while ye may, 233. soul that all the way, 259. that have called thee so, 508. the man and happy he alone, 273. the man whose wish, 334. to the unhappy owe, what the, 343. walks and shades, 239. was it for that son, 95. who in his verse, can steer, 799. why so few marriages are, 291. years, ah, 541. Harass the distrest, 366. Harbinger, springtime's, 199. Harbingers of blood and death, 126. to heaven, 221. Harbour give, in life did, 178. [971]Hard a keeping oath, sworn too, 54. crab-tree, 211. long is the way and, 227. nothing so, but search will find it, 203. their lot, how, 672. to part when friends are dear, 433. to please everybody, 712. to please, uncertain coy and, 490. way of transgressors is, 826. Hardship, life of danger and, 537. Hardships prevent melancholy, 373. Hardens all within, 448. Hardest-timbered oak, 94. Hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve, 131. Hare, hold with the, 12. mad as a March, 18, 790. to run with the, 33. to start a, 84. Hark from the tombs, 303. hark the lark, 159. the shrill trumpet sounds, 296. they whisper, 334. Harm me, fate cannot, 461. win us to our, 116. Harmes two the lesse, of, 5. Harmless as doves, 839. day, entertains the, 174. earth, bowels of the, 83. flaming meteor, 261. necessary cat, 64. pleasure, stock of, 369. Harmonies, concerted, 580. Harmonious numbers, 230. sound on golden hinges, 236. whose touch, 367. Harmoniously confused, 333. Harmony for thee O universe, 752. heaven drowsy with, the, 56. heavenly, 271. hidden soul of, 249. in her bright eye, 259. in immortal souls, 65. like deep, enforce attention, 81. not understood, 316. of circumstances, 706. of shape, air and, 287. of the universe, 409. of the world, her voice the, 31. sentimentally disposed to, 509. to harmony, 271. touches of sweet, 65. Harness, dead in his, 837. him that girdeth on his, 816. on our back, die with, 126. Haroun Alraschid, good, 623. Harp, high-born Hoel's, 383. in divers tones, 631. of life, love took up the, 625. of Orpheus, 253. of thousand strings, 303. open palm upon his, 617. sings to one clear, 631. through Tara's halls, 519. Harps upon the willows, 824. Harper, wind that grand old, 667. Harping on my daughter, 133. Harpy-footed Furies, 228. Harrow up thy soul, 131. Harry the King Bedford, 92. with his beaver on, 86. Harsh as truth, I will be as, 605. the words of Mercury are, 57. Harshness gives offence, no, 324. Hart, like a youthful, 302. panteth after water brooks, 820. ungalled play, 138. Harvest, earth laughs with a, 597. of a quiet eye, 471. of the new-mown hay, 296. truly is plenteous, 839. Harvest-home, a stubble-land at, 83. Harvest-time of love, 508. Haste, I am always in, 359. make, the better foot before, 80. maketh waste, 9. married in, 295. mounting in hot, 542. one with moderate, 129. sweaty, 126. to be rich, 829. to repay an obligation, 795. to wed at leisure, wooed in, 72. Hasten to be drunk, 273. Hastening ills, prey to, 396. Hasty as fire deaf as the sea, 80. Hat, broad-brimmed, 352. by his cockle, 405. fashion of his, 50. it was not all a, 571. not the worse for wear, 417. that bows to no salaam, 586. the ultimum moriens of respectability, 638. three cornered, the old, 635. upon my head, with my, 375. Hats, shocking bad, 463. Hatched, chickens ere they are, 214, 791. to the woful time, 120. Hatches, his body 's under, 436. Hate a dumpy woman, 556. cherish those hearts that, 100. immortal, 223. in the like extreme, 345. Juno's unrelenting, 274. lost between us, no, 173. of hate scorn of scorn, 623. of those below, 543. thine enemy, 838. those you have injured, to, 747. your neighbour, 591. Hates that excellence, 355. Hated him, loved my country and, 555. needs but to be seen, to be, 317. with a hate, 558. Hater, he was a good, 375. Hathaway, angels must love Ann, 690. Hating David, not only, 268. no one love but her, 547. Hatred, love turned to, 294. Haughtiness of soul, 298. Haughty spirit before a fall, 826. Haunt, exempt from public, 67. Haunts in dale or mountain, 504. of men, the busy, 570. the guilty mind, suspicion, 95. Haunted holy ground, 541. [972]me like a passion, 467. spring and dale, from, 251. Have and to hold, 850. it so, you would, 798. naught venture naught, 15. we prize not what we, 53. Have-much and Have-little, 789. Havens, ports and happy, 80. Having nothing yet hath all, 174, 846. Havoc, cry, and let slip the dogs, 113. Hawk from a hand-saw, 134. Hawks, between two, 93. Hawthorn bush with seats, 395. in the dale, under the, 248. Hay, harvest of the new mown, 296. make, while the sun shines, 787. needle in a bottle of, 670. reposing himself in the, 400. when the sun shineth make, 10. Hazard of concealing, 448. of the die, I will stand the, 98.
He alone is blessed, 289. best can paint them, 333. comes too near, 193, 350. cometh unto you, 34. first deceased, 175. for God only, 232. knew what 's what, 8. may run that readeth, 836. that is down, 212, 266. that is not with me, 842. that is robbed, 154. that runs may read, 422. that wrestles with us, 411. He was the word that spake it, 177. who can call to-day his own, 273. Head and front of my offending, 149. beauteous honours on its, 337. buck of the first, 55. coals of fire on his, 828, 844. cover my, now, 584. crotchets in thy, thou hast some, 45. crown of his, 51, 173, 198. crown old winter's, 259. dissever from the fair, 326. eternal sunshine settles on its, 397. fame over his living, 565. fantastically carved, 90. fruitless crown upon my, 121. gently falling on thy, 302. gently lay my, 218. good gray, 627. green grass turf at his, 405. hairs of your, all numbered, 839. hands wings, 230. hang the pensive, 248. hangs his, for shame, 681. hat upon my, 375. heart may give a lesson to the, 422. heaven to the weary, 584. helmet for a blow on the, 764. here rests his, 386. hoary, is a crown of glory, 826. imperfections on my, 132. is as full of quarrels, 107. is fancy bred, in heart or, 63. is not more native to the heart, 127. is sick and the heart faint, 832. learned lumber in his, 325. less beloved, 547. lodgings in a, 210. nail on the, 20, 183. no roofe to shrowd his, 194. not where to lay his, 839. not yet completely silvered, 419. of the table, 790. of things, great, 717. off with a golden axe, 108. off with his, 97, 296. on horror's, 154. one small, 397. plays round the, 319. precious jewel in his, 67. repairs his drooping, 248. seems no bigger than his, 148. silent doctor shook his, 349. silvered o'er by time, 419. so many books upon his, 457. so young a body so old a, 64. some less majestic, 547. stroked with a slipper, 703. sweet tooth in his, 33. that wears a crown, 89. the wise the reverend, 303. to be let unfurnished, 210. to contrive, 255, 430. turns no more his, 499. uneasy lies the, 89. was silvered o'er with age, 348. what seemed his, 228. which statuaries loved to copy, 590. with reading stuff the, 332. Heads beneath their shoulders, 150. hide their diminished, 231. houseless, 147. ignominious, 339. nailed by the ears, 214. never raising, 469. so many wits so many, 10. sometimes so little, 222. tall men had empty, 170. too little for wit, 222. touch heaven, hills whose, 150. two better than one, 12. Head-stone of the corner, 823. Headstrong as an allegory, 440. Healer, scorn not death the, 696. Healing in his wings, 836. of the most High cometh, 837. Health, be thou a spirit of, 130. best physic to preserve, 167. dainties might hurt their, 398. good sense and good, 713. he that will this, deny, 672. hunt in fields for, 270. is the second blessing, 208. my nerves and fibres brace, 357. peace and, 387. peace and competence, 319. unbought, 270. vital principle of bliss,
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