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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-16.htm.html#Pg_138" tag="{}a">138. current lends the cup its glow, 636. deep well, 683. desires be with you, your, 66. hope and home, 574. supreme ambition, 377. Heartache, end the, 135. Heartfelt joy, sunshine and, 319. Hearth, clean fire and clean, 508. cricket on the, 250. vanished from his lonely, 486. Heartsome wi' thee, 671. Heart-stain, ne'er carried a, 519. Heart-strings, jesses were my dear, 153. Heart-throbs, count time by, 654. Hearty old man, 506. Heat, cold that moderates, 792. fantastic summer's, 81. for the cold and cold for the hot, 792. have neither, nor light, 180. ma'am it was so dreadful, 461. not a furnace for your foe, 98. of conflict, through the, 476. of the day, burden and, 840. one, doth drive another, 36. one draught above, 74. that Promethean, 156. Heath, land of brown, 489. my foot is on my native, 493. Heathen Chinee is peculiar, 669. Heath-flower dashed the dew, from the, 491. Heating, warm without, 312. Heat-oppressed brain, 119.
Heaven a time ordains, 252. all places alike distant from, 190. all that we believe of, 280. all the way to, 259. all things in, and earth, 31. alone is given away, 658. and earth, more things in, 133. and earth unfolds, 57. and happy constellations, 238. and home, points of, 485. approving, 355. around our infancy, 658. around us all, 522. ascribe to, 73. beauteous eye of, 79. beholding, feeling hell, 526. below, like a little, 302. better than serve in, 224. breaks the serene of, 507. breath of, 416. bright sun of, 101. bring with thee airs from, 130. but tries our virtue, 380. cannot heal, no sorrow that, 524. commences, his, 396. confess yourself to, 141. dear to, is saintly chastity, 245. dearest foe in, 128. deeds are the sons of, 368. doth with us as we with torches, 46. drowsy with the harmony, 56. every heart aspires to, 534. every purpose under the, 830. every virtue under, 329. exhaled and went to, 308. face of, so fine, 107. fantastic tricks before high, 48. farther off from, 583. fault to, 127. fell from, 225. fiercest spirit that fought in, 226. first taught letters, 333. first-born, offspring of, 230. floor of, is thick inlaid, 65. fragrance smells to, 362. from all creatures hides, 315. from, it came, 508. from yon blue, 624. gained a friend from, 386. gates of, to the, 473. gems of, 233. gentle rain from, 64. gives its favourites early death, 546. gluttony ne'er looks to, 246. God alone to be seen in, 553. God is in his, 644. good sense the gift of, 322. grants before the prayer, 269. great eye of, 27. had made her such a man, 150. harbingers to, 221. has no rage like love to hatred turned, 294. has not power upon the past, 274. has willed we die alone, 569. hath done for this land, what, 540. he cried, O, 513. he gained from, a friend, 386. hell I suffer seems a, 231. high hope for a low, 54. hills whose heads touch, 150. his blessed part to, 100. how art thou fallen from, 833. husbandry in, 119. in each heart a little, 288. in her eye, 237. in hope to merit, 540. invites hell threatens, 307. is heard no more in, 235. is love for love is heaven, 487. is not always angry, 289. is shining o'er us, 675. is there care in, 28. itself would stoop to her, 246. journey like the path to, 244. joy of, to earth come down, 672. just are the ways of, 344. kindred points of, 485. lay up treasures in, 838. leave her to, 132. led the way to, 313. less of earth than, 491. lies about us in our infancy, 477. light from, 447, 549. light of, restore, 340. livery of the court of, 588. made him, every man is as, 788. man alone beneath the, 488. matches are made in, 192. moderation the gift of, 698. my offence is rank it smells to, 139. [976]nothing can cover his fame but, 198. nothing true but, 524. of charms divine, 343. of hell, in itself can make a, 224. of invention, the brightest, 90. offspring of, 230. on earth, 232. one minute of, 526. opened wide her ever-during gates, 236. opening bud to, conveyed, 500. or hell, summons thee to, 119. path to, 244. permit to, 240. Persian's, is easily made, 519. pities hapless man, 343. places shall be hell that are not, 41. points out an hereafter, 298. prayer ardent opens, 309. quite in the verge of, 307. recompense did send, 386. remedies we ascribe to, 73. report they bore to, 307. riches flow from bounteous, 346. sends us good meat, 388. she did but dream of, 270. shed, light which, 522. silent finger points to, 481. so much of earth so much of, 472. soul look down from, 277. soul white as, 197. sounds my fame, 344. spires point to, 481. starry cope of, 234. steep and thorny way to, 129. stole the livery of, 588. succour dawns from, 492. sweetened by the airs of, 597. taken quick to, 37. the selfsame, that frowns, 98. things are the sons of, 368. thy hues were born in, 574. to be young was very, 476. to earth, doth glance from, 59. to gaudy day denies, which, 551. to the weary head, 584. too, all this and, 282. tries the earth, 658. 't was whispered in, 't was muttered in hell, 674. upon earth, that, 584. visits, places the eye of, 80. wanted one immortal song, 267. was all tranquillity, 527. were not heaven if we knew what it were, 256. when earth was nigher, 644. will bless your store, 433. winds of, visit her face, 128. with all its splendors, 658. Heavens blaze forth the death of princes, 112. bowed the high, 23. declare the glory of God, 819. hear these tell-tale women, 97. hung be the, with black, 93. should fall, if ever the, 771. spangled, a shining frame, 300. that which we call the, 717. Heaven's best treasures, 387. breath smells wooingly, 117. chancery, flew up to, 379. cherubim horsed, 118. decree, curst by, 398. ebon vault, 568. eternal year is thine, 270. first law, order is, 319. gate, the lark at, 159. gates, she claps her wings at, 32. hand, argue not against, 209. help is better than early rising, 790. immortal noon, 566. last best gift, 235. lights, godfathers of, 54. melodious strains, 640. own light, 496. pavement, riches of, 225. Sovereign saves, 308. sweetest air, 162. wide pathless way, 250. Heaven-born band, 465. Heaven-directed to the poor, 321. Heaven-eyed creature, 486. Heaven-kissing hill, 140. Heavenly blessings, 302. days that cannot die, 469. empire of the, 29. gift of poesy, profaned thy, 270. habitants, converse with, 245. harmony, from, 271. hope is all serene, 535. host, ye, 278. jewel, have I caught my, 34. lays, pure delight by, 477. maid was young, 390. paradise is that place, 485. spirits, is there love in, 28. Heaven-taught lyre, 377. Heaviest battalions, 801. Heaviness, spirit of, 834. Heavy and red, eyelids, 585. change, but O the, 247. Hebrew in the dying light, 589. Hecuba to him, what 's, 134. Hector still survives, while, 338. Hedge a king, divinity doth, 142. Hedgehog rolled up, lies like a, 584. Hedgehogs dressed in lace, 635. Heed for himself, will take no, 470. take, lest he fall, 845. Heedless, unwise to be, 715. Heeds not he hears not, 666. Heel, at his, a stone, 405. of the courtier, 143. tread each other's, 308. tread upon another's, 143. Heels, Cæsar with a senate at his, 319. detraction at your, 76. I took to my, 703. of pleasure, treads upon the, 295. slippers good to the, 637. with an income at its, 415. Height, objects in an airy, 287. of man, measure of the, 719. of this great argument, 223. [977]Heights by great men reached, 616. other, in other lives, 645. the soul is competent to gain, 480. Heir of all the ages, 626. of fame, great, 251. the world creation's, 394. to, shocks that flesh is, 135. to the first, each second stood, 149. with all her children wants an, 321. Heirs of truth and pure delight, 477. unknown, 321. Helen, like another, 272. Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt, 59. Helicon's harmonious springs, 382. Helios, Antigonous the son of, 740. Hell, agreement with, 605, 834. all places shall be, 41. beholding heaven feeling, 526. better to reign in, 224. blasts from, 130. broke loose, all, 234. characters of, to trace, 383. contains no fouler
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