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276. prevail, let not, 683. prisoners of, 836. repose in trembling, 386. springs eternal, 315. still relies on, 398. strength is felt from, 340. tells a flattering tale, 683. the charmer, 513. the dream of those that wake, 288. the wretch relies on, 398. thou hovering angel, 243. thou nurse of young desire, 427. though hope were lost, 433. to attain her, 28. to feed on, 29. to have mercy, 29. to meet again, the, 587. to merit heaven, 540. to the end, 849. to write well hereafter, 253. told a flattering tale, 683. travels through, 318. true, is swift, 97. uncheered by, 537. we have such, 846. whence this pleasing, 298. where reason would despair, love can, 377. while there 's life there 's, 349. white-handed, 243. withering fled, 551. world will disagree in faith and, 318. Hopes, airy, my children, 480. be filled, with better, 674. belied our fears, 583. crawling upon my startled, 296. laid waste, 606. like towering falcons, 287. mortal, defeated, 482. my fondest, decay, 526. of future years, 615. of living, high, 254. sordid, and vain desires, 534. startled, 296. stirred up with high, 254. tender leaves of, 99. Hope's perpetual breath, 474. tender blossoms, 805. Hopeless anguish, 366. fancy feigned, by, 630. Horace whom I hated so, 545. Horatio, as just a man, 137. I knew him, 144. in my mind's eye, 128. thrift, thrift, 128. to what base uses may we return, 144. Horatius kept the bridge, 593. Horde, one polished, 560. Horizon, I saw her just above the, 409. Horn, blast of that dread, 490. of the hunter, 673. one blast upon his bugle, 492. Pan lends his pagan, 331. the lusty horn, 71. thrice yon moon had filled her, 306. Triton blow his wreathed, 477. voice of that wild, 490. Horrible discord, brayed, 236. imaginings, 116. shadow hence, 122. Horrid grind, one demd, 652. Horror, nodding, 243. of falling into naught, 298. of his folded tail, 251. secret dread and inward, 298. Horrors, hail, 223. on horror's head, 154. supped full with, 125. Horse, anger is like a full hot, 98. call me, 84. cart before the, 18. dark, 608. [982]give me another, 97. gray mare the better, 17. little dearer than his, 626. look a gift, in the mouth, 11. lost for want of a shoe, 360. made fat by the king's eye, 729. my kingdom for a, 98. of that colour, 75. one, was blind, 510. philosophy is a good, 401. ride a free, to death, 792. scarce would move a, 416. short, soon curried, 12. sick as a, 379. something in a flying, 468. starveth, while grass groweth, 14. talks of his, 61. that which is now a, 158. the taxed, 462. to the water, 14. trumpet sounds to, 296. Horses, between two, 93. Italy a paradise for, 192. oats food for, 187. Horseback, beggar on, 190. sits on his, 78. Horsed, heaven's cherubim, 118. Horse-leech hath two daughters, 829. Horsemanship, noble, 86. Horsemill, perpetual rack or, 188. Hortensius, his friend, 559. Hose a world too wide, 69. Hospitable thoughts intent, 235. Hospitality, given to, 844. sitting with gladness, 617. Host, himself a, 337. mingling with the vulgar, 342. of the Garter, 45. reckoning without their, 12. that led the starry, 233. universal, up sent a shout, 224. ye heavenly, 278. Hostages to fortune, 165. Hostess' door, at mine, 78. without their, 32. Hot and rebellious liquors, 67. cold moist and dry, 229. hammer your iron when it is, 709. haste, mounting in, 542. heat not a furnace too, 98. in the mouth, 75. temper leaps o'er a cold decree, 61. Hound, hold with the, 33. or spaniel, 148. run with the, 12. Hour, await the inevitable, 384. before the worshipped sun peered forth, 104. bounties of an, 306. busy with the crowded, 600. by his dial, 68. by Shrewsbury clock, 88. catch the transient, 366. cloud which wraps the present, 380. delight my private, 241. evening's calm and holy, 488. ever thus from childhood's, 526. for a dark, 120. for one short, 554. friendliest to sleep, 235. I have had my, 274. if we do but watch the, 555. improve each shining, 302. in a sunny, fall off, 526. insects of the, 410. lives its little, 573. luckless from that, 228. make the coming, o'erflow, 73. may lay it in the dust, 541. nothing can bring back the, 478. now 's the day and now 's the, 450. of blind old Dandolo, one, 545. of glorious life, one crowded, 493. of might, in their, 526. of night, the cheerless, 568. of night, the tranquil, 587. of that Dundee, single, 474. of virtuous liberty, 298. one self-approving, 319. pensioner on the bounties of an, 306. rose that lives its little, 573. some wee short, 446. this consecrated, 674. time and the, 116. to hour we ripe and ripe, 68. to open for the world a purer, 655. torturing, 226, 382. troublesome insects of the, 410. upon the stage, frets his, 125. weep for the, 520. when God sends a cheerful, 252. when lovers' vows, 551. with beauty's chain, 525. wonder of an, the, 541. wraps the present, 380.
Hours I once enjoyed, peaceful, 422. mournful midnight, 617. of bliss, winged, 514. of ease, to, 455. of ease, woman in our, 490. of time, creeping, 68. on angel wings, 450. set apart for business, 362. seven, to law, 438. six, in sleep, 24. some wee short, 446. steal a few, from the night, 521. unheeded flew the, 464. waked by the circling, 235. wise to talk with our past, 307. with flying feet, 542. Hour's talk withal, never spent an, 55. Houris, lying with, 387. House and home, out of, 89. appointed for all living, 817. babe in a, 640. be divided against itself, 841. brawling woman in a wide, 827. chimney in my father's, 94. clouds that loured upon our, 95. dark, and long sleep, 590. daughter of my, 542. daughters of my father's, 76. get out of my, 791. ill spirit have so fair a, 43. is to be let for life, 204. [983]like a miser in a poor, 72. little pleasure in the, 427. man's, his castle, 24. mansions in my Father's, 843. moat defensive to a, 81. nae luck about the, 426. of every one as his castle, 24. of feasting, 830. of Lords, honoured at the, 330. of mourning, better go to the, 830. of my friends, 836. of my God, 821. of Pindarus, 252. of prayer, wherever God erects a, 286. on another man's ground, 45. one mind in an, 851. peace be to this, 842. prop of my, 65. rejects him, fired that the, 326. return no more to his, 816. set thine, in order, 834. shot mine arrow o'er the, 145. so fair a, 43. sole daughter of my, 542. to lodge a friend, 289. when we see the figure of the, 88. you take my, when you take the prop, 65. Houses fer asonder, 2. mended, old, 296. plague o' both your, 107. seem asleep, the very, 470. thick and sewers annoy, 239. Household, ways of her, 829. words, familiar as, 92. Houseless heads, 147. Housetop, corner of the, 827. Housewife that 's thrifty, 442. How are the mighty fallen, 815. art thou fallen, 833. blest is he, 396. he will talk, 281. I pities them, 510. it talked, Lord, 197. not to do it, 652. Howards, blood of all the, 319. Howe'er it be it seems to me, 624. Howling of the wolf, 38. Howls along the sky, 392. Hub of the solar system, 638. Huddle up their work, 419. Hue as red as the rosy bed, 678. cuckoo-buds of yellow, 56. love's proper, 238. of resolution, the native, 136. sinuous shells of pearly, 511. unto the rainbow, add another, 79. Hues, flowers of all, 232. like nature's, 355. of bliss, 386. were born in heaven, thy, 574. Hug the dear deceit, we, 362. Hugged by the old, 585. by the strumpet wind, 62. the offender, 273. Hugs it to the last, 525. Huldy all alone there sot, 659. Hum, beehive's, 455. midst the crowd the, 541. no voice or hideous, 251. of either army sounds, 91. of human cities torture, 543. of men, the busy, 249. of mighty workings, 576. Human, all that is, must retrograde, 430. bliss to human woe, 794. creatures' lives, 585. ends are ultimately answered, 530. events, course of, 434. face divine, 230. features, differences in, 718. form divine, 344. form, teemed with,
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