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hath strong, 59. to sweeten my, 148. trace the noble dust, 144. travelling is to regulate, 375. Imaginations are as foul, 138. Imagining fear in the night, 59. Imaginings, horrible, 116. Imbower, high over-arched, 224. Imitated humanity abominably, 137. Imitates nature, art, 305. Imitation is the sincerest flattery, 675. Immediate jewel of their souls, 153. Immemorial elms, 630. Immense pleasure to come, 380. Imminent deadly breach, 150. Immodest words, 278. Immoral thought, not one, 377. Immortal as they quote, 310. beauty awakes, 428. blessing from her lips, 108. crown, 359. fame gives, 311. fire, spark of that, 549. garland is to be run for, 254. gods I crave no pelf, 109. hate and courage, 223. longings in me, 159. mind remains, the, 341. names, one of the few, 562. noon, heaven's, 566. [986]part of myself, have lost the, 152. reign, where saints, 303. scandals fly, 670. sea, sight of that, 478. song, wanted one, 267. souls, such harmony is in, 65. that the soul was, 760. though no more, 541. verse, married to, 249, 481. with a kiss, make me, 41. youth, flourish in, 299. Immortality, born for, 484. he ne'er is crowned with, 574. longing after, 298. quaff, and joy, 235. to die aspiring, 37. Immortals never appear alone, 502. Immovable, infixed to pine, 228. Imparadised in one another's arms, 233. Impartial laws were given, by whom, 313. Impeachment, own the soft, 441. Impearls on every leaf, 235. Impediment, marched on without, 97. Impediments, admit, 163. in fancy's course, 74. to great enterprises, 165. Imperceptible water, 584. Imperfect offices of prayer, 479. Imperfections on my head, 132. pass my, by, 459. Imperial ensign high advanced, 224. fancy, his, 457. oxlips and the crown, 78. theme, swelling act of the, 116. Tokay, humble Port to, 380. votaress passed on, 58. Imperious Cæsar dead, 144. Impious in a good man, 308. men bear sway, 298. Importance, matters of, 757. Important day, the great the, 297. Imports the nomination, what, 145. Importunate, rashly, 586. Importune, too proud to, 387. Imposes an oath, he that, 214. Imposition of a mightier hand, 590. Impossibility, metaphysical, 578. Impossible, because it is, 756. few things, to diligence, 368. for a man to be cheated, 601. not, though hard to master, 753. nothing is, 11. she, that not, 258. that is not physically, 441. to be soiled, truth is, 253. to please all the world, 797. what 's, can't be, 454. Impotence of woe, raging, 341. Impotent conclusion, 151. Impregns the clouds, when Jupiter, 233. Imprisoned in the viewless winds, 48. wranglers, set free the, 420. Imprisonment, penury and, 49. Improbable fiction, condemn it as, 76. Improve each moment, 366. each shining hour, 302. Impulse from a vernal wood, one, 466. quench appetite check, 755. slave of circumstance and, 554. Impunity, ravage with, 643. In God is our trust, 517. pace ut sapiens, 425. Inaction disciplined, 457. Inactivity, masterly, 457. Inanimate grieves, if aught, 543. Inaudible foot of time, 74. Incapable of a tune, 509. of relishing wit, 389. of stain, 226. Incarnadine, multitudinous seas, 120. Incarnation of fat dividends, 564. Incense, gods themselves throw, 148. of the heart, 362, 538. Incense-breathing morn, 384. Incensed, odours most fragrant when, 165. with indignation, 229. Inch, every, a king, 148. every, that is not fool, 269. give an, he 'll take an ell, 20. I 'll budge an, 72. I will not retreat a single, 605. of joy, one, 770. thick, let her paint an, 144. Inches, die by, 283. Incidis in Scyllam, 64. Inclination gets the better of judgment, 698. leads, read as, 371. Inclined, to embrace me she, 252. Income at its heels, 415. tears, her, 204. Incomparable oil Macassar, 555. Incompleteness, goodness flowed around our, 620. Inconsequence, fortuitous, 663. Inconsistencies of opinions, 533. Inconsistent man, 307. Inconsolable to the minuet, 441. Inconstant moon, 106. Increase, God gave the, 845. of appetite grew by what it fed on, 128. to her truth, time brings, 378. Incredulity, knowledge lost by, 724. Ind, wealth of Ormus and of, 226. Indebted and discharged at once, 231. to his memory, 443. Indemnity for the past, 364. Independence be our boast, let, 465. let me share, thy spirit, 392. now and forever, 531. Indestructible, love is, 508. states, union of, 619. Index, dab at an, 403. of a mind, the marble, 475. thunders in the, 140. Index-learning, 331. India's coral strand, 536. Indian, like the base, 156. lo the poor, 315. steep, on the, 243. Indictment against a whole people, 408. Indies, wealth of the, 373. Indifference, cold, 301. to the concerns of man, 703. [987]Indifferent honest, I am myself, 136. Indifferently, we have reformed that, 137. Indignation, incensed with, 229. Indistinct as water in water, 158. Indocti discant et ament, 325. Indolent vacuity of thought, 420. Indued with sanctity of reason, 236. Indus to the Pole, 333. Inebriate, cheer but not, 312, 420. Inestimable stones, 96. Inevitable, arguing with the, 663. hour, await the, 384. Inexorable scourge, 226. Inexplicable dumb-shows, 137. Infamous are fond of fame, 413. rich quiet and, 592. thing, crush the, 801. Infamy, who prefer any load of, 462. Infancy, age most remote from, 799. heaven around our, 658. heaven lies about us in, 477. old age is most remote from, 169. the babe she lost in, 508. Infant crying for the light, 632. crying in the night, 632. mewling and puking, 69. Infants, canker galls the, 129. Infant's breath, regular as, 502. Infected, all seems, 325. Infection, fortress against, 81. Infernal, newspapers are, 441. Infidel as a dog is an infidel, 371. now, I have you on the hip, 65. worse than an, 847. Infidels adore, Jews kiss and, 325. Infinite day excludes the night, 303. deal of nothing, speaks an, 60. in faculty, 134. jest, fellow of, 144. riches in a little room, 41. the cause of all things, 759. variety, nor custom stale her, 157. wrath and despair, 231. Infirm of purpose, 120. Infirmities, bear his friend's, 114. Infirmity of noble mind, 247. Infixed and frozen round, 228. Inflexible in faith, 428. Inflict, those who, must suffer, 566. Influence, bad, 476. of example, salutary, 369. shed their selectest, 238. unawed by, 675. whose bright eyes rain, 249. Influences of Pleiades, sweet, 818. servile to the skyey, 48. Information, know where we can find, 372. Infortune, worst kind of, 5. Inglorious arts of peace, 263. Milton, some mute, 385. Ingloriously, we do, 255. Ingratitude, besotted base, 246. of men, 373. thou marble-hearted fiend, 146. unkind as man's, 70. Ingredient is a devil, the, 152. Ingredients, commends the, 118. Ingress into the world, man's, 439. Inhabit this bleak world, 521. where eyes did once, 96. Inhabitants, look not like, 116. Inherit, all which it, shall dissolve, 43. Inhuman, ev'y thin' thet 's done, 658. Inhumanity to man, man's, 446. Inimitable his deeds, 36. Iniquity, that grey, 85. Injure you, I ne'er could, 442. Injured, forgiveness to the, 275. hate whom they have, 714, 747. lover's hell, jealousy, 235. Injurious, beauty though, 242. Injury, adding insult to, 716. Injustice, corrupted with, 94. jealousy is, 313. rigorous, is rigorous law, 704. swift erect, 339. to beasts, man's, 742. Ink, gall enough in thy, 76. he hath not drunk, 55. small drop of, 558. that never saw pen and, 77. Inky cloak, not alone my, 127. Inland far we be, though, 558. Inmate of the skies, some, 346. Inn, die in an, 379. happiness produced by a good, 372. take mine ease in mine, 11, 86. to gain the timely, 121. warmest welcome at an, 379. Inn's worst room, 322. Innocence and health, 396. closing up his eyes, 40. glides in modest, 365. her, a child, 270. mirth and, 554. of love, dallies with the, 75. our fearful, 472. Innocency next thing to confession, 715. Innocent as gay, 308. flower, look like the, 117. lamb, skin of an, 94. minds, 260. nose, coursed down his, 67. of the knowledge, be, 121. shall not be, 829. shames, a thousand, 52. sincere officious, 366. sleep, 119. though free, 428. within is armed without, 329. Innocuous desuetude, 669. Innumerable as the stars, 235. bees, murmuring of, 630. caravan, join the, 572. Inoffensive pace, 237. Inordinate cup is unblessed, 152. Insane root, 116. Insanity, power to charm, 603. Insatiate archer, 306. Inscription upon my tomb, no, 675. Inscriptions, lapidary, 372. Inscrutable invisible, 44. Insects of the hour, 410. Insensibility, it argues an, 509. [988]Inseparable, one and, 533. Inside, hurt of the, 212. I am quite full, 510. of a church, forgotten the,
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