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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-66.htm.html#Pg_757" tag="{}a">757. or dream or fear all we, 562. reason but from what we, 315. that deformed, I, 52. that I love thee, 522. thee not, who, 437. their own good, how few, 274. their rights, men who, 438. then thyself, 317. thought so once now I, 350. thyself, 791. thyself and nothing too much, 736. to esteem to love, 502. we believe what we least, 775. we loved in vain, 539. what we are, 142. what were good to do, 60. where to find information, 372. where'er I go, yet I, 477. ye the land of cypress and myrtle, 549. Knowing dare maintain, 438. that they know nothing, 702. Knowledge, ample page of, 384. and timber, 638. be innocent of the, 121. book of, 230. by suffering entereth, 620. comes but wisdom lingers, 626. diffused, immortalizes itself, 457. evergreen tree of, 440. from ignorance, 650. great step to, 609. grow from more to more, let, 631. he that hath, 827. he that increaseth, 830. increaseth strength, 828. in excess, desire of, 165. is but sorrow's spy, 207. is of two kinds, 372. is ourselves to know, 320. is power, 168. is proud, 422. is the one only good, 760. is the only fountain, 530. lost by incredulity, 724. manners must adorn, 353. more than equivalent to force, 368. multiplieth words without, 817. night unto night showeth, 819. not according to, 844. of divine things, 724. of what is excellent, 727. out-topping, 665. shall be increased, 835. spirit of, 833. sweet food of sweetly uttered, 34. the fountain of human liberty, 530. too high the price for, 313. true, leads to love, 465. under difficulties, 528. we must snatch half our, 320. Known, to be forever, 260. too late, 105. Knows and knows no more, 414. no man distinctly, 766. not till he tries, 713. Knuckle-end of England, 459. Kosciusko fell, shrieked as, 513. Kubla Khan, 500.
Laborin' man an' woman, 658. Laborious at the first ascent, 253. days, to live, 247. [995]Labour and intent study, 253. and sorrow, their strength is, 822. and to wait, learn to, 612. bears a lovely face, 182. capital solicits the aid of, 532. cheers the tar's, 555. ease and alternate, 355. for his pains, 378, 784. for my travail, I have had my, 101. good week's, 174. hard, difficulty and, 230. in his vocation, 83. is but a sorrowful song, 653. is done, and, 667. is independent and proud, 532. is the lot of man, 339. many still must, for the one, 551. mountain in, 706, 716. of an age in piled stones, 251. of love, 847. we delight in physics pain, 120. what to speak, 168. why should life all be, 624. work under our, grows, 238. youth of, with age of ease, 396. Labours and peregrinations, 170. mourn, our fruitless, 344. the line too, 324. to tax our, 413. Labour's bath, sore, 120. Laboured not for myself, 837. nothings, such, 324. Labourer is worthy of his hire, 842. Labourers are few, 839. Labouring incessant, 356. man, sleep of a, 830. Laburnum's dropping gold, 570. Lace, hedgehogs dressed in, 635. Lacedæmonians and the enemy, 734. Lack, I have they, 22. of argument, 91. of kindly warmth, 109. of many a thing, 161. of wit, plentiful, 133. Lacked and lost we rack the value, 53. Lackest, mind not what thou, 754. Lack-lustre eye, looking on it with, 68. Lad of mettle a good boy, 84. Ladder, Jacob's, 597. of our vices, 616. who ascended Fame's, 655. young ambition's, 111. Ladies, a lion among, 58. be but young and fair, 68. fond of the company of, 376. good night sweet, 142. intellectual, lords of, 555. make nets and not cages, 291. over offended, 297. sigh no more, 51, 405. whose eyes rain influence, 249. Ladies' love, unfit for, 272. Lads and lassies in their best, 683. Lady Disdain are you yet living, 50. doth protest too much, 138. faint heart ne'er won fair, 789. Fortune, railed on, 68. garmented in light, 567. he 's dead and gone, 405. here come the, 107. is in the case, when a, 349. married to the Moor, 477. of the Mere, 472. protests too much, 138. so richly clad, 499. sweet arise, 159. weep no more, 405. who lent his, to his friend, 559. Lady's fan, brain him with his, 84. Ladyship, humorous, 79. Lady-smocks all silver white, 56. Lags the veteran, superfluous, 365. Laid low in my grave, 78. on with a trowel, 66. Lair, rouse the lion from his, 495. Lake, pilot of the Galilean, 247. or moorish fen, 244. silver, on thy fair bosom, 677. swan on still St. Mary's, 474. where drooped the willow, 596. Lamb, go to bed with the, 454. God tempers the wind to the shorn, 379. one dead, is there, 615. skin of an innocent, 94. the frolic and the gentle, 486. to the slaughter, as a, 834. Una with her milk-white, 477. wolf dwell with the, 833. Lambs, such protection as vultures give to, 442. Lambe them lads, 495. Lame and impotent conclusion, 151. feet was I to the, 817. man, living with a, 729. Lamely and unfashionable, 95. Lament for Madam Blaize, 400. Lamp, arguments smelt of the, 728. ere Homer's, appeared, 414. holds out to burn, 303. no, so cheering, 522. of experience, 429. that lighted the traveller, 522. ungirt loin and the unlit, 646. unto my feet, 823. Lamps, heaven's distant, 615. in a green night, golden, 262. in sepulchral urns, 415. shone o'er fair women, 542. Lancaster, time-honoured, 80. Land, be of good cheer I see, 763. beside, no, 78. bowels of the, 97. darkness of the, 633. deal damnation round the, 334. fight for such a, 489. flowing with milk, 813. French have the empire of the land, 577. from out of foreign, 261. ill fares the, 396. into the silent, 805. light that never was on sea or, 475. madden round the, 326. my native, good night, 540. my own my native, 488. [996]ocean leans against the, 395. o'er all the pleasant, 569. of bondage, out of the, 493. of brown heath, 489. of Calvin and oat-cakes, 459. of darkness, 816. of drowsyhed it was, 357. of liberty, sweet, 619. of lost gods and godlike men, 541. of palm and southern pine, 628. of palm, of orange blossom, 628. of pure delight, 303. of scholars nurse of arms, 395. of the cypress and myrtle, 549. of the free, 516, 517. of the leal, in the, 458. of the living, 817. of the mountain, 489. of the pilgrims' pride, 619. or water, travel by, 293. plenty o'er a smiling, 385. rare bird in the, 770. rent with civil feuds, 533. set out to plant a wood, 289. shakes the turrets of the, 636. speed and post o'er, 252. stranger in a strange, 813. sung through every, 302. sunshine to the sunless, 486. they love their, 563. this delightful, 233. to fight for such a, 489. violet of his native, 632. what heaven hath done for this, 540. where my fathers died, 619. where sorrow is unknown, 417. where the lemon-trees bloom, 803. Lands forlorn, in faery, 575. less happier, 81. lord of himself though not of, 174. roamed o'er many, 582. Landing on some silent shore, 295. Landlady and Tam, 451. grew gracious, the, 451. Landlord's laugh, the, 451. Landmark, ancient, 828. Land-rats and water-rats, 61. Land-thieves and water-thieves, 61. Landscape, darkened, 227. love is like a, 181. tire the view, 358. Landsmen, list ye, all, 672. Lane of beams athwart the sea, 625. straight down the crooked, 584. Language, Chatham's, 419. is plain, my, 669. nature speaks a various, 572. nature's end of, 310. no, but a cry, 632. O that those lips had, 423. of the nation, don't confound the, 462. quaint and olden, 613. under the tropic is our, spoke, 220. Languages, have been at a feast of, 56. especially the dead, 556. Languor smile, make, 328. Lank and brown, thou art, 498. Lap, drop into thy mother's, 239. in my mother's, 240. it in Elysium, 244. low in glory's, they lie, 496. me in delight, 564. me in soft Lydian airs, 249. of earth, his head upon the, 386. of legends old, asleep in, 575. of May, chills the, 394. of Thetis, sun in the, 213. the lot is cast, into the, 827. Lapidary inscriptions, 372. Lapland night, lovely as a, 475. Lapse of murmuring streams, 237. Lapsing waves on quiet shores, 619. Larch has hung his tassels, 571. Lards the lean earth as he walks, 84. Large elements in order brought,
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