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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-67.htm.html#Pg_772" tag="{}a">772. too apt before to, 261. Kin, little more than, 127. neither kith nor, 404. prohibited degrees of, 215. the whole world, 102. Kind and gentle heart, he had a, 400. as kings upon their coronation day, 269. base in, 413. be to her virtues very, 287. best in this, 59. cruel only to be, 141. deeds with coldness, 466. enjoy her while she's, 274. hearts are more than coronets, 624. kiss before we part, one, 671. lost him half the, 272. makes one wondrous, 387. more than kin and less than, 127. of alacrity in sinking, 46. of easiness, lend a, 141. of excellent dumb discourse, 43. of good deed to say well, 98. of grace, sweet attractive, 23. of heaven to be deluded by him, 281. of semi-Solomon, 593. of ways, newest, 90. porcelain clay of human, 277. to her virtues, 287. to my remains, 270. will creep where it may not go, 14. yet was he, 397. Kinds, lilies of all, 78. Kindest man, the, 64. Kindle soft desire, 272. Kindled by the master's spell, 455. Kindles false fires, 484. wantonness in clothes, 201. Kindlier hand the eager heart, 633. Kindling her undazzled eyes, 255. Kindly, frosty but, 67. fruits of the earth, 850. had we never loved sae, 452. Kindness, greetings where no, is, 468. law of, 829. little deeds of, 642. milk of human, 117. nameless acts of, 467. save in the way of, 463. to his majesty, 563. who does a, 320. Kindnesses, do me some mischief for these, 731. she doeth little, 658. Kindred points of heaven, 485. Kine, beeves and home-bred, 474. King, balm from an anointed, 81. Cambyses' vein, 85. cat may look on a, 17. city of the great, 820. conscience of the, 135. contrary to the, 94. Cophetua loved, 105. cotton is, 854. drinks to Hamlet, 145. equals the shepherd with the, 792. every inch a, 148. expedients with such a, 352. farewell, 82. fellow with the best, 93. first who was, 801. God bless the, 351. God save our gracious, 285. God save the, 285. great as a, 436. here lies our sovereign, 279. himself, greater than the, 364. himself has followed her, the, 400. if chance will have me, 116. if I were tedious as a, 52. I 'll call thee Hamlet, 130. is dead long live the king, 860. long live our noble, 285. long live the, 417. lustre that surrounds a, 778. [993]never dropped out of the clouds, 196. not only hating David but the, 268. of day, powerful, 355. of England cannot enter, 365. of France went up the hill, 686. of good fellows, 93. of shreds and patches, 141. of snow, mockery, 82. of terrors, 817. pageantry of a, 688. reigns but does not govern, 810. ruin seize thee ruthless, 383. shake hands with a, 563. state without, or nobles, 588. Stephen was a worthy peer, 152, 406. such divinity doth hedge a, 142. under which, Bezonian, 90. was a' for our rightful, 452. when George the Third was, 556. who pretender is and who, 351. who would wish to be thy, 492. worm that hath eat of a, 141. Kings and republics, farce of, 777. are like stars, 565. can cause or cure, 367. come bow to it, bid, 79. death lays his icy hands on, 209. dread and fear of, 64. enthroned in the hearts of, 64. for such a tomb would die, 251. guilt of Eastern, 258. he shall stand before, 828. invest knights and barons, 189. it makes gods, 97. may be blest, 451. may love treason, 182. meaner creatures, 97. of Brentford, two, 417. of modern thought are dumb, 665. pride of, the, 314. princes are the breath of, 447. reigned in green palaces, 221. right divine of, 332. ruined sides of, 196. setter up and puller down of, 95. showers on her, barbaric pearl, 226. stories of the death of, 82. this royal throne of, 81. upon their coronation day, 269. will be tyrants from policy, 410. would not play at, 421. King's Bench walks, chambers in, 297. creation, you may be of the, 282. crown, not the, 47. English, abusing the, 45. every subject's duty is the, 92. eye, horse made fat by the, 729. name a tower of strength, 97. stamp, 't is not the, 282. Kingdom for a horse, 98. good man possesses a, 715. good mind possesses a, 22. like to a little, 111. my large, for a little grave, 82. my mind to me a, is, 22. Kingdom come, 't was kin' o', 659. Kingdoms, God has sifted three, 616. Kingly crown, likeness of a, 228. line in Europe, the longest, 494. Kinship, things that have, 755. Kirk, the near to, from God more far, 29. Kiss but in the cup, leave a, 179. drew my soul with one long, 623. had won, many a loving, 584. immortal with a, 41. long long, 557. me and be quiet, 350. me sweet-and-twenty, 75. of youth and love, 557. one kind, before we part, 671. she with traitorous, 676. snatched hasty, 356. the place to make it well, 535. till the cow comes home, 197. to every sedge, giving a gentle, 44. which Jews might, 325. Kisses bring again, my, 49. dear as remembered, 630. first invented, 293. from a female mouth, 554. tears and smiles, 474. thinking their own, sin, 108. Kissed, courtesied when you have, 42. lips that I have, 144. the ground, 343. Kitchen bred, in the, 552. ruled the rost in the, 194. Kites or crows, wars of, 255. Kith nor kin, neither, 404. Kitten, I had rather be a, 85. Knave best defence against knave, 730. he is an arrant, 132. how absolute the, is, 143. more, than fool, 41, 787. rascally yea-forsooth, 88. thank God you are rid of a, 52. that wears a title lies, 310. Knaves, flatter, or lose his pension, 290. he called them untaught, 83. in Kendal green, 84. little better than false, 53. whip me such honest, 149. Kneaded clod, to become a, 48. Knee, his head on his, 406. pregnant hinges of the, 137. Knees, bow stubborn, 139. down on your, 70. man at arms must serve on his, 25. on parent, 438. saint upon his, 422. Kneeling take aim, 597. Knell is rung by fairy hands, 389. of parting day, 384. overpowering, 559. sighed at the sound of a, 416. sound like a rising, 542. that summons thee to heaven, 119. the pall the bier, 562. the shroud the mattock the, 308. Knells call heaven invites, 307. in that word alone, 606. to a world of death, 499. us back, each matin bell, 500. Knew, all declared how much he, 397. himself to sing, 246. [994]more, no man spoke less and, 738. that before you were born, 716. that one small head could carry all he, 397. thee but to love thee, 562. what 's what, 8. Knife, blood will follow the, 312. carved upon it with a, 90. to thy throat, put a, 828. war even to the, 541. Knight, a prince can make a belted, 452. parfit gentil, a veray, 1. pricking on the plain, 27. Knights, accomplishing the, 92. barons kings can invest, 189. carpet, 187. Knight's bones are dust, 502. Knightly counsel, 456. Knitters in the sun, spinsters and, 75. Knives, hands made before, 293. Knock and it shall be opened, 839. as you please, 336, 415. at my ribs, make my heart, 116. it never is at home, 415. the breast, nothing to, 242. Knocks, apostolic blows and, 210. open locks whoever, 123. Knock-down argument, 277. Knocker, tie up the, 326. Knolled to church, bells have, 68. Knot in a bulrush, 701. of roots, man is a, 601. unloose the Gordian, 91. Knotted and combined locks, 131. oak, to bend a, 294. Know a subject ourselves, 372. a trick worth two of that, 84. all words are faint, 437. all ye need to, 576. does both act and, 263. enough for man to, 319. everything except myself, 769. happier than I, 237. her own, so well to, 238. her was to love her, 455. him no more, shall, 816. how frail I am, 820. how little can be known, 319. how sublime a thing it is, 613. it is not safe to, 217. knowledge is ourselves to, 320. me, not to, 234. me, when it came to, 526. men who their duties, 438. mine end, make me to, 820. myself, not if I, 509. not I ask not, 522. not for what he was made, 755. not what, to be we, 276. not what 's resisted, 448. not what we may be, 142. nothing really, we, 766. one's self, difficult to,
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