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Book online «Light Speed, Arkadie, L. [free ebooks for android txt] 📗». Author Arkadie, L.

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I say. I can feel theglee in my answering grin.

“Good,” he lifts his eyebrows. “Becauseyou’re the first person I ever said that to and meant it.”

We stare at each other in silence. It feelsas if we should kiss or something, but then that would not beappropriate. So I rip my eyes away from his face to study Na’ta inthe tree. There’s no leaving until she is better. We’ll have towait it out and I’ve never felt so grimy in my life. I look down atmy dress and it is no longer free of stains—it has been soiled byash, dust, smudges of wild grass, and even my own sweat. It is nolonger wearable.

“You want to get clean,” Chex asks whileobserving me observe myself.

“Yes.” I take my dress by the hem and liftit but I only get as far as my upper thigh before he grabs me bythe wrists.

“Whoa!” he shouts. “You can’t do that!”

“But I can’t keep it on because it’starnished,” I complain.

“But you can’t get naked either. I’m avampire but I’m still a man, you know?”

“No. I don’t understand.” I frown at himconfused, and I’m slightly agitated by how tightly he’s holding mywrists. “Can you let go of me please?”

“Only if you promise not to take yourclothes off.”

I sigh hard. I didn’t think Selells had anissue with nudity. Certainly my sister’s bonds have no issue withtheirs, or mine.

“I promise,” I say finally because by nomeans do I want to make him uncomfortable.

He removes his hands but keeps his eyespinned to my hips for a few moments before putting them back on myface.

“Follow me,” he says.

I hesitate because I don’t want to go whereNa’ta is out of my sight.

“She’ll be fine.” He sounds sure of that. Heeven holds out the palm of his hand for me to take. It’s such aninviting gesture from one so austere that I can’t but rest my palmon top of his.

He gazes down at my fingers. “Ah,” hebreathes softly, “still so new.”

Before I can ask what he means by “new,” hewhisks me away. We sweep past hefty, aged kark trees as we journeydeeper into this dark forest. Chex seems to know his way aroundlike he has been here before too. I’m wondering just that whenthere’s an abrupt change of scenery. We’re standing at the edge ofa natural pool of bubbling clear water.

I’m so excited to see it that I reach outand squeeze his shoulder. “How did you find this?”

“I found it before the water creatures foundme.”

I smile at him because he called the Mtknvcreatures and not monsters on my behalf. All of a suddenwe’re once again locked in each other’s gaze. What’s happening tome? First it was Lario Exgesis who made me feel this way and therewas a good reason for it. We are bonded. But I cannot be bonded toChex as well; and yet his touch, his smile, even the wicked one andeven his voice suddenly makes the inside of my stomach flutter.

“Well,” he begins, “I’ll leave you toit.”

“No way,” I grab hold of his arm thistime. “You must join me.”

He shakes his head and takes a step awayfrom me. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Yes, I do. I don’t mind the nakedness.Where I’m from we primarily do not wear garments.” I feel the needto explain.

“Or panties,” he mutters with his eyesfastened to my groin.

“No,” I timidly reply as I fleetinglyremember what panties are. I have never worn them, but I doknow they are Earth garments. The bigger problem is that I cannotbathe alone because I don’t like being by myself and hiscompanionship is beyond sufficient. “But, I’m fine with it and Iswim naked with Tryst all the time,” I say in my effort to furtherconvince him to join me.

“Who the hell is Tryst?” he says with alaugh.

“He’s my friend…” The amusement in hisexpression makes me take a tentative pause, “…at home,” I sayfeebly. I don’t think Chex takes me seriously much. I’m beginningto understand what he means by “new.” However, he must understandthat he’s new to me too.

“You know what… What the hell,” he says tomy surprise as he slips off his jacket and then the soft gray shirthe’s wearing beneath it.

I am in awe of his broad shoulders and theripples of muscles that cross his flared chest, which starts wideat the top but tapers as my eyes move down toward his waist. In hisphysique lies the pure definition of strength, and apparently myeyes and other parts of me find him attractive. He hasn’t given mepermission but it’s too late, my fingers are riding across hisskin. He has a solid structure but he’s lukewarm to the touch. Andyet I don’t find his body temperature repellant.

“What the hell?” he mutters as he flinchesin surprise.

He’s reacting to the i’lek’u that sparklesin my eyes. I too am shocked by my natural reaction to him. Thishas never happened to me and in embarrassment I drop my face tovaguely study the solid stone beneath my feet.

But he puts a finger under my chin and liftsmy face. His mouth is caught open and he’s staring at me. Only nowdo I realize what I’ve done.

“I apologize,” I say as I gently remove hishand from my face.

“For what?” he breathlessly asks.

“I was rude. I violated your being.”

He frowns thoughtfully. “I can’t believe youtouched me,” he whispers distractedly. “I never let anyone touch melike that.”

I shake my head as my shame deepens. “I’m sosorry.”

“Don’t.” He softly swipes the back of hisstrong hand down one side of my cheek. “You can’t know what you’redoing to me,” he whispers. “You’re too new to know.”

“Then you forgive me?” The hope is in myeyes.

He takes a step closer. “There’s nothing toforgive.”

I gulp before explaining, “It’s our customto ask if we’re seeking amusement or pleasure by touching a strangebeing.”

“That’s a custom?” He narrows his eyes. “AndI’m strange?”

“You’re new to me too,” I say with a smile.Happy the opportunity arose where I can convey that thought tohim.

Chex releases a sweet and jovial laugh.“Only if the shitload of my enemies can see me now. Get clean,” hesays, still laughing while

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