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Book online «Light Speed, Arkadie, L. [free ebooks for android txt] 📗». Author Arkadie, L.

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again, I’m hosting a multitude ofcompeting thoughts.

“Why are you frowning?” Chex whispers,breaking my concentration. “What are you thinking?”

Du, or “for one,” I’m thinking how heand I are definitely bonded even if it’s not in accordance with thePact of Gogulon. His loyalty and the way I trust him unites us.Dut, or secondly, I wonder why his man part grows so rigidwhen his fangs throb like that? If he’s not thirsty for mylifeblood, then what does he crave so powerfully? Yes, thesethoughts are strong, but I have one that’s more stalwart than theothers.

“Well,” I begin timidly, “I wonder what areyou supposed to do with that.” I point down beneath the water.

He unleashes a booming laugh, one thatechoes throughout the forest.

“You’re way too sexy to have to ask thatquestion!” He grabs me again, which is an act he does so freely.“You’re beautiful as hell. But I’ve never given a shit about all ofthat. Like you said, a vampire lives a long time and I’ve been inthis fucking body for centuries. Beautiful women are as abundant asthe flies on shit,” he spits. And then he narrows his eyes andgazes deeply into mine. I’m immobilized in his embrace andpowerfully- hypnotic glare. “It’s all that you are, Ad’ru. I don’twant to fuck you. You make me want to put in the work it’ll take tomake love to you.” He sips air between his teeth as he closes hiseyes to say, “It’s torture to know that Exgesis gets to have youlike the Ze Feldis, Elo, and Aksin get to have your sisters.Fucking torture.”

My pulse is racing. Especially since I thinkI understand what he’s trying to convey. “So,” I begin. “You woulduse that on me, like my sister’s bonds will use it on them.Sex?”

I gasp at the revelation. Sex! That’s whathe wants to engage in with me.

“You lust after me?” I concludedefinitively.

He’s grinning at me and I sense he’s amusedby my inquiry. “You can say that.”

“Hey, Adore.” A familiar and lacklustervoice says from behind Chex.

I jump, startled. And curve around histowering physique to see Na’ta standing at the edge of the pool. Mythoughts are once again split. Chex’s last reply still turns in myhead but I’m excited to finally see my sister standing strongbefore us.

“You look well,” I say to her.

She lifts her eyebrows suspiciously at Chexin particular. “I see you’re becoming acquainted with the ways ofman.” She’s being cynical of course, which is the natural way ofNa’ta.

“To be continued,” Chex whispers in my earas he slides a finger up my clitoris. I have an automatic responseto the sensation.

“Adore!” Na’ta barks. “Get out of thewater!” she demands while scowling at Chex, who’s glaring at herwith that toothy smile and eyes narrowed to slits.

I’m still slightly dazed but I’m able toswim over to the edge of the pool and lift myself out of it.

“You’re dripping wet,” Na’ta observes withher nose crinkled.

But she still embraces and kisses me on thecheek.

“I was so damn glad to see you,” shewhispers while squeezing me tightly.

“I’m glad to see you too,” I sigh.

However, I’m also a little miffed that she’shere at all! I want to ask her why she came to this universe in thefirst place! But Na’ta is quick in all things. Her demeanor changeswhen she releases me and looks past me. “Is he your Selell?” sheasks, eyeing Chex.

I turn behind me to glance at him. He seemsvery distracted by my nakedness although he is making an attempt tofollow our conversation. “No,” I sadly answer.

Na’ta nods once. She has a pragmaticexpression on her face. History has taught me that that look meansshe’s conjuring a plan that usually involves the threat of death orinjury.

“That’s too bad,” she mutters, looking afaroff. “We could’ve used your bond to easily open the gate to Tetra.The combined power of the i’lek’u will open it in a jiffy.”

“Tetra?” I manage to blurt out before shecan continue with her bossiness.

“Adore, behind the gates are the souls ofSelells who are dead,” she says as if I do not already know this.“We have to go get Telman out of there. He’s still of flesh andhere, beyond the Earth, breath. The souls can kill him and he’ll belost to me forever.” She’s flustered by the time she finishessaying this.

“Give me five seconds,” Chex says from therear.

And in less than that time he’s standingnext to me, clothed and holding my wet pal’k up for me to take.

“She can’t wear that,” Na’ta says as shereaches to swipe the garment out of his hands.

“Hey! Manners!” Chex gripes as he pulls itbefore she can snatch it from him. He puts it securely into my handand now I have it.

Na’ta snorts, slighted because, in her mind,he just won. That’s how Na’ta thinks. She has to get her way to bevictorious.

“You sure this one isn’t your bond?” Shecontinues to sneer at him. “Since he so easily inserts himself intofamily matters.”

“Not family’s, just Ad’ru’s,” Chex snapsback. Just as I knew he would. He’s not one to spurn confrontation,and neither is she.

“Oh,” Na’ta cynically sings as she carefullytakes the pal’k from me. “You speak Enuian, I see.” She curls hertop lip. “Ne’lek’ Ad’ru ne’tekk’ta lep’ot.”

Chex takes his hardened gaze off of her andlooks to me for interpretation.

“She said that you only want to see me nakedand wet.”

He lifts his eyebrows and sniffs, onlyvaguely amused by that.

“Plus, where we’re going, you can’t wearthis.” She shakes the pal’k in her hand.

“Where are we going?” I ask warily.

She points her chin at Chex. “He’s going tohave to do. It would be nice to have the Selell with the light toget us in but I think a few drops of his blood will open thedoor.”

“My blood?” Chex exclaims. “No one takes myblood. Not even her.” He stabs his thumb in my direction.

“I’ll be back,” Na’ta says, ignoring hisprotestation.

And faster than instantly, she’s gone.

Chex blinks as if his eyes deceived him.“Did she just disappear?” he asks surprised.

I shake my head. “No, she holds the power ofspeed,” I explain. “She’s moving through space but at a speed noother creature other than the Creator himself can travel.”

He flinches,

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