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tag="{}a">352. three hundred, a year, 46. two hundred, a year, 215. Poverty come, so shall thy, 825. depressed, worth by, 366. distressed by, 367. I pay thy, not thy will, 108. nor riches, give me neither, 829. not my will consents, 108. penny in the urn of, 588. rustic life and, 514. steeped me in, 155. stood smiling, 346. the destruction of the poor, 825. Powder, food for, 87. keep your, dry, 588. Powdered with stars, 236. Power above can save, the, 342. an unwearied, 414. and effect of love, 191. and pelf, 488. balance of, 304. beauty hath strange, 242. behind the eye, 603. behind the throne, 364. daughter of Jove relentless, 382. day of thy, 823. earthly, show likest God's, 64. force of temporal, 64. forty parson, 559. gray flits the shade of, 541. greatest not exempted from her, 31. heaven upon the past has not, 274. human, which could evade, 555. in excess, desire of, 165. intellectual, the, 465, 480. is a trust, all, 608. is passing from the earth, 477. knowledge is, 168. lay down the wreck of, 571. like a desolating pestilence, 567. not now in fortune's, 212. o'er true virginity, 245. of beauty I remember, the, 272. of grace, 513. of public plunder, cohesive, 529. of thought, the, 551. of words, graced with the, 330. pangs of guilty, 367. pomp of, 384. shadow of some unseen, 564. should take who have the, 473. some novel, 634. talent in a man's, 662. taught by that, 402. thank the eternal, 380. that hath made us a nation, 517, 595. that pities me, 402. the giftie gie us, wad some, 448. to assume a pleasing shape, 135. to broaden the mind, 750. to charm insanity, 603. to charm, nor witch hath, 127. to persuade, 756. to say behold, 57. to thunder, flatter Jove for his, 103. to wound, her very shoe has, 378. upon the past, heaven has not, 274. wealth excludes but one evil, 373. which erring men call chance, 245. while Thee I seek protecting, 674. within, the ruling, 750. Powers, struggle of discordant, 409. supreme keep men in obedience, 193. that be, 844. that will work for thee, 471. we lay waste our, 476. which impress our minds, 466. Powerful as truth, nothing so, 534. grace that lies in herbs, 106. Practice becomes second nature, 707. in little things, 743. is everything, 758. is the best instructor, 710. of a wise man, 207. Practices, long train of these, 364. to deceive, 490. Practised falsehood, 232. what he preached, 672. Prague, old hermit of, 77. Prague's proud arch, 513. Prairie's midst, she lights her fires in every, 655. Praise, all his pleasure, 305. and true perfection, 66. arise, let the Creator's, 302. beat high for, 519. [1059]blame love kisses, 474. blessings and eternal, 477. come to bury Cæsar not to, 113. damn with faint, 327. dispraised no small, 240. Father Son and Holy Ghost, 278. from a friend, 339. from Sir Hubert Stanley, 457. garment of, 834. God from whom all blessings flow, 278. him all creatures here below, 278. I 'll sing thee a song in thy, 449. if there be any, 847. love of, howe'er concealed, 310. none named thee but to, 562. of those about to marry, 763. only to be praised, we, 795. poets lose half the, 221. pudding against empty, 330. silence muse His, 357. sound of woman's, 593. swells the note of, 384. the Frenchman, I, 416. them most that paint truest, 300. thirst of, 414. undeserved is scandal in disguise, 330. wealth preferring to eternal, 341. whom there were none to, 469. Praises faintly when he must, 327. sound of one's, 741. Praising God with sweetest looks, 584. man when he is dead, 699. most dispraises, 327. the rose that all are, 581. what is lost makes the remembrance dear, 74. Prate of my whereabout, stones, 119. Prattle to be tedious, thinking his, 82. Pray, doth late and early, 174. for no man but myself, I, 109. goody please to moderate, 672. late and early, 174. remained to, 397. the Lord my soul to keep, 687. we do, for mercy, 65. with you drink with you nor, 61. Prayer all his business, 305. ardent, opens heaven, 309. cursed with every granted, 321. doth teach us all, 65. erects a house of, 286. for others' weal, fondest, 539. four hours spend in, 24. heaven sometimes grants before the, 269. homes of silent, 632. imperfect offices of, 479. is of no avail, when, 479. is the burden of a, 497. is the soul's sincere desire, 497. making their lives a, 618. of Ajax was for light, 614. of devotion, the still, 524. people's, the, 268. swears a, or two, 105. the fervent, 538. Prayers, child of many, 614. feed on, 25. for death, old man's, 697. God answers sudden on some, 621. which are old age's alms, 25. Prayer-books are the toys of age, 318. Prayeth best who loveth best, 499. well who loveth well, 499. Preach a whole year, if I, 439. humility is a virtue all, 195. Preached as never to preach again, 670. practised what he, 672. Preacheth patience, 205. Preaching, a woman, 371. Precede, lead the way we 'll, 441. Precedes, consider what, 746. Precedent, codeless myriad of, 627. embalms a principle, 607. for poor men's facts, 36. Precedents, day supported by, 726. Precept, example more efficacious, 368. upon precept, 834. Precincts of the cheerful day, 385. Precious bane, deserve the, 225. in the sight of the Lord, 823. instance of itself, sends some, 142. jewel in his head, wears a, 67. life-blood of a master-spirit, 254. nose, that 's his, 585. odours, virtue is like, 165. ointment, better than, 830. seeing to the eye, it adds a, 56. soul, damn your, 772. stone, a gift is as a, 827. stone, this, 81. to me, things most, 124. treasure of his eyesight, 104. truth is, 213. Precipitate down dashed, 358. Precise, art is too, 201. in promise-keeping, 47. Precocity, miracle of, 718. Predecessor, illustrious, 364, 408. Preferment goes by letter, 149. Pregnant hinges of the knee, 137. quarry teemed with human form, 394. Prejudice is strong when the judgment 's weak, 672. Prelate, religion without a, 588. Premier pas qui coûte, 801. 'Prentice han' she tried on man, 446. Preordained from everlasting, 756. Preparation, dreadful note of, 92. Prepare to shed tears, 113. Prerogative of mind, the grand, 534. Presage of his future years, 427. Presbyterian true blue, 210. Presence full of light, 109. lord of thy, and no land beside, 78. maiden, scanter of your, 130. now and in my, 101. of body, 509. of mind, 703. shall my wants supply, his, 300. whose, civilizes ours, 415. Present fears less than imaginings, 116. help in trouble, 820. in spirit, absent in body, 845. joys therein I find, 22. [1060]things seem worst, 89. Presents endear absents, 509. Presentment, counterfeit, 140. Preservative of all arts, 852. President, rather be right than, 517. Press, freedom of the, 435. not a falling man too far, 99. the people's right maintain, 675. with vigour on, 359. Pressure, his form and, 137. of taxation, 462. Presume not God to scan, 317. Pretender, God bless the, 351. Pretty chickens, all my, 124. creature drink, 472. everything that, is, 159. Fanny's way, 305. feet like snails, 202. looks, puts on his, 79. Sally, there 's none like, 285. to force together thoughts, 500. to walk with, 256. Prevail, oars alone can ne'er, 416. Prevaricate, thou dost, 211. Prey at fortune, 153. expects his evening, 383. fleas that on him, 290. to dumb forgetfulness, a, 385. to hastening ills a, 396. was man, his, 333. where eagles dare not perch, wrens make, 96. Priam's curtain, drew down, 88. powers and self shall fall, 337. Price, all men have their, 304. for knowledge, too high, the, 313. of chains and slavery, 430. of liberty, 855. of wisdom is above rubies, 817. pearl of great, 839. Prices, all have, 559. Prick the sides of my intent, 118. Pricks, kick against the, 843. me on, honour, 87. Pricking of my thumbs, 123. on the plaine, 27. Prickles on it, leaf had, 245. tormenting himself with his, 584. Pride aiming at the blest abodes, 316. alone, stands in his, 667. and haughtiness of soul, 298. blend our pleasure or, 472. coy submission modest, 232. crueltie and ambition of man, 27. day in its, 528. father's joy mother's, 492. fell with my fortunes, 66. goeth before, 13, 38. goeth before destruction, 826. high-blown, broke under me, 99. humbled out of, 777. idleness and, 361. in reasoning pride,
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