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tag="{}a">532. man, but man, 48. man's contumely, 135. me no prouds, 108. of the earth, 598. on his own dunghill, 14. philosophy, I ask not, 516. scene was o'er, the, 331. science never taught to stray, 315. setter up of kings, 95. shall be, all the, 335. spirit of mortal be, 561. to importune, too, 387. tops of the eastern pines, 81. waves be stayed, 817. world, good bye, 598. Prouder than rustling in silk, 159. Proud-pied April, 163. Prove, all the pleasures, 40. all things, 847. their doctrine orthodox, 210. Proved true before, was, 215. Provençal song and dance, 575. Proverb and a byword, 815. Proverbs, books like, 266. patch grief with, 53. the sanctuary of intuitions, 602. Proverbed with a grandsire phrase, 104. Providence alone secures, 417. behind a frowning, 423. even God's, seeming estranged, 586. foreknowledge, will and fate, 228. I may assert eternal, 223. in the fall of a sparrow, 145. is with the last reserve, 811. rubs which, sends, 401. their guide, 240. to demonstrate a, 743. ways of God are full of, 749. Provident fear, early and, 411. Providently caters for the sparrow, 67. Provoke a saint, 't would, 321. Provoketh thieves, beauty, 66. Provokes the caper, while his off-heel, 442. Prow, youth on the, 383. Prudence points the way, 672. Prudent man looketh well, 826. Prudes for proctors, 629. Prunes and prism, 652. Prunello, leather or, 319. [1063]Pruning-hooks, spears into, 832. Prussia hurried to the field, when, 489. Psalmist of Israel, the sweet, 815. Psalms, purloins the, 539. songs be turned to holy, 25. Public amusements, friend to, 371. credit, dead corpse of, 531. feasts, wedlock compared to, 176. flame nor private, 332. haunt, exempt from, 67. honour is security, 689. offices, keep out of, 729. plunder, power of, 529. rout, where meet a, 176. show, midnight dances and, 335. stock of harmless pleasure, 369. tax eminent men pay to the, 291. to speak in, on the stage, 459. trust, when a man assumes a, 436. trusts, 859. weal, 777. Publish it not in the streets, 814. Publishing our neighbour's shame, 670. Pudding against empty praise, 330. last piece of, 510. proof of the, 789. Puff the prostitute away, 274. Puffed and reckless libertine, 129. Puissant nation, noble and, 254. Pukes in, sea the passenger, 559. Puking in the nurse's arms, 69. Pull in resolution, 125. Puller down of kings, 95. Pulpit drum ecclesiastick, 209. Pulse of life stood still, 306. Pulses fly, makes his, 655. Pulteney's toad-eater, 389. Pumice isle in Baiae's bay, 565. Pun, who could make so vile a, 282. Puns, people that make, 637. Punch, some sipping, 468. Punctual spot, this, 237. Punishment, back to thy, 229. greater than I can bear, 812. that women bear, 50. Pun-provoking thyme, 380. Puny whipster, every, 156. Pupil of the human eye, 518. Puppy whelp and hound, 400. Puppy-dogs, as maids talk of, 78. Purchaser will pay for worth of everything, 713. Pure alone are mirrored, 577. and eloquent blood, 177. and holy meek and lowly, 611. and vestal modesty, 108. as snow chaste as ice, 136. by being purely shone upon, 526. delight, land of, 303. in thought as angels are, 455. kept thy truth so, 252. the real Simon, 671. unto the pure all things are, 848. Pure-eyed faith, 243. Purge and leave sack, 88. off the baser fire, 226. Purged with euphrasy, 240. Purified, every creature shall be, 41. Puritanism laid the egg of democracy, 662. Puritans gave the world action, 641. hated bear-baiting, 593. Purity and truth, 280. of grace, the, 550. Purloins the psalms, 539. Purple all the ground, 247. and gold, gleaming in, 551. as their wines, abbots, 332. light of love, 382. testament of bleeding war, 82. the sails, 157. with love's wound, 58. Purpled o'er the lawn, 342. Purple-stained mouth, 575. Purpose, cite Scripture for his, 61. constancy to, 608. firm, is equal to the deed, 307. flighty, never is o'ertook, 123. I know the evil of that I, 698. infirm of, 120. one increasing, runs, 626. plain and to the, 51. shake my fell, 117. speak and, not, 146. time to every, 830. Purposes, execute their airy, 224. Purposed overthrow, 162. Purpureal gleams, 482. Purse, bursting, 449. costly as thy, can buy, 130. put money in thy, 151. who steals my, steals trash, 153. Purses, light gains make heavy, 37. Pursue phantoms of hope, 367. the triumph, 320. Pursuing, still achieving still, 612. Pursuit of happiness, 434. of knowledge, 528. Push on keep moving, 457. us from our stools, 122. Puss-gentleman, a fine, 415. Put a tongue in every wound, 114. back to-morrow, 29. money in thy, 151. not your trust in princes, 824. out the light, 156. too fine a point, don't, 792. up with a great deal, 703. up with anything, 702. you down, a plain tale shall, 85. your trust in God, 588. Puts on his pretty looks, 79. Putteth down one, he, 821. Putting off, eased the, 234. Puzzles the will, 136. Pygmies are pygmies still, 309. Pygmy-body, fretted the, 267. Pyramid, mystery hid under Egypt's, 621. star-y-pointing, 251. Pyramids are pyramids in vales, 309. doting with age, 222. set off his memories, no, 198. virtue alone outbuilds the, 309. Pyrrhic dance, you have the, 557. phalanx, where is the, 557. Pythagoras, opinion of, 77. [1064]Pythian treasures, Apollo's, 339. Pythias and Demosthenes, 728.
Quadrangular spots, 420. Quaff immortality, and joy, 235. Quaffing laughing drinking, 272. Quaker loves an ample brim, the, 586. Qualities, see a man's good, 578. Quality of mercy is not strained, 64. of success which includes all others, 609. taste of your, 134. things outward do draw the inward, 158. things that have a common, 755. true-fixed and resting, 112. Quantity of love, with all their, 144. Quantum, o' the sin, 448. Quarelets of pearl, 201. Quarles saved by beauties not his own, 331. Quarrel, entrance to a, 130. in a straw, 142. is a very pretty, 441. just, he that hath his, 94. justice of my, 40. sudden and quick in, 69. with my bread and butter, 292. Quarrels of lovers, 702. pick no, 398. thy head is as full of, 107. who in, interpose, 349. would not last long, 796. Quarrelsome, countercheck, 72. Quarries rocks and hills, 150. Quarry, sagacious of his, 239. the pregnant, 394. Quarry-slave, like the, 572. Quart of mighty ale, 3. Quean, extravagant, 442. Queen, apparent, 233. Bess, image of good, 585. Elizabeth, scandal about, 441. hail their, fair regent, 426. Mab hath been with you, 104. o' the May, I 'm to be, 624. of land and sea, Rome the, 642. of the world, 674. rose of the rosebud garden, 631. shall be as drunk as we, 362. she looks a, 337. would grace a summer's, 492. Quem Jupiter vult perdere, 707. Question, answer not every, 711. begging the, 853. marriage an open, 602. of despair, the hurried, 550. that is the, 135. two sides to every, 765. Questions, ask me no, 401. deep, arguments and, 163. Questionable shape, in such a, 130. Questioning is not the mode of conversation, 373. Questionings of sense, 478. Qui desiderat pacem, 425. fugiebat, rursus prœliabitur, 216. fuit peut revenir aussi, 216. Quick bosoms, quiet to, 543. bright things come to confusion, 57. in quarrel, sudden and, 69. Quickly, well it were done, 117. Quickness, with too much, 321. Quicksands, life hath, 614. Quid velit et possit, 409. Quiddities, where be his, 143. Quiddity and entity, 210. Quiet and peace, calm, 249. as a nun, the holy time is, 470. be, and go a-angling, 208. breast, truth hath, a, 80. conscience, a still and, 99. dream, glide through a, 538. kiss me and be, 350. life, anything for a, 852. Merryman and Dyet, Dr., 293. rich and infamous, 592. rural and retirement, 355. study to be, 847. to quick bosoms is a hell, 543. us in a death so noble, 242. Quiets of the past, hallowed, 661. Quietus make with a bare bodkin, 135. Quill from an angel's wing, 484. Quills, stops of various, 248. upon the porcupine, 131. upon the porpentine, 131. Quillets of the law, nice sharp, 93. where be his, 143. Quintessence of perception, 663. Quintilian stare and gasp, made, 252. Quip modest, 72. Quips and cranks, 248. and sentences, 51. Quire of bad verses, 593. Quiring to young-eyed cherubims, 65. Quirks of blazoning pens, 151. Quit oh quit this mortal frame, 334. your books, up my friend and, 466. yourselves like men, 814. Quiver, after the soul, is gone the limbs will, 375. full, man that hath his, 824. Quiver's choice, devil in his, 560. Quos deus vult perdere,
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