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tag="{}a">66. to everything there is a, 830. when I have convenient, 843. word spoken in, 611. word spoken in due, 826. your admiration for a while, 128. Seasons and their change, 233. death thou hast all, 570. justice, when mercy, 65. return with the year, 230. roll as the swift, 636. vernal, of the year, 254. who knew the, 623. Seasoned life of man, 254. timber never gives, 204. with a gracious voice, 63. with salt, 847. Seat, his favourite, be woman's feeble breast, 482. in some poetic nook, 536. is the bosom of God, her, 31. misfortune made the throne her, 301. nature from her, 239. of Mars, this, 81. this castle hath a pleasant, 117. up to our native, 226. vaulted with ease into his, 86. [1080]while memory holds a, 132. Seats beneath the shade, 395. Seated heart knock at my ribs, 116. Second childishness and mere oblivion, 69. Daniel, a, 65. each, stood heir to the first, 149. in Rome, 727. nature, custom is, 735. thought, the sober, 283. thoughts are best, 277. thoughts, to their own, 283. Secret as the grave, 792. black and midnight hags, 123. bread eaten in, 825. dread and inward horror, 298. in silence and tears, in, 682. of a weed's plain heart, 656. of nature, death is a, 751. of success is constancy, 608. soul to show, 551. sympathy, it is the, 488. things are the Lord's, 814. trusted to a woman, 725. Secrets of my prison-house, 131. of the nether world, 749. reveal no, 398. Secretary of nature, 208. Sect, slave to no, 320. Sects, vicissitudes of, and religions, 168. Secure amidst a falling world, 300. the past at least is, 532. Security for the future, 364. public honour is, 689. Sedge, giving a kiss to every, 44. Seduces all mankind, woman, 348. See a hand you cannot see, 314. a world to, 33. all things, light to, 30. and be seen, 707. and eek for to be seie, 3. her is to love her, to, 452. is this a dagger which I, 119. it, I don't, 297. may I be there to, 417. none so blind as those that will not, 283, 293. oursels as others see us, 448. the conquering hero comes, 281. the right and approve it, 295. thee again, then I shall, 115. thee at Philippi, 115. thee damned first, I will, 464. thee still, I have thee not yet, 119. through a glass darkly, 845. 't is but a part we, 315. what I see, to have seen what I have seen, 136. what is not to be seen, 439. with his half-shut eyes, 326. Sees God in clouds, 315. or dreams he sees, 225. what he foresaw, 476. with equal eye, who, 315. Seed begging bread, nor his, 819. fruit from such a, 544. in the morning sow thy, 831. of the church, 756. Seeds of poesy by heaven sown, 347. of time, look into the, 116. Seeing eye, the hearing ear, 827. eyes were made for, if, 599. not satisfied with, 830. precious, to the eye, 56. the root of the matter, 817. Seek and ye shall find, 839. it ere it come to light, 424. thee in vain by the meadow, 587. Seeks painted trifles, 391. Seeking light doth light of light beguile, 54. the bubble reputation, 69. whom he may devour, 849. Seem a saint when I play the devil, 96. they grow to what they, 395. things are not what they, 612. Seems madam I know not seems, 127. wisest virtuousest best, 238. Seeming estranged, providence, 586. evil still educing good, 357. otherwise, 151. Seemly, do it not if it is not, 756. Seen better days, we have, 68. evidence of things not, 848. needs only to be, 269. never was nor never shall be, 182. that day, or ever I had, 128. too early, unknown, 105. what I have seen, 136. Seldom he smiles, 111. shall she hear a tale, 380. Selection, natural, 622. Self, smote the cord of, 625. something dearer than, 541. true to thine own, 130. Self-approving hour, one, 319. Self-disparagement, inward, 480. Self-dispraise, luxury in, 480. Self-esteem, nothing profits more than, 238. Self-evident truths, 434. Self-existence, concatenation of, 401. Self-knowledge self-control, 623. Self-love not so vile a sin, 91. Self-made men, 637. Self-mettle tires him, 98. Self-neglecting and self-love, 91. Self-preservation in animals, 764. Self-reliance, discontent is want of, 601. Self-reproach, feel no, 468. Self-respect, never lose thy, 750. Self-reverence self-knowledge, 623. Self-sacrifice, spirit of, 475. Selfsame flight the selfsame way, 60. heaven that frowns on me, 98. Self-slaughter, canon 'gainst, 128. Self-taught, I sing, 347. Sell with you buy with you, 61. Selling of pig in a poke, 20. Selves, from our own, our joys must flow, 362. stepping-stones of their dead, 631. Semblance, wait for me a little, 746. Semi-Solomon, a kind of, 593. Sempronius, we 'll do more, 297. Senate at his heels, Cæsar with a, 319. [1081]give his little, laws, 327, 336. long debate, can a Roman, 298. Senates, listening, 385. Senators, green-robed, those, 575. most grave, 151. Senior-junior giant-dwarf, 55. Sensation, count minutes by, 608. Sensations felt in the blood, 467. Sense aches at thee, the, 155. all the joys of, 319. and nonsense, through, 269. and outward things, 478. custom who all, doth eat, 141. deviates into, 269. flows in fit words, 268. from thought divide, 316. good health and good, 713. good, the gift of heaven, 322. if all want, 205. joys of, lie in three words, 319. live within the, 567. men of, approve, 324. much fruit of, 323. obstinate questionings of, 478. of death is most in apprehension, 48. of future favours, gratitude, 304. of ills to come, no, 381. of shame, lost to all, 338. of your great merit, 423. one for rhyme, one for, 213. palls upon the, 298. palter in a double, 126. persons of good, 796. satire or, 328. song charms the, 228. sound an echo to the, 324. stings and motions of the, 47. sublime of something, 467. the daintier, 143. want of decency is want of, 278. whose weighty, 268. with his uncommon, 352. Senses, entrancing our, 677. impressions through the, 754. seven, out of his, 493. steep my, in forgetfulness, 89. unto our gentle, 117. Senseless and fit man, most, 51. Sensibility, wanting, 422. Sensible and well-bred man, 415. men are of the same religion, 610. men never tell, 610. to feeling as to sight, 119. warm motion, 48. Sensuous, simple passionate and, 254. Sentence, he mouths a, 412. hungry judges sign the, 326. mortality my, 239. my, is for open war, 226. Sentences, quips and, 51. Sententious, Cato the, 559. Sentiment, action measured by the, 602. nurse of manly, 410. pluck the eyes of, 635. Sentimentally disposed to harmony, 509. Sentinel and nun, like, 635. stars set their watch, 515. Sentinels, fixed, 91. Separateth very friends, 827. September, thirty days hath, 684. Sepulchral urns, in old, 415. Sepulchre, quietly inurned in the, 130. soldier's, shall be a, 515. Sepulchres whited, 841. Sepulchred in such pomp, 251. Sequent centuries, no, 600. Sequestered vale, 385, 425. Seraph, as the rapt, that adores, 316. so spake the, Abdiel, 235. Seraphs might despair, where, 540. Serbonian bog, 228. Sere the yellow leaf, 124. Serene amidst alarms, 428. and bright, old age, 475. gem of purest ray, 385. of heaven, breaks the, 507. Serenely full the epicure would say, 461. Serenity, a never fading, 299. Sergeant death, this fell, 145. Serious in ridiculous matters, 735. smile, make the, 345. thought, still and, 471. Seriphus, if I had been of, 723. Sermon, perhaps turn out a, 448. who flies a, 204. Sermons and soda-water, 557. in stones, 67. Serpent, biteth like a, 828. like Aaron's, 317. more of the, than dove, 41. of old Nile, 157. sting thee twice, 64. trail of the, 526. under the innocent flower, 117. Serpents, be ye wise as, 839. poison for, 718. Serpent's tooth, sharper than a, 146. Servant a dog, is thy, 816. of God, well done, 236. to the lender, 828. with this clause, 204. Servants, men in great place are thrice, 165. of fame and of business, 165. of the sovereign or state, 165. Serve for table-talk, 64. God and mammon, ye cannot, 838. in heaven, than, 224. one of those that will not, 149. they, who stand and wait, 252. 't is enough, 't will, 107. Serves me most who serves his country best, 339. Served my God, had I but, 100. Serveth not another's will, 174. Servi peregrini, 418. Service, ability for good, 411. devine, she sange, 1. done the state some, 156. is no heritage, 73. is perfect freedom, whose, 851. of the antique world, 67. small, is true service,
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