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248. much may be said on both, 300, 363. of kings, ruined, 196. spur to prick the, of my intent, 118. unfed, 147. Sidelong looks of love, 396. maid, hasty from the, 356. Sidmouth, great storm at, 462. Sidney shone, thus immortal, 671. warbler of poetic prose, 421. Sidney's sister Pembroke's mother, 179. Siege to scorn, laugh a, 125. Sieges fortunes battles, 150. Sifted a whole nation, God, 266. three kingdoms, God had, 616. Sigh, beadle to a humorous, 55. but roar, he did not only, 283. from Indus to the Pole, 333. no more ladies, 51, 405. passing tribute of a, 385. perhaps 't will cost a, 433. prayer is the burden of a, 497. that rends thy heart, 402. the lack of many a thing, 161. to think he still has found, 379. to those who love me, 553. which prompts the eternal, 318. yet feel no pain, to, 525. yet not recede, 444.
Sighs avail, naught my, 683. in Venice on the bridge of, 544. more persuasive, 339. night of memories of, 511. sovereign of, 55. to find them in the wood, 573. world of, for my pains, 150. Sighed and looked, 272, 356. at the sound of a knell, 416. for his country he, 515. from all her caves, hell, 229. no sooner, but asked the reason, 71. no sooner loved but they, 71. till woman smiled, man, 513. to many, loved but one, 540. to measure, often have I, 470. to think I read a book, 470. we wept we, 262. Sighing, a plague of, 85. farewell goes out, 102. like furnace, the lover, 69. through all her works, nature, 239. under a sycamore tree, 406. why thus forever, 680. Sight, became a part of, 549. because it is not yet in, 441. charms or ear or, 502. charms strike the, 326. faints into dimness, 549. full fayre, a, 404. gleamed upon my, 474. hideous, a naked human heart, 308. keen discriminating, 464. lose friends out of, 569. lost to, to memory dear, 587. loved not at first, 35, 40. of all men, honest in the, 844. of human ties, at, 333. of means to do ill deeds, 80. of that immortal sea, 478. of vernal bloom, 230. out of, out of mind, 7, 35. passed in music out of, 625. sensible to feeling as to, 119. spare my aching, 383. swim before my, 333. though thy smile be lost to, 587. thousand years in thy, 822. 't is a shameful, 302. to delight in, 506. to dream of not to tell, 499. to see, a goodly, 540. to see, a splendid, 540. truth will come to, 62. understood her by her, 177. walk by faith not by, 846. we lose friends out of, 569. Sights as youthful poets dream, 249. of death, what ugly, 96. of ghastly dreams and ugly, 96. pleasant, salute the eyes, 655. rural, alone, 417. Sightless couriers of the air, 118. Milton with his hair, 483. Sign brings customers, 797. dies and makes no, 94. for him to retire, 609. for me to leave, 112. hearts that break and give no, 636. of gratulation, earth gave, 238. outward and visible, 850. to know the gentle blood, 29. without a, 339. Signs of the times, 840. of woe, gave, 239. which come before events, 705. Signet sage, pressed its, 491. Significant and budge, 415. [1087]Signifies love, 45. Signifying nothing, 125. Signiors, grave and reverend, 149. Silence accompanied, 233. all the airs and madrigals, 254. and slow time, 576. and tears, in secret in, 682. and tears, parted in, 539. deep as death, 515. envious tongues, 100. expressive, 357. flashes of, 461. float upon the wings of, 244. foster-child of, 576. gives consent, 401. have trimmed in, 731. hour friendliest to sleep and, 235. implying sound, 649. in love bewrays more woe, 25. in the starry sky, 478. is an answer to a wise man, 730. is deep as eternity, 579. is golden speech is silvern, 579. is of eternity, 579. is the best resolve, 795. is the perfectest herald of joy, 51. let it be tenable in your, 129. majestic, 535. never regretted, 714. nothing lives 'twixt it and, 676. speech better than, 700. temple of, 592. that dreadful bell, 152. that is in the starry sky, 478. that spoke, 339. the rest is, 146. there is a, 583. thunders of white, 621. was pleased, 233. where hath been no sound, 583. where no sound may be, 583. wheresoe'er I go, 538. ye wolves, 331. Silences, grand orchestral, 621. Silent, all, and all damned, 468. as the moon, 241. cataracts, motionless torrents, 501. dew, fall on me like a, 202. finger points to heaven, 481. finger, point with, 504. grave, dark and, 26. halls of death, 572. land, into the, 805. manliness of grief, 398. note which Cupid strikes, 218. organ loudest chants, 599. prayer, homes of, 632. sea into that, 498. sea of pines, 501. shore, landing on some, 295. shore of memory, 481. shore, that unknown and, 509. that you may hear, 113. thought, sessions of sweet, 161. thought, stores of, 466. upon a peak in Darien, 576. when occasion requires, 729. when to be, 713. Silently as a dream, 421. steal away, 614. Silenus, saying of, 736. Silk, rustling in unpaid-for, 159. soft as, remains, 313. Silken primrose, soft, 251. tie, the silver link the, 488. Siloa's brook, 223. Siloam's shady rill, 535. Silver and gold are not the only coin, 699. bowers leave, 28. cord be loosed, 831. fruit-tree tops, tips with, 106. golden locks to, turned, 24. just for a handful of, 646. light on tower and tree, 673. lining on the night, 243. link the silken tie, 488. mantle threw o'er the dark, 233. pictures of, 828. sea, stone set in the, 81. the oars were, 157. Silver-mantled plains, 640. Silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues, 106. Silver-white, hairs on his brows were, 589. lady-smocks, 56. Silvered by time completely, 419. his beard was sable, 129. o'er with age, 348. the walls of Cumnor Hall, 426. tips, with, 106. Silvern, speech is, 579. Simile that solitary shines, 329. Similes, I sit and play with, 473. Similitudes, used, 835. Simon Pure, real, 671. the cellarer, 682. Simple child, a, 466. faith, plain and, 114. wiles, transient sorrows, 474. Simples, compounded of many, 70. Simpleness and duty, 59. Simplicity a child, in, 335. a grace that makes, 178. elegant as, 414. he lived in noble, 571. Jeffersonian, 668. of the three per cents, 437, 610. resigns her charge to, 231. simple truth miscalled, 162. sublime in his, 627. Simulated stature face and speech, 621. Simulation of the painted scene, 621. Sin, a duty not a, 359. and death abound, where, 497. and guilt, each thing of, 245. angels fell by that, 100. Christ-like is it for, to grieve, 793. could blight, ere, 500. cunning, can cover itself, 52. falter not for, 641. folly can glide into, 492. fools make a mock at, 826. for me to sit and grin, 635. God-like to leave, 793. has many tools, 637. his darling, 501. [1088]his favourite, is pride, 507. in the blossoms of my, 132. man-like to fall into, 793. men, without intending it, 751. no, for a man to labour, 83. not, be ye angry and, 847. nothing emboldens, as mercy, 109. of self-neglecting, 91. quantum o' the, I waive the, 448. sad as angels for the good man's, 513. self-love is not so vile a, 91. some rise by, 47. they, who tell us love can die, 508. thinking their own kisses, 108. to covet honour, if it be a, 92. to falter would be, 653. wages of, is death, 844. Sins, compound for, 211. multitude of, 849. of the fathers, 699. oldest, the newest kind of ways, 90. our compelled, 48. remembered in thy orisons, 136. Sinais climb and know it not, 658. Sinament and ginger, 683. Since the conquest, ever, 279. Sincerity, bashful, 52. wrought in a sad, 598. Sinews bought and sold, 418. of the new-born babe, 139. of the soul, 222. of virtue, 208. of war, 810. stiffen the, 91. Sing again with your dear voice, 567. alas for those that never, 636. and die, let me, 558. and play, wouldst have me, 525. and that they love, 220. because I must, I do but, 632. eagle suffers little birds to, 104. for joy, widow's heart to, 817. he knew himself to, 246. heavenly goddess, 336. in a hempen string, 184. it to rest, I cannot, 657. strange that death should,
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