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die to, 135. now I lay me down to, 687. now I lay me down to take my, 687. O gentle sleep, 89. of a labouring man, 830. of death, in that, 135. of nights, such as, 111. out of his, to sterte, 2. perchance to dream, to, 135. sinking in thy last long, 438. six hours in, 24. sleepless to give their readers, 331. some must watch while some must, 138. strong man after, 254. sweetly tender heart, 624. that knits up the ravelled sleave of care, 119. that knows not breaking, 491. the friend of woe, 508. the innocent, 119. till the end true soul, 625. timely dew of, 233. to mine eyes, I will not give, 824. undisturbed, 367. was aery-light, his, 234. while sluggards, 360. while some must, 138. will never lie where care lodges, 106. winding up nights with, 92. yet a little, 825. Sleeps at wisdom's gate, suspicion, 231. creation, 306. his last sleep, 666. ill who knows not that he, 708. in dust, flourish when he, 851. on her soft axle, 237. on his own heart, 471. the pride of former days, 519. till tired he, 318. upon this bank, the moonlight, 65. well, after life's fitful fever, he, 121. Sleeping but never dead, 656. growing when ye 're, 495. when she died, we thought her, 583. within my orchard, 132. Sleepless nights, three, I passed, 465. soul that perished, 470. to give their readers sleep, 331. Sleet of arrowy shower, 384. Sleeve, heart upon my, 149. Sleeves, herald's coat without, 87. Slenderly and meanly, 837. fashioned, so, 586. Slepen alle night with open eye, 1. Slept and dreamed, 654. dying when she, 583. in peace, 100. one wink, 160. Sleveless errand, 12. Slew the slain, thrice he, 271. Slide, let the world, 9, 72, 198. not stand, loves to, 267. Slides into verse, 328. Slight, nor fame I, 333. not strength, 172. not what is near, 698. Slings and arrows of fortune, 135. Slinks out of the race, 254. Slip, Judas had given them the, 284. the dogs of war, let, 113. Slips, greyhounds in the, 91. Slipper, good to the heels the well-worn, 637. head stroked with a, 703. Slippered pantaloon, lean and, 69. [1091]Slippery place, stands upon a, 79. Slits the thin-spun life, 247. Slogardie a-night, may wol have no, 2. Slope through darkness, 632. Sloping into brooks, 536. to the southern side, 661. Sloth, resty, 160. Slough was Despond, 265. Slovenly unhandsome corse, 83. Slow, learn to read, 265. of study, 57. rises worth, 366. to anger, he that is, 827. to speak, 849. too swift arrives as tardy as too, 107. unfriended melancholy, 394. unmoving finger, 155. Slowly and sadly we laid him, 563. silence all, ever widening, 629. Sluggard, go to the ant thou, 825. 't is the voice of the, 302. Sluggards sleep, while, 360. Slumber, a little, 825. again, too soon I must, 302. honey-heavy dew of, 111. lie still and, 302. seven hours to soothing, 438. to mine eyelids, 824. Slumbers in the shell, 455. light, dreams and, 490. of the virtuous man, 299. Slumber's chain has bound me, 523. Slumbering ages, wakens the, 594. world, o'er a, 306. Sly, Stephen, 72. tough and devilish, 652. Smack of age, 88. of observation, 78. sweet, my life does, 651. Smacked of noyance, 357. Small beer, poor creature, 89. cannot reach the, 29. choice in rotten apples, 72. compare great things with, 230. deer, rats and such, 147. great vulgar and the, 262. habits well pursued, 437. have continual plodders won, 54. his deserts are, 257. Latin and less Greek, 179. no low no great no, 316. of all that human hearts endure, 367. one a strong nation, 834. rare volume, 456. sands the mountain, 311. service is true service, 486. there is no great no small, 601. things, day of, 836. to greater matters, 157. vices do appear, 148. Small-endians and big-endians, 290. Smallest worm will turn, 95. Small-knowing soul, 54. Smart for it, 54, 825. of all the girls that are so, 285. Smarts so little as a fool, 327. this dog, 363. Smell a rat, 172, 211. ancient and fish-like, 43. as sweet, a rose by any other name would, 105. flower of sweetest, 488. of bread and butter, 554. rankest compound of villanous, 46. sweet and blossom in the dust, 209. the blood of a British man, 147. Smells sweete al around, 28. to heaven, 139, 362. wooingly, heaven's breath, 117. Smelleth the battle afar off, 818. Smelt of the lamp, 728. Smile again, affliction may, 54. and be a villain, 132. and sigh, reasons why we, 569. and tear, betwixt a, 546. at anything, could be moved to, 111. be lost to sight, tho' thy, 587. because it makes us, 560. brightly, and sweetly sing, 563. calm thou mayst, 438. followed perhaps with a, 416. from partial beauty won, 513. grinned horrible a ghastly, 229. hear with a disdainful, 384. if we do meet again, we shall, 115. in her eye, 582. in pain, frown at pleasure, 309. look backwards with a, 307. make languor, 328. make the learned, 324. make the serious, 345. no more, men, 348. on her lips, 489. one vast substantial, 652. sad because it makes us, 560. sardonic, 860. sympathetic tear, the social, 387. tear followed perhaps by a, 416. that glowed celestial rosy, 238. that was childlike, 669. though I shall not be near thee, 563. to share the good man's, 397. to those who hate, 553. vain tribute of a, 487. we would aspire to, 99. wept with delight at your, 680. with an intent to do mischief, 186. Smiles, as Jupiter on Juno, 233. at the drawn dagger, 299. becks and wreathed, 248. daggers in men's, 120. from reason flow, 238. his emptiness betray, 328. in such a sort, 111. in yer face while it picks yer pocket, 350. kisses tears and, 474. of joy the tears of woe, 524. of other maidens, 677. seldom he, 111. the clouds away, 550. the robbed that, steals something from the thief, 151. the tears of boyhood, the, 523. to-day to-morrow will be dying, 202. welcome ever, 102. [1092]Smiled, all around thee, 438. hermit sighed till woman, 513. when a sabbath appeared, 416. Smiling at grief, patience on a monument, 76. damned villain, 132. destructive man, 281. in her tears, pensive beauty, 513. with a never-fading serenity, 299. Smite once, stands ready to, 241. Smith stand with his hammer, 80. Smiths never had any arms, the, 460. Smoke and flame, awful guide in, 493. and stir of this dim spot, 243. no fire without some, 17, 33. that so gracefully curled, 518. Smokes, the man who, 607. Smoking flax, 834. Smooth as monumental alabaster, 156. at a distance rough at hand, 181. course of true love never did run, 57. runs the water, 93. stream in smoother numbers, 324. the bed of death, 328. the ice, 79. Waller was, 329. Smoother than butter, 821. Smoothing the raven-down, 244. Smooth-lipped shell, 480. Smoothly done, my task is, 246. Smoothness, temperance that may give, 137. torrent's, ere it dash below, 516. Smooth-shaven green, 250. Smote him thus, 157. him under the fifth rib, 815. the chord of self, 625. them hip and thigh, 814. Snail, creeping like, 69. Snails, feet like, 202. Snake, like a wounded, 324. scotched the, not killed it, 121. Snakes in Iceland, no, 373. Snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, 77. Snare, mockery and a, 527. Snares, life hath, 614. Snatch a fearful joy, 381. a grace, 323. half our knowledge we must, 320. Sneaking off, my valour is, 441. Sneer, laughing devil in his, 551. teach the rest to, 327. who can refute a, 673. with solemn, 544. yesterday's frown and, 664. Snore upon the flint, 160. Snout, jewel in a swine's, 826. Snow, beard was white as, 142. chaste as ice as pure as, 136. chaste as unsunned, 159. diadem of, 553. from purest, 103. hide those hills of, 49, 184. in a dazzling drift, 648. in May's new-fangled mirth, 54. mockery king of, 82. not hail or rain or any, 629. peaks wrapt in clouds and, 543. rosebuds filled with, 685. shall be their winding sheet, 515. singer with the crown of, 661. wallow naked in December, 81. whiter than the driven, 380. Snows, through the drifting, 568. Snow-broth, whose blood is, 47. Snow-fall in the river, 451. Snowflakes, as still as, 538. Snow-white ram, 481. Snuff, only took, 400. rather than live in, 26. Snuff-box, amber, 326. Snuffed out by an article,
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