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Book online «Plays, Roswitha of Gandersheim [readera ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Roswitha of Gandersheim

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is indifferent to the actions of the sinner, or that He reserves judgment? Thais I suppose that the merits of each man are weighed in the balance, and that we shall be punished or rewarded according to our deeds. Paphnutius O Christ! How wondrous is Thy patience! How wondrous is Thy love! Even when those who believe in Thee sin deliberately, Thou dost delay their destruction! Thais Why do you tremble? Why do you turn pale? Why do you weep? Paphnutius I shudder at your presumption. I weep for your damnation. How, knowing what you know, can you destroy men in this manner and ruin so many souls, all precious and immortal? Thais Your voice pierces my heart! Strange lover⁠—you are cruel. Pity me! Paphnutius Let us pity rather those souls whom you have deprived of the sight of God⁠—of the God Whom you confess! Oh, Thais, you have willfully offended the divine Majesty. That condemns you. Thais What do you mean? Why do you threaten me like this? Paphnutius Because the punishment of hellfire awaits you if you remain in sin. Thais Who are you, who rebuke me so sternly? Oh, you have shaken me to the depths of my terrified heart! Paphnutius I would that you could be shaken with fear to your very bowels! I would like to see your delicate body impregnated with terror in every vein, and every fibre, if that would keep you from yielding to the dangerous delights of the flesh. Thais And what zest for pleasure do you think is left now in a heart suddenly awakened to a consciousness of guilt! Remorse has killed everything. Paphnutius I long to see the thorns of vice cut away, and the choked-up fountain of your tears flowing once more. Tears of repentance are precious in the sight of God. Thais Oh, voice that promises mercy! Do you believe, can you hope that one so vile as I, soiled by thousands and thousands of impurities, can make reparation, can ever by any manner of penance obtain pardon? Paphnutius Thais, no sin is so great, no crime so black, that it cannot be expiated by tears and penitence, provided they are followed up by deeds. Thais Show me, I beg you, my father, what I can do to be reconciled with Him I have offended. Paphnutius Despise the world. Leave your dissolute lovers. Thais And afterwards? What then? Paphnutius You must retire to some solitary place, where you may learn to know yourself and realize the enormity of your sins. Thais If you think this will save me, I will not delay a moment. Paphnutius I have no doubt it will. Thais Yet give me a little time. I must collect the wealth that I have gained through the sins of my body⁠—all the treasures I have kept too long. Paphnutius Do not give them a moment’s thought. There will be no lack of people to find them and make use of them. Thais I have another idea in my mind. I did not think of keeping this wealth or of giving it to my friends. Nor would I distribute it among the poor. The wages of sin are no material for good works. Paphnutius You are right. What then do you propose to do with your possessions? Thais Give them to the flames! Burn them to ashes! Paphnutius For what reason? Thais That they may no longer exist in the world. Each one was acquired at the cost of an injury to the goodness and beauty of the Creator. Let them burn. Paphnutius How you are changed! Grace is on your lips! Your eyes are calm, and impure passions no longer burn in them. Oh, miracle! Is this Thais who was once so greedy for gold? Is this Thais, who seeks so humbly the feet of God? Thais God give me grace to change still more. My heart is changed, but this mortal substance⁠—how shall it be changed? Paphnutius It is not difficult for the unchangeable substance to transform us. Thais Now I am going to carry out my plan. Fire shall destroy everything I have. Paphnutius Go in peace. Then return to me here quickly. Do not delay! I trust your resolution, and yet⁠— Thais You need not be afraid. Paphnutius Thais, come back quickly! God be with you! Scene IV Thais Come, my lovers! Come, all my evil lovers! Hasten, my lovers! Your Thais calls you! Lovers That is the voice of Thais. She calls us. Let us make haste. Let us make haste, for by delay we may offend her. Thais Come, lovers! Run! Hasten! What makes you so slow? Never has Thais been more impatient for your coming. Come nearer. I have something to tell you all. Lovers Oh, Thais, what is the meaning of this pile of faggots? Why are you throwing all those beautiful and precious treasures on the pile? Thais You cannot guess? You do not know why I have built this fire? Lovers We are amazed. We wonder greatly what is the meaning of it and of your strange looks. Thais You would like me to tell you, evil lovers? Lovers We long to hear. Thais Look, then! Lovers Stop, Thais! What are you doing? Are you mad? Thais I am not mad. For the first time I am sane, and I rejoice! Lovers To waste these pounds of gold, and all the other treasure! Oh, Thais, you have lost your senses! These are beautiful things, precious things, and you burn them! Thais All these things I have extorted from you as the price of shameful deeds. I burn them to destroy all hope in you that I shall ever again turn to your love. And now I leave you. Lovers Wait, Thais. Oh wait a little, and tell us what has changed you! Thais I will not stay. I will not tell you anything. To talk with you has become loathsome. Lovers What have we done to deserve this scorn and contempt? Can you accuse us of being unfaithful? What wrong have we done? We have always sought to satisfy your desires. And now you show us this bitter hatred! Unjust woman, what have we done? Thais Leave me, or let me leave you.
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