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the boulders of rock, ice and debris. Once they were safelyout of the rings, Ojoe set the computer to calculate a space jump.

“You must be tired,” Toemekasaid. “Do you want me to fly the ship?”

“No, I’m fine. I rested a fewhours after I arrived in Kanai.”

“Let me know if you change yourmind.” The ship had duel controls and Toemeka was itching to flyagain. The ship went into the jump and outside the windshield starsand planets streaked by. They made a series of jumps and finally cameout of the last one above planet Borko. The ship soared toward Borkoand soon entered its atmosphere.

Toemeka yawned. She’d sleptsome on the flight, but not nearly enough to make up for missing herusual sleep cycle. She watched out the window as the ship flew overthe ocean and felt her excitement build now that she’d arrived.She’d enjoyed being on a planet with an atmosphere friendly tolife.

The ocean and City of SilverLight appeared in the distance and she thought of Michio. They’dmet in Jaipar and she wished he was with her now. Once they’dlanded on the imperial airfield, she climbed out of the ship andbreathed in the ocean-fresh air and scent of flowers drifting fromthe gardens surrounding the palace. The lush colors and smellsoverwhelmed her senses after living in the dome.

Ojoe escorted her to Koriann’soffice where two guards stood outside the reception area. Thesecretary announced Toemeka’s arrival and she was immediatelyushered inside. Koriann sat at a desk, the exotic wood nearly coveredby stacks of paper and a computer. Unsure of how to greet a queen,Toemeka curtsied.

Koriann smiled and rose.“Toemeka, it’s good to see you!” She came around the desk andembraced Toemeka. “Is Michio with you?”

“He wasn’t at Kanai. Histraining took him off-world, so I came instead to offer what help Icould.”

Her face clouded with worry.“When will he return?”

“When he completes histraining. He warned me it could take a long time. “

“Can you reach him?”

“No, he’s at a remotemonastery, cut off from the outer world. Tell me more about SamratCondor’s threat to Jaipar.”

“He said he’ll destroy us ifwe don’t surrender. Erling has organized the entire planet’sdefense and my fiancé King Zanton Duborginact has a strongmilitary.”

“Congratulations on yourengagement,” Toemeka said. “I don’t remember you evermentioning King Zanton.”

“I met him only recently. I’mmarrying for political reasons.”

“You don’t love him?”

“I’m Queen; other things aremore important than love.”

Toemeka didn’t agree, but sheonly said, “Where’s Erling? I’m eager to see him.”

“I’ll send for him.” Shepressed a button on the intercom and told her secretary to ask MajorErling Fenian to come to her office.

“Major?” Toemeka asked.“Erling must have gotten a promotion!”

“Yes, he did. Please sit. Whathave you and Michio been doing the last two months?” They both satdown, Koriann on one side of the desk and Toemeka on the other.

Toemeka hadn’t been closefriends with Koriann when she was stationed in Jaipar and now thatKoriann was Queen, she felt a gulf between them. Nevertheless,Toemeka briefly shared her experiences at the retreat and Kanai overthe last two months.

When she finished, Koriannbrought Toemeka up-to-date on the defense of Jaipar. In the middle ofher narration, a knock on the door interrupted them and Erlingentered. Toemeka sprang from her chair and flew into his arms.

“Toe, what a wonderfulsurprise!” Erling said, kissing her on both cheeks. “Let me lookat you.” He held her at arm’s length then drew her close.

“You look great. Married lifemust agree with you.”

Toemeka clung to him, feeling herchest constrict. During the seven years she’d known Erling, they’dgrown close and she’d missed him more than she’d realized.

“What are you doing here?”Erling asked.

After Toemeka explained how shehappened to come to Jaipar, Koriann said, “You must be tired,Toemeka. I’m sure you’ll want get settled and change out of yourflight suit before dinner.”

Toemeka looked at the Queen’sexquisite tailored suit. “If it’s a formal dinner, I don’t haveanything appropriate to wear.”

“Don’t worry,” Koriannsaid. “I’ll have an evening gown sent to your room.”

Anevening gown? Great.She’d rather throw on a casual top and slacks.

A servant girl led Toemeka to herroom, chatting as they walked. “I’m Garda, you’ll love stayingat the palace. It’s magnificent. The Queen is restoring the gardensand fountains. So many of Jaipar’s buildings were destroyed in thewar, but the palace was spared.”

Garda opened a door and Toemekastepped into her bedroom suite. The sitting room contained a plushcouch, two chairs and gilded framed windows that overlooked theocean. The room was larger than the entire pod she shared with afamily of four.

“And here is the sleepingroom.” The sleeping room had a canopy bed, vanity and more oceanview windows. Gauze window coverings fluttered in the ocean breezethat flowed through the window.

“Wow! What an amazing room.”

Garda smiled. “This is one ofthe finest in the palace. You must be a special friend of the Queen.”

“Where’s my travel bag?”

“Your things are alreadyunpacked. I’ll go fetch a gown for you to wear to dinner.”

Once Garda left the room, Toemekacollapsed on the bed, sinking into its soft comforter. She intendedto rest for only a short time, but instead slipped into a goldenworld with a blue sky.

Master Bakka appeared and saidtelepathically, “There’sdanger ahead.”

The scene shifted and she sawErling sword fighting a dark-complexioned man. Toemeka screamed asthe man thrust his sword toward Erling. In the next instant she stoodnext to Erling as he lay unconscious on an elaborate bed. He wasdeathly pale and severely wounded.

A persistent knocking penetratedher consciousness, but her attention remained on Erling. “Don’tdie, Erling. Don’t die.” Deep sorrow filled her. She moaned,tossing in the bed.

“Wake up, Toe.” Sherecognized Erling’s voice, but how could he speak when he wasunconscious? “You’rehaving a nightmare,” he said.

Confused, she groggily opened hereyes and saw Erling sitting on her bed. His eyes were filled withconcern. “Erling!” She moved into his arms trembling, stillcaught up in the lucid dream experience.

“You’re safe, Toe.” Erlingheld her close and her distress gradually lessened. He’d comfortedher many times over the years. Nightmares had haunted her ever sinceshe’d seen her family murdered by Raptor troops.

“I dreamt you were seriouslywounded.” She glanced around the room, trying to make sense ofthings. “I was in a room even more lavishly decorated than thisone.

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