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It seemed so real. I was so scared you’d die.” Sheshuddered. “What if it wasn’t a dream, but a glimpse of thefuture? You need to be careful, Erling. I saw you fighting an evilman with some kind of glowing sword that split into two blades. Icouldn’t see his face clearly.”

“I don’t put too much meritinto visions. They’re unreliable. I came to escort you to dinner.”

“Was I asleep that long? Itseemed like only a moment.” She got out of bed. “I’d bettershower and change into something appropriate.” Her laptop lay onthe dresser. “I’m editing Michio’s book. You might enjoyreading it while I get ready for dinner.”

“Sounds interesting.”

She typed in the passcode andbrought up the correct file before handing it to him.

“TheCall of Soul,”Erling said. “Interesting title.”

In the bathroom, she stripped offher clothes and stepped into the shower. She was still shaken by herinner experience. As hot water poured over her, she felt the residualtension ease from her back and shoulders.

When she reentered the bedroom,Garda was waiting with a flowing, blue-colored gown. She helpedToemeka dress, then fastened up her hair and did her makeup. Toemekasubmitted impatiently. She usually just twisted her long hair into abun and didn’t bother with makeup. She wanted to talk to Erling,not get dressed up.

Garda talked nonstop as sheworked, chattering about the five-course dinner that would be servedand all the important guests.

“Are you almost done?”Toemeka asked, glancing at her large navigator watch.

“I’m hurrying as fast as Ican. You can’t wear that watch. It will ruin your whole look.”

“Oh, for goodness sakes! Idon’t care how I look.” Toemeka slid off the watch, hoping itwould speed Garda along.

Garda attached earrings toToemeka’s earlobes, then said, “There, done. Major Erling iswaiting for you in the sitting room.”

An adoring tone tinged Garda’svoice when she said Erling’s name. Toemeka was used to women havingthat reaction to Erling’s exceptional good looks and charismaticpersonality.

“Thank you.” Toemeka foundErling sitting in a chair, absorbed in Michio’s book. “I’mready. Let’s go; we’re late.”

He looked up and whistled. “Quitea change. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a formal dress withyour hair done up like that.”

“I’d feel more comfortablewearing a military uniform, like you are.”

“And deprive all the men ofsuch a beautiful vision.”

“Stuff it, Erling.” Shewalked out the door and he followed.

He grinned. “Touchy. I’ve gota feeling things are going to be livelier with you here. By the way,I’m enjoying Michio’s manuscript. I’d like to read the rest ofit while you’re here. How long do you think you’ll be staying?”

“I don’t know. I’m wingingit. What are you doing here instead of defending Alandra?”

“Commander Flint ordered me toreturn to Jaipar.”

“How is the war on Alandra?When I saw the attack inwardly, I wanted to go there immediately andfight with our fleet.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.” Heled her down the spacious hallways adorned with large landscapepaintings. “The destruction to Tismus was extensive and many werekilled when Coalition Headquarters was destroyed. The entire countryof Jelmur was forced to surrender. Several other countries on Alandrahave also surrendered. Samrat Condor intends to conquer the wholeplanet.”

“Will he succeed?”

Erling turned to look at her, hispain revealed in his eyes. “Yes, now that Coalition Headquarters isdestroyed.”

Toemeka’s heart ached. Alandrahad been home to her ever since Condor destroyed the village whereshe was raised and took over the planet.

They left the private quarters ofthe palace and entered an open area with marble pillars and floors.“How is your family?” Toemeka asked.

“They’re still in Tismus.Breezy and Suntaka have joined the underground resistance. Jake snuckacross the Jelmur border to visit both our families and try to helpthem.”

Toemeka nodded in understanding.Erling and Jake grew up next door to each other and their familieswere still neighbors. Jake cared about Erling’s family almost asmuch as he did his own. “That was a foolhardy thing to do.”

“Commander Quintary had a fitwhen he found out. He threatened to ground Jake for a month, but ofcourse it’s all talk, Quin can’t afford to have one of his bestmen doing office work when a war is on.”

“You and Jake are such a trialfor Commander Quintary. Is there any way to get your family out ofJelmur?”

Erling’s steps slowed down. “Idon’t think so and it’s crazy, but they don’t want to leave.They feel they should stay and work to overthrow Samrat Condor.”

“Patriotism must run deep inyour family.” Voices and the clinking of silverware floated intothe hallway and she knew they’d almost reached the dining room.

“True enough. I’d be backthere fighting if Koriann didn’t need my help.” A shadow crossedhis face and he stopped walking. “Suntaka’s fiancé was killedduring the takeover of Tismus.”

“Connor was killed!” Toemekafelt a rush of heat shoot through her and reached for Erling tosteady herself. “Suntaka must be devastated. She and Conner were soin love. She’ll have a tough time healing.”

“Yeah. She’s pretty shaken upabout it.”

Toemeka searched Erling’s eyes.“How about you? How are you holding up?”

“I’ll survive.”

“It must be hard to be herewith Koriann engaged.”

“I’d rather not talk aboutit.” He started walking again.

She hurried to catch up, lettingthe subject drop. She knew he would open up to her when he was ready.She changed the topic to another one that weighed on her mind. “Howdid Jake take the news of my marriage?”

“He was shocked, upset, butwith the war on, I don’t think he’s dwelt on it.”

“I’m sure he’s alreadyfound another woman to comfort him.”

“When did you get so cynical?”Erling asked sharply. “He loves you.”

“He cheated on me—that’snot love.” They arrived at the entrance to the dining room. She puther hand on Erling’s arm and they walked in together. Finelyattired people were seated at a large table set with china andcrystal glassware. Queen Koriann sat at the head of the table. Aservant seated Toemeka to one side of the Queen while a differentservant led Erling down to the opposite end of the table.

“Toemeka, I’m glad you’rehere,” Queen Koriann said. “We were just about to begin.” Shegestured to the man sitting on her other side. “This is my fiancé,King Zanton Duborginact.”

Toemeka looked across the tableinto the gray eyes of a dark-complexioned man with a broad-shoulderedbuild. A shiver went through her and she was

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