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tenderly clasped her upperarms and turned her so she fully faced him. “You think I’m notserious? I’ve never been more serious about anyone or anything inall my life. But don’t worry; I’m not going to cause you any morefriction. I’ve decided to leave Jaipar. I’ll request a transferand someone else from the Coalition can be of service to you. Someonewho isn’t emotionally involved.”

“But you’ve united all ofBorko. The world leaders trust you.” Koriann’s stomach twistedinto a hard knot and she began to tremble from his touch. Shecouldn’t bear the thought of him leaving. He looked so handsomewith his warm sky-blue eyes looking at her intently and his blondhair shining in the sunlight. The strength reflected in his classicfeatures and his words made her realize just how much she loved him;she couldn’t deny how she felt any longer.

He released her. “Someone elsewill have to because it’s not working for me to be here. You haveyour life to lead and I’m just in the way.” He began walking backto where they left Toemeka.

“Erling, wait!” Koriann said,running to catch up with him. “If you’re leaving, at least let usenjoy this one last day together.”

“I don’t know what you wantor expect from me. I can’t pretend to be happy when I’m not. Ifyou want to spend an enjoyable afternoon with someone, go find KingZanton Duborginact, ruler of Haklute—someone fitting to yourstation.” He strode away.

A mix of emotions ran throughher: sadness, fear, anxiety. She knew the sadness was because shewould miss Erling terribly. But the fear and anxiety made her pauseand she realized how deeply uneasy she felt around Zanton. She wantedto tell Erling her fears and feel his arms around her, but itwouldn’t be fair to him unless she was willing to break off theengagement. Should she break it off? Zanton would be furious, andthere was no telling how he’d retaliate. And what was best forJaipar? She felt alone. Her position as Queen isolated her fromothers and she didn’t have any close friends or confidantes to turnto. Erling’s absence would be a terrible void in her life.

She silently followed behind him,feeling great loss and emptiness. Tears filled her eyes, but shewiped them away and held her chin up stoically. She was a Marsindi;she put the Marsindi Dynasty back into power and she would see thatit stayed there.

When they reached Toemeka, shewas already awake from her nap and had packed the backpack. As Erlingslipped it on, Toemeka looked from him to Koriann as if sensing thetension between them, but didn’t say anything. The mood had shiftedfrom the earlier playfulness between Toemeka and Erling and enjoymentof their outing to a more serious tone.

They started back down themountain in silence. At a scenic overlook, Toemeka and Erling walkedto the edge of the cliff to enjoy the view of the colorful valley.Heavy-hearted, Koriann watched them from the path, feeling the burdenof being a Marsindi.

“Look an eagle.” Toemekasaid, pointing to it.

Koriann started to move closerfor a look when a shot rang out. Toemeka gasped in pain and lost herbalance. As she fell forward, Erling tried to grab her arm, but itslipped from his grasp as she tumbled over the edge of the cliff.

At the School of Eagles Michiostepped onto the mat in a white loincloth. He faced Mazarka who hadthe advantage of two additional feet in height and years of trainingin the art of Namay. Moreover, he’d never been defeated. Manystudents gathered around to watch them.

Michio was aware that no studenthad ever reached the eleventh level as quickly as he did, passing thefirst ten tests in a matter of weeks. Most of the students took yearsto pass even one test. Michio tried to downplay how quickly he’dpassed the tests, but he knew his rapid advancement was constantlytalked about.

The instructor stepped forward.“Remember at all times your goal is to reach self- mastership. Thismatch is to teach you about yourself. Never forget its true purpose.Center yourselves.”

Michio closed his eyes, aligninghimself with the positive force. It would be a joy to fight such askilled opponent. He welcomed the chance to test his internal andexternal strength. This match would determine whether he was readyfor the twelfth test. In preparation, he’d spent much of the nightin contemplation. He wasn’t as concerned with his lack ofexperience in Namay because it was very similar to a form of martialarts he’d practiced since he was a child.

“Greet your brother,” theinstructor said.

Michio went to the center of themat, touched his spiritual eye and bowed to Mazarka.

When he stood back up, Michio sawhostility radiating from Mazarka’s eyes like spears and waspuzzled. He hadn’t seen this degree of antagonism when Mazarkafought the other men.

The instructor bowed. “You maybegin.”

Mazarka sprang from the ground,twisted his body in midair and flew toward Michio, feet first. Michioevaded the kick and threw up his arm to block another blow aimed athis neck. Michio counter-attacked with flowing movements, drawing onhis inner strength. He was in perfect harmony and balance with hisbody. He fought from a high level of awareness where he instinctivelyknew what each of Mazarka’s moves would be.

Mazarka used his body like alethal weapon: a spear he could hurl through the air, a knife hecould slash with, a club he could pound with. His movements werecontrolled, fast, and unyielding. Again and again he attacked asMichio defended himself and counter-attacked. Neither man got theupper hand. As the fight continued, both were pushed to the limits oftheir strength and endurance.

Mazarka spun and slammed his footinto Michio’s side. Losing his balance, Michio fell to the groundand rolled aside quickly as Mazarka followed through with a deadlystomp. Michio sprang to his feet in one fluid motion, ready forMazarka’s next move.

Suddenly, Michio felt Toemekareaching out to him in terror. He switched his attention to her andfelt her closeness to death. As he moved out of his body to searchfor her, Mazarka attacked, slamming the side of his foot intoMichio’s head. Excruciating pain exploded, everything lit up in aflash of light and then went black. Michio felt his legs give out andhe fell to the ground.

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