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safely in the domed city of Kanai? Hesent her a wave of love, trusting Erling and Koriann would take careof her, then returned to his body.

Michio opened his eyes to findMaster Bakka was gone. “I’m sorry for arguing with you, MasterJadock. I’m not yet that which I have set out to become.”

“I can’t find fault with youwhen your motivation is purely out of love. You are ready to take theeleventh test. This time you will spar with me. Come, let’s returnto the matches.”

“With you, but—.” Headjusted his comment. “I didn’t know anyone ever fought you.”Michio didn’t see how he could win a match against a Master, butrealized he’d already passed the much harder emotional test ofstaying to finish the training. Soon they reached the sparring areawhere matches were being fought on two different mats. The spectatorsturned to Master Jadock and Michio as they approached. The two menstepped onto an empty mat. Danjuro took Michio’s robe as Jadockhanded his to Mazarka. Jadock was over eight feet tall and asmuscular as Mazarka.

Master Jadock held out a largegold coin with an eagle on it. “Whoever picks up the coin wins thematch. We’ll chant the sacred word Huknine times then begin.” Michio chanted Huk with the Master whilefocusing inwardly. The sound current roared in his inner ears and hefelt as if he’d stepped through a doorway into greater awareness,love, service and responsibility. He let go of his desire to win,surrendering to the teacher.

A gong rang and Michio opened hiseyes to see their audience had grown. Word had spread quickly thatMaster Jadock was Michio’s new sparring partner. Michio touched thecenter of his forehead and bowed to his teacher. Master Jadockreturned the greeting, then tossed the coin. It sailed through theair, looking like a gold star as it glistened in the sunlight. Itfell onto the mat between them. Michio sprang forward thrusting theheel of his right hand toward Jadock’s shoulder. His hand hitagainst an invisible shield surrounding Jadock. Michio stumbledbackwards almost falling, but managed to regain his balance and stayupright.

Jadock swung his leg up andslammed it into Michio’s side. Michio fell to the ground from theforce of the blow. Jadock reached for the coin. Michio rolled ontohis elbow, lifted his legs off the ground and smashed them intoJadock’s shield, knocking him away from the coin.

Michio flipped back onto hisfeet. As they continued to fight, Michio became more centered untilhe was a completely clear vehicle for Spirit. He let go of all hisremaining emotions so he was fully present in the moment.

Michio moved with fluid grace,fighting from his core. No longer thinking about winning the match,he focused on what he was learning from it. The match was like adance that required deadly skill. Jadock fought with such proficiencythat Michio could be seriously injured if he allowed his attention toslip as it had in his match with Mazarka. He surrounded himself withan impenetrable shield of Light.

Master Jadock spun around andslashed his forearm into Michio’s shield. Michio stepped backward,unharmed. Jadock smiled. “Good. I wondered when you would mock up ashield. You are moving through all limitations.”

The inner sound began to roar inMichio’s ears, then he found himself watching the match from above,like a bird, while simultaneously continuing to fight withsingle-minded concentration. Jadock appeared beside him in the worldsof Light.

“You figured it out. You don’thave to remove your attention from the physical world to tune intothe Inner Worlds. The art of dual location would have served you wellin the fight with Mazarka.”

“How can I win against aMaster?”

“You are no different from me.I’m just more aware of who I am as Soul. We are all a part of theUniversal Essence of Life, growing and unfolding to ever-greaterspiritual heights. If you try to pick up the coin you will never getpast my guard. Is there another way?”

Michio looked down at himselffighting Jadock. In his physical body Michio delivered another kick.Jadock grabbed his foot and twisted it, sending Michio to the ground.The pain brought Michio fully into the physical consciousness. Herose, letting energy flow through him to restore himself. Jadocklunged toward the coin. Michio sprang forward, feeling the joy of aperfectly executed Namay movement called the dragon.

As his body flew through the air,time seemed to slow down. He saw surprise on the faces of theInitiates and the Master’s smile as the gold coin levitated off themat and appeared in his hand. He hit against Jadock’s shield,sprang around and landed on his feet. Holding out the coin, he bowedto Master Jadock.

“Here is the coin.”

“Well done. You may keep it.The eagle represents the enlightened Soul.”

Michio looked at the eagle on thecoin, reflecting on the Master’s words. He was aware of the excitedvoices of the Initiates surrounding them. He felt oddly detached thathe’d won the match. He was aware that he still had much to learn.

“You have passed the eleventhtest,” Master Jadock said. “Now you must go alone into themountains and face the twelfth test.”

Dinner at the Marsindi palace wasa large formal affair attended by Zanton’s guests from Haklute.Koriann decided not to cancel it despite the sniper shooting on themountain earlier in the day. Toemeka was recovering in the palaceinfirmary after having surgery on her shoulder. While Erling wastending to increased security and meeting with her guards.

After eating, the guests gatheredin the drawing room. Koriann was talking to one of Zanton’s guestswhen she sensed Erling enter the room. She tensed when he headedtoward her. She wasn’t up for the usual friction between Zanton andErling. Her nerves were frayed enough from a sniper nearly killingToemeka.

“Your Majesty, may I speak toyou privately for a moment?” Erling asked upon reaching her. Heglanced at King Zanton who stood beside her, then back at her.

“Can’t you see the lady’soccupied?” Zanton said. “Koriann, I want you to meet CaptainBrenwick.”

With her eyes, Koriann pleadedfor Erling to understand, then she turned to the captain. She hopedwhatever Erling needed to talk about could wait. Perhaps it hadsomething to do with the sniper. She’d meet with him as soon as shegot the chance. Erling moved away without objecting, but she felt hiseyes upon her

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