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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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from where he stood by the wall. Zanton kept his handon her waist as he talked to the various visiting guests from hiskingdom. Soon he grew bold with his caresses and freely stroked herbare shoulders. He was drinking heavily and seemed to relish Erling’ssullen looks.

Irritated by Zanton’s overtadvances, Koriann wondered how to escape from him. After an hour ofsocializing with his guests, she excused herself, saying she wantedto check on Toemeka. Zanton started to accompany her, but was stoppedby Captain Brenwick who wanted to discuss the threat to their planetfrom Samrat Condor. She left the drawing room and started towardToemeka’s room.

Erling caught up with her in thehall. “Kori, can we talk a moment? It’s important.”

“Did they catch the sniper?”

“No. I’ve increased theguards at the palace. We can’t be certain that bullet wasn’tintended for you. What I wanted to let you know is that I justreceived orders from the Coalition. Toemeka and I have orders toleave on a mission tonight.”

“Toemeka’s not fit to goanywhere!” Koriann exclaimed.

“I know. I didn’t tell herabout the mission. I’ll go alone.”

“You shouldn’t go alone. It’stoo dangerous. Why would the Coalition send you on a mission whenwhat you’re doing here is so important?”

“They’re short onintelligence operatives with the war on Planet Alandra. Many werekilled when the Coalition Headquarters was attacked.”

“What’s the mission?”

“It’s not something I’mfree to discuss, but I’ll return when it’s over to help you,Kori.”

Zanton appeared in the hall.“Just as I thought! You left to meet Major Fenian, not to check onToemeka.”

“Queen Koriann was on the wayto see Toemeka,” Erling replied before she could. “I detained herfor a moment.” Erling’s easy smile contrasted with his narrowedeyes. “I was just reporting that we’ve increased security at thepalace and that I’ll be gone for a short time.”

“You pretend to be so concernedabout Jaipar, then leave when we could be attacked, according to you,any day.”

“He’s going—” Koriannstarted to explain, but Erling interrupted her and she realized hedidn’t want Zanton to know about the mission.

“I’m sure you can handlethings while I’m gone,” Erling said, looking at Zanton. He bowedto Koriann. “Good night, Your Majesty.”

“Major Fenian, wait!” Koriannexclaimed as Erling walked away.

Erling paused a moment, lookingback at her, then continued down the hall.

“Where’s he going?” Zantonasked.

“I don’t know. He didn’tsay. I’m going to see how Toemeka is doing. I’ll rejoin you inthe drawing room shortly.”

“One of my guards will escortyou.”

“I don’t need an escort!”

“With that sniper loose youdo.” He called over one of his guards. “Take the Queen to theinfirmary, then escort her back to the drawing room. Guard hercarefully. She’s already had one brush with death today.”

“I resent your interference inmy affairs, Zanton,” Koriann hissed. “I’ll do as I wish withoutyour guard following me around.”

She glared at the guard. “Iorder you to stay here.” She swung around and continued walking.Despite her order, the guard followed her to the infirmary. Koriannfound Toemeka resting in a glass tube-like, healing chamber in therecovery room. She looked weak and pale under the blue lights shiningon her. It was a miracle she was alive after being shot and fallingover a ledge.

“Toemeka, are you awake?”Koriann asked through the microphone.

Toemeka opened her eyes. “I amnow. What’s wrong? You look worried.”

Koriann hesitated burdeningToemeka after all she’d been through, but didn’t know who else toturn to. “Erling just told me he received orders for both of you toleave on a mission tonight. Since you’re recovering from surgery,he didn’t tell you and is going alone.” She twisted her handstogether. “It’s too dangerous for him to go without a partner.Would you try to convince him not to go?”

“Did he say where he’sgoing?”

“No, he said he couldn’tdiscuss it. I think he’s already headed to the airfield.”

“Bythe stars,he knows better than to go on a mission alone. Open this chamber.”

Koriann looked around and foundthe “open” button. She pushed it and the lid slowly rose. Toemekasat up and swung her bare legs off the side.

“What are you doing?” Koriannasked.

“I have to catch him before heleaves.”

“I should call Dr. Tenzing tosee if it’s all right for you to be up.”

“Not a good idea—he mightobject. Hand me my clothes. They’re in the closet.”

Koriann got Toemeka’s clothesthen helped her ease the hospital gown off her injured shoulder. OnToemeka’s left shoulder was a surgical bandage and Koriann feltguilty for bothering her about Erling. Toemeka gasped in pain asKoriann helped her put on a shirt.

“Can’t you just call Erlingon his communicator?” Koriann said. “I don’t think you shouldleave the healing chamber.”

Toemeka pulled on her pants andslid on her shoes. “I have a better chance of getting him to changehis mind if I talk to him in person.”

Toemeka limped down the backstaircase: her hip hurt from landing on it when she’d fallen offthe cliff, her shoulder wound ached and her head throbbed. She leftthe palace and crossed to the royal landing field where she spottedErling about to board a ship. “Erling, wait!” Toemeka crossedover to him.

“What are you doing here?” Hescanned the area. “We don’t know who shot you and they might tryit again.”

Toemeka’s pulse quickened.“Let’s talk on the ship.” They boarded the two-person aircraft.“Most likely that bullet was meant for you or Koriann,” she saidonce she was seated in the cockpit. “No one here wants me dead.”

“You were an undercoveroperative in Jaipar during our last mission. No doubt you made someenemies. A sniper would have to be a really poor shot to hit you,instead of the Queen.”

“You and I were standing closetogether to look at that eagle. He could have easily hit me whileaiming for you. He wouldn’t have had a clear shot because of thewoods. Samrat Condor is bound to have spies that want you dead. Atany rate, I didn’t come to see you about the sniper. I came becauseKoriann told me we’re being sent on a mission.”

“You’re not coming. You needto return to the infirmary.”

“I’d like to, but it’s toodangerous for you to go on a mission alone. Give me a day or two torecover or take someone else.”

“There isn’t time to wait andwho do you suggest I take? You’re the only trained Coalitionoperative here

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