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a friendly match.Mazarka wanted me to fail. The training here is leading tocompetition among the brothers. I want no part of it. We should beworking toward self-mastership, not fighting to see who is best.”

“True, a warrior for God is aperson who works for divine love, truth and freedom. Sit down, beforeyou collapse.”

Michio gratefully sank to thegrass with his legs crossed beneath him. He lowered his head into hishands to stop the spinning.

Master Jadock sat across fromhim. “Heal yourself. You healed others for the seventh test, nowyou can use your skill to heal yourself.”

Michio closed his eyes, tookseveral deep breaths to relax, and let his mind go blank. Hesurrendered his will to Master Bakka, knowing the healing would comefrom Spirit, not from himself. Healing energy began to flow throughthe top of his head and continued throughout his whole body. He feltlifted into a higher state of awareness as his vibrations began toadjust to the eternal essence of all life. In the next instant, hestood under a waterfall of Light in the Inner Worlds. Energycontinued to flow through him. Nearby Master Bakka sent waves ofunconditional love.

The inner experience faded andMichio became aware of his physical body once more, feelingclearheaded and free from pain.

“Good,” Jadock said. “Let’scontinue our discussion. It isn’t the monastery training that leadsto competition. This desire came from within Mazarka. He still has tolearn he is only competing with himself. The goal is personalexcellence. We are all learning to be the best we can and do the bestwe can in every task we undertake. As for you, you have an emotionalattachment to your wife. In a match, you need to rise above youremotions. Mazarka was able to catch you off-guard because you didn’tstay centered, focused and detached. If Mazarka were an enemy, you’dbe dead. Do you think you’ll never be in a fight where you won’tbe emotionally concerned for another?”

“I know I have more to learn,but I can’t live in a monastery when I’m needed in the worldbeyond these walls,” Michio protested. “There’s aninterplanetary war going on. If I spend my life working toward my ownenlightenment, instead of serving in the world, I will have failed mytrue mission.”

Jadock’s face was lit with aserene look, as if he was untroubled by any of worldly problems.“Agreed, you must go back into the world and serve, but only afteryou are ready. There is always a war going on somewhere in thephysical world. It is a warring universe. The physical world is atraining ground for Soul. Have you thought about why students arerequired to stay until their training is completed?”

Michio’s chest tightened.“Because a half-trained man is dangerous to himself and others.”

“What about a man who is nearmastership, who has enough psychic skills to kill another, even at adistance? What about someone who has great power, but doesn’t fullyunderstand that power? Couldn’t a black magician like Samrat Condorfind and exploit such a man’s weakness? Condor would realize theman couldn’t fight with detachment and use that against him. Condorcould corrupt such a man or kill him in the attempt.”

“I won’t be corrupted.”Michio didn’t like the direction this conversation was taking. “AndI’m not afraid to die.”

“Of course, you’re not. Dyingisn’t a concern for a man who travels so easily and regularly intothe Inner Worlds. You know you’re not your body and death is anillusion. It’s living and fulfilling your spiritual destiny thatyou need to focus on. You have to stay alive to serve God in thisworld. It’s your destiny to bring Light into this warring universe.You trained for many lifetimes to reach this point of evolvement andare near mastership. You are the best you have ever been.”

“I won’t have a life toreturn to if Toemeka dies.”

Master Jadock shook his head.“You talk like a new Initiate with no spiritual foundation. Lifeand happiness aren’t based on people or things in this world ofchange and illusion. Your life was meaningful before you met Toemekaand it will still be meaningful if she dies. The bond of love betweenyou is not limited to this world and you will be drawn together infuture lives.”

“I won’t put my trainingbefore Toemeka’s life.” Michio knew he was being stubborn andsensed Jadock was displeased with him.

“Toemeka insisted you keep yourpromise to Master Bakka and come here to train. She knew it couldtake a long time and knew if she chose to put herself in danger whileyou were gone, she would have to face those dangers without yourhelp.”

“She is young and impulsive.She doesn’t always make good choices.”

Master Jadock threw up his hands.“You’re acting as if you’re also young and impulsive. Yourtraining should have taught you better. Must I remind you, MasterBakka, who is the spiritual leader of the Masters of the Eagle,wanted you to train here? If you leave now, it will be worse than ifyou’d never come.” Jadock sighed. “I see you are too distractedto listen to reason.” He looked toward the empty mat on his left,and said, as if speaking to someone, “What should I do with him?He’s young and ruled by his heart.”

Master Bakka manifested in hisLight Body beside Master Jadock. Michio swallowed and lowered hiseyes from Bakka’s all-knowing gaze. Finally, he raised his eyesback up. “I will stay, Master Bakka, if it is your will.”

Master Bakka looked at him withkindly blue eyes. “It must be what you want. You must wantenlightenment more than you want to breathe.”

“I do want it. That’s not theissue.”

“You are causing yourselfneedless worry,” Master Bakka said. “Make a Spirit Flight and seefor yourself that Toemeka is out of danger and getting the help sheneeds.”

Michio focused on his spiritualeye and moved out of his physical body. Putting his attention toToemeka, he instantly transported to blue ridge. From an aerialviewpoint, he saw Toemeka on a stretcher being loaded onto ahelicopter. Fresh red blood stained the left shoulder of her jacketand she was pale. Royal guards surrounded Koriann and Erling.

Whatever danger they had been inwas apparently over, but he was still worried about Toemeka. What hadhappened to her? How badly was she wounded? And what was she doing onPlanet Borko, instead of being

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