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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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Erling instinctively grabbedKoriann and pulled her behind a boulder, his thoughts on Toemeka.Where was she shot? How far did she fall? He wanted to go after her,but the Queen was his first priority. He hit the call button on hiswatch transmitter.

“Major Fenian to CaptainOrneil, code one. Agent down.”

“Acknowledged. Location?”

“Blue Ridge lookout point.Over.” He thrust the handle of his blaster into Koriann’s hand.“Stay hidden. I’m going to see what I can do to help Toemeka.”

“Do you think she’s dead?”Her eyes were wide with shock.

“I don’t know.”

He started to move away and shegrabbed his arm. “Don’t go out there. You’ll be shot, too.”

“I’ll be careful.” He ranfrom behind the boulder, expecting to be shot at any moment. When noshots rang out, he suspected the sniper had taken off. Reaching theedge of the cliff, he looked over. Toemeka lay motionless on a ledgeabout six feet below. Blood seeped from a wound on her left shoulder.His heart hammered in his chest. Lether be alive.

He lowered himself over the ledgeand dropped to the ground. Squatting next to her, he felt for apulse. Her heart beat steadily and relief flooded through him. Hezipped open her jacket and pulled aside the shoulder of her knit topso he could see the wound. The bullet had torn the flesh on the topof her shoulder. Most likely she was also injured from the fall.

Toemeka groaned and opened hereyes. “What happened?”

“You were shot by a sniper andfell off the ridge.”

“A sniper! Is Koriann safe?”

“She’s behind a boulder. Thesniper’s probably gone by now.”

“He might not be. Help me up.”She started to sit up, then cried out and put her hand to the back ofher head. “Ow, I must have hit my head when I landed.”

“Stay still. You had a badfall. You could have a concussion or go into shock.”

He pulled off his jacket andshirt, then put the jacket under her head and pressed the shirt toher wound to stop the bleeding. “Do you feel like anything isbroken?”

“I don’t think so, but Ihaven’t tried moving.” Overhead the roar of an aircraft enginedrowned out the last of her words.

“Help’s here,” Erling said.“We’ll get you off this ledge in no time.”

“Leave me and protect theQueen. She’s our primary responsibility.”

“You’re the one who was shotand needs attention.” Erling glanced up the sheer rock wall.“Besides I don’t think I can make it up without a rope. We’llhave to wait for the rescue team. I left my blaster with Koriann.”

“Good, she can take care ofherself.”

Erling agreed. Koriann had beenpart of the Kameet Resistance before becoming Queen and was trainedin how to use weapons since she was a child.

The world spun in a murky fog asMichio regained consciousness. Gradually the spinning stopped and heopened his eyes to find the other students gathered around him withconcerned expressions.

Mazarka knelt beside him. “Howis your head?” he asked.

Michio put his hand to histemple. His vision was blurred and his head throbbed. “I feel likeI was kicked in the head.”

“That’s because you were. Youneed to see a healer.” He held out a hand.

Michio grasped it and roseunsteadily to his feet. The wind began to pick up and Danjuro slippeda robe over his shoulders. Michio thanked him, grateful for itswarmth.

Master Jadock came over. “Whathappened?’

“I lost my focus,” Michiosaid.

“And I kicked him in the head,”Mazarka said.

“Michio, you must keep yourattention on the fight at all times. This is not a game.” There wasno criticism in Master Jadock’s voice; it was simply related as astatement of fact.

His words slid off Michio likerain off a smooth leaf. He was too worried about Toemeka to beconcerned about himself. Why had she called out to him in terror? Heslid out of his physical body again and searched for Toemeka. Whilein dual consciousness, he was aware of Master Jadock addressingMazarka.

“You must be in tune with youropponent at all times. You should have known the instant Michio lostfocus. Michio is a student here and you almost killed him.” TheMaster looked at the brothers gathered around. “Let this be alesson to all of you. Michio and Mazarka, come with me.” Michiostumbled unsteadily after Mazarka and Master Jadock.

When they were away from theothers, Master Jadock said, “Mazarka, why weren’t you aware thatMichio’s attention had shifted?”

“Michio seemed invincible inthe way he passed so fast through all the tests.” He lowered hishead. “I wanted to beat him and win the fight.”

“You were engrossed on winning,instead of seeing this as a match between two brothers, both workingtoward Mastership.”

Mazarka stared at the ground, notanswering.

“Go contemplate on what youhave learned.” Mazarka left and Master Jadock looked expectantly atMichio, as if awaiting an explanation.

Michio blinked, trying to clearhis vision. Two images of the white-robed Master danced before hiseyes. His head still pounded and he wondered if that was why he stillwasn’t reaching Toemeka in the Inner Worlds. “My wife is introuble. I must leave the monastery at once.”

“You may leave the monastery assoon as you complete your training; that was the agreement. You are adanger to yourself and others until you are fully trained.”

“I will return once I’m sureToemeka is safe.”

Master Jadock gazed at Michio,his round eyes intense. “Do you love Master Bakka?”

“With all my heart.”

“What are you willing tosacrifice for him?” he persisted.

Michio tensed, knowing thesacrifice being asked of him.

Master Jadock gestured with hishands as he continued, “If Master Bakka asks you to do something,would you do it with unquestioning obedience? Do you trust himcompletely?”

“I have always done what MasterBakka asked. I turned my spiritual education over to him and agreedto serve God’s will instead of my own.”

“Good. Then there is nothingmore to discuss. You will finish your training as Master Bakkarequested.”

“Surely he doesn’t expect meto stay. Circumstances have changed.”

Jadock tilted his head. “Do youserve Master Bakka only when it is convenient? Do you trust only whenthere is no risk?”

“I will gladly risk my ownlife, but not my wife and future child’s lives.”

“Toemeka is a warrior and canfend for herself. You’re not ready to go back. Your lack ofself-discipline almost caused your death in a friendly match. Howwill you survive a fight with a sorcerer?”

“It wasn’t

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