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tag="{}a">460. thy, I follow with bosom bare, 392. to support uneasy, 224. tread with cautious, 362. were higher that they took, 269. what ghost invites my, 335. with fainting, they go, 398. with wandering, and slow, 240. Stephen Sly, 72. was a worthy peer, 406. Stepmother, merciless, 717. Stepped so far in blood, 123. to the sky, 655. Stepping o'er the bounds, 108. Stepping-stones, men may rise on, 631. Sterile promontory, earth seems a, 134. Stern and rock-bound coast, 569. god of sea, 253. ruin's ploughshare, 448. Sterner stuff, made of, 113. Stern'st good-night, gives the, 119. Sterte out of his slepe to, 2. Sterten to, but on hole for to, 4. Stick, beat with fist instead of a, 209. fell like the, 431. on conversation's burrs, 636. Sticking-place, screw your courage to the, 118. Stiff in opinions, 268. thwack, with many a, 211. Stiffen the sinews, 91. Stile, I 'm sitting on the, 611. Still achieving still pursuing, 612. an angel appear, 305. and quiet conscience, 99. and serious thought, 471. as night, attention, 227. beginning never ending, 272. destroying fighting still, 272. govern thou my song, 236. harping on my daughter, 133. prayer of devotion, 524. sad music of humanity, 467. small voice, 383, 815. so gently o'er me stealing, 689. soliciting eye, 146. sow eats up all the draffe, 13. the wonder grew, 397. their strength is to sit, 834. to be neat still to be drest, 178. waters, beside the, 819. Stillness and the night, 65. modest, and humility, 91. Still-vexed Bermoothes, 42. Stilly night, oft in the, 523. sounds, the hum of either army, 91. Sting, death where is thy, 335, 846. that bids not sit nor stand, 649. thee twice, have a serpent, 64. Stings and motions of the sense, 47. never feels the wanton, 47. you for your pains, 313. Stinger, 't is a, 173. Stingeth like an adder, 828. Stinks, well defined, 503. Stir, all hell for this shall, 93. as life were in 't, 125. fretful, unprofitable, 467. it, the more thou, 786. of the great Babel, 420. of this dim spot, smoke and, 243. the fire with a sword, 765. without great argument, 142. Stirs the blood, for it, 6. Stirred, my heart is idly, 471. Stirring, man fond of, 584. Stirrup and the ground, 684. Stitch stitch stitch, 585. Stithy, as foul as Vulcan's, 138. Stock of harmless pleasure, 369. of history, 486. Stocks and stones, worshipped, 252. Stocking all the day, 401. Stockings hung by the chimney, 527. Stoic fur, doctors of the, 246. of the woods, 516. Stoics boast, let, 317. Stoicism, the Romans call it, 298. Stolen, not wanting what is, 154. out of holy writ, 96. sweets are best, 297. waters are sweet, 825. when the steed is, 13. Stomach for them all, 156. goes against my, 70. mutinied against the, 724. my, is not good, 22. of unbounded, 100. Stomach's sake, wine for thy, 848. Stone, a gift is as a precious, 827. [1104]at his heels, 405. beneath the churchyard, 595. cold as any, 91. continual dropping wears away a, 706. fling but a, the giant dies, 354. in one hand bread in the other, 701. leave no, unturned, 809. many a rich, laid up, 182. mark with a white, 789. of the corner, head, 823. rolling, gathers no moss, 14, 711. rolling his, up the mountain, 617. set in the silver sea, 81. tell where I lie, not a, 334. this precious, 81. to beauty grew, the, 598. underneath this, doth lie, 178. unhewn and cold, 769. violet by a mossy, 469. virtue is like a rich, 167. walls do not a prison make, 260. we raised not a, 563. which the builders refused, 823. Stones, inestimable, 96. labour of an age, in piled, 251. music with the enamelled, 44. nor would make a state, 438. of Rome to rise, 114. of worth, like, 162. prate of my whereabout, 119. rattle his bones over the, 683. sermons in, 67. stocks and, worshipped, 252. Stone's throw, within a, 787. Stone-wall Jackson, 860. Stony limits cannot hold love out, 105. Stood against my fire, 148. against the world, 113. aloof, they, 500. among them but not of them, 544. and gazed, 501. beside a cottage lone, 589. fixed to hear, 237. in Venice on the bridge of sighs, 544. sufficient to have, 230. upon Achilles' tomb, 558. Stooks, she stood amid the, 584. Stools, between two, 10. push us from our, 122. trying to sit on two, 10. Stoop, grief makes his owner, 79. wisdom is nearer when we, 479. Stoops not, the grass, 161. to folly, lovely woman, 403. Stooped to truth, 328. Stop a hole, might, 144. to sound what, she please, 138. Stops of various quills, 248. Stopping a bung-hole, 144. Store, basket and, 814. heaven will bless your, 433. how grows in Paradise our, 569. is no sore, 11, 791. my heart and lute are all the, 525. rich with little, 22. to increase his, 392. unguarded, the, 321. Stores as silent thought can bring, 466. Stored up in books, 254. Storied urn, can, 384. windows richly dight, 250. Stories from the land of spirits, 502. great lords', 454. long dull and old, 459. nature built many, 222. of the death of kings, 82. tall men are like houses of four, 170. Storm, after a, comes a calm, 284. after storm, 678. and darkness, night and, 544. cable that ne'er broke in, 217. directs the, 299, 331. like gathering, 451. midway leaves the, 397. of war was gone, when the, 465. pelting of this pitiless, 147. pilot that weathered the, 464. rides upon the, 423. sublime and terrible, 462. that howls along the sky, 392. that stood the, 526. Storms annoy, no loud, 367. give her to the god of, 635. he sought the, 267. may enter, the king cannot, 365. of fate, struggling in the, 336. of life, rainbow to the, 550. of state, broken with the, 100. Stormy cape, round the, 356. March has come, 573. North, hills of the, 571. winds do blow, 176, 515. Story being done, my, 150. flows, divine thy, 345. God bless you, 464. honour is the subject of my, 110. I have none to tell, 464. is extant, the, 138. locks in the golden, 104. ne'er had been read in, 489. of Cambuscan bold, 250. of her birth, repeats the, 300. of my life, questioned me the, 150. of our days, shuts up the, 26. rough-island, 628. softness in the upper, 660. some pretty, tell, 535. teach him how to tell my, 151. will not go down, this, 363. Stout Cortez with eagle eyes, 576. courage will be put out, 26. miles, twelve, 472. not alive so, a gentleman, 87. once a month, 273. Straight down the crooked lane, 584. out of the ark, 460. Strain at a gnat, 840. of music, governed by a, 485. of rareness, a, 160. soft is the, 324. something like prophetic, 250. strive and hold cheap the, 649. that, again it had a dying fall, 74. the simplest can touch it, 525. Strained from that fair use, 106. quality of mercy is not, 64. [1105]Straining harsh discords, 108. his throat, 399. upon the start, 91. Strains, heaven's melodious, 640. soul-animating, 485. that might create a soul, 245. Strait is the gate, 839. Strand, American, 205. fair Scotland's, 452. I walked along the, 375. India's coral, 536. maypole in the, 352. on the Chian, 503. the guardian Naiad of the, 490. wandering on a foreign, 488.
Strange all this difference, 351. as truth, nothing so, 534. bedfellows, 43. but true, 't is, 560. coincidence, a, 559. cozenage, 276. eruptions, breaks forth in, 85. eventful history, that ends this, 69. fellows, nature hath framed, 59. it was passing strange, 150. land, stranger in a, 813. matters, men may read, 117. oaths, soldier full of, 69. something rich and, 42. that death should sing, 80. that men should fear, 112. thing is man, 559. this is wondrous, 133. truth is always, 560. Stranger in a strange land, 813. surety for a, 825. than fiction, truth is, 560. yet to pain, 381. Strangers honoured, by, 335. I desire we may be better, 70. mourned, by, 335. to entertain, 848. Stratagem, nor take tea without a, 311. Stratagems and spoils, is fit for, 66. which errors seem, oft are, 323. Stratford atte bowe, scole of, 1. Straw, did not care one, 703. quarrel in a, 142. stumbles at a, 29. the soul tilts with a, 484. tickled with a, 318. to see which way the wind is, 195. Straws, errors like,
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