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tag="{}a">162. teaches them, 62. Suspects yet strongly loves, 153. Suspended oar, drip of the, 543. Suspicion, Cæsar's wife above, 727. haunts the guilty mind, 95. sleeps at wisdom's gate, 231. Swain, dull, treads on it daily, 245. frugal, 392. remote from cities lived a, 348. Swallow a camel, 840. and blow at the same moment, 701. by flying, as the, 828. one, maketh not summer, 17. that come before the, 77. Swallow's wings, flies with, 97. Swallow-flights of song, 632. Swallowed a ramrod, 744. Swam before my sight, 333. in a gondola, 71. Swamps, Oswego spreads her, 395. Swan and shadow, float double, 474. cygnet to the pale faint, 80. Jupiter in the form of a, 32. Mantuan, ages ere the, 414. of Avon, sweet, 179. on still St. Mary's lake, 474. spreads his snowy sail, the, 677. to act the part of a, 743. Swans are geese, all our, 188. seem whiter when by crows, 781. Swan-like end fading in music, 63. let me sing and die, 558. Swarm, not good for the bee not for the, 754. Swashing and martial outside, 66. blow, remember thy, 104. Sway, above this sceptred, 64. [1110]give solely sovereign, 117. impious men bear, 298. little rule a little, 358. no limit to their, 550. of magic potent, 482. peace and pride of, 339. prevailed with double, 397. required with gentle, 232. sweeping whirlwind's, 383. with absolute, 670. Swear an eternal friendship, 462, 798. by yonder blessed moon, I, 106. I eat and eat, I, 93. not by the moon, 106. to the truth of a song, 287. when you rant and, 274. Swears a prayer or two, 105. with so much grace, 281. Sweareth to his own hurt, 818. Sweat but for promotion, 67. for duty not for meed, 67. muck of, 402. of my brows, 785. of thy face, in the, 812. under a weary life, 136. Sweats to death, Falstaff, 84. Sweaty haste, 126. Sweep on you fat and greasy citizens, 67. Sweeping whirlwind's sway, 383. Sweeps a room, who, 204. clean, new broom, 16. Sweet Afton, flow gently, 449. Alice whose hair was so brown, 680. all that 's, was made to be lost, 522. and bitter fancy, food of, 71. and cunning hand, nature's own, 74. and fair she seems to be, 220. and fair, so wondrous, 220. and musical as Apollo's lute, 56. and twenty, kiss me, 75. and virtuous soul, 204. and voluble is his discourse, 55. approach of even, 230. are the uses of adversity, 67. as English air could make her, 629. as summer, 101. as the primrose, 398. as year by year we lose, 569. attractive grace, 232. attractive kinde of grace, 23. Auburn loveliest village, 395. beautiful as, 308. bells jangled out of tune, 136. bitter past more welcome is the, 74. but then how, it was, 650. by distance made more, 477. childish days, 470. civilities of life, 273. counsel together, we took, 820. cruelly, are the echoes, 654. day, so cool, so calm, 204. days and roses, 204. discourse, Sydneian showers of, 259. disorder in the dress, 201. every, its sour, 404. flowers are springing, 524. food of knowledge, 34. girl graduates, 629. heard melodies are, 576. heart of the sun, 584. in cadence, upon the ear, 422. in communion, 235. in discourse more, 228. in every whispered word, 551. in faith to muse, 569. in his mouth, wickedness, 817. influences of Pleiades, 818. is every sound, 630. is pleasure after pain, 271. is revenge to women, 556. is solitude, how passing, 416. is the breath of morn, 233. land of liberty, 619. little cherub sits up aloft, 436. look that nature wears, 613. lovely fair and smellest so, 155. milk of concord, 124. mood, in that, 466. morsel under his tongue, 283. not lasting, 129. nothing half so, in life, 521. Phosphor bring the day, 203. poison for the age's tooth, 78. poison of misused wine, 243. psalmist of Israel, 815. reluctant amorous delay, 232. repast and calm repose, 386. revenge at first though, 238. rose would smell as, 105. shady side of Pall Mall, 432. silent thought, sessions of, 161. simplicity of the three per cents, 610. sleep of a labouring man is, 830. smels al around, 28. so coldly, so deadly fair, 548. so, was ne'er so fatal, 156. softly, in Lydian measures, 272. solitude is, 416. sorrow, parting is such, 106. sound, o'er my ear like the, 74. south, o'er my ear like the, 74. spring full of sweet days, 204. stolen waters are, 825. swan of Avon, 179. sweets to the, 144. tears, fountain of, 469. the dream of home, 525. the lily grows, how, 533. the moonlight sleeps, how, 65. their memory still, 422. to hear the watch-dog's bark, 556. to live with them is far less, 521. to make the end most, 80. to wear a crown, 94. tooth in his head, 33. truly the light is, 831. understanding, for thy more, 54. upon the ear in cadence, 422. voices, your most, 103. will, at his own, 470. with musk-roses and eglantine, 58. Sweets compacted lie, where, 204. diffuse their balmy, 398. feast of nectared, 245. fly lost in the, 348. last taste of, is sweetest last, 81. [1111]of Burn-mill meadow, 474. of forgetfulness, 428. stolen, are best, 297. to the sweet, 144. wilderness of, 235. Sweeten my imagination, 148. present joy, 588. this little hand, 124. Sweetened every musk-rose, 245. Sweetener of life, 354. Sweeter for thee despairing, 452. pains of love be, 276. rose in the bud is, 33. than honey, 819. than the lids of Juno's eyes, 77. thy voice, 630. Sweetest eyes were ever seen, 621. flowres in the forrest, 28. garland to the sweetest maid, 314. melodies are those, 477. Shakespeare fancy's child, 249. thing that ever grew, 472. Sweetheart, Tray Blanch and, 147. Sweetly, ful, in hire nose, 1. played in tune, 451. she bade me adieu, 380. sing, brightly smile, 563. uttered knowledge, 34. were forsworn, 49. Sweetness and light, 291. in the desert air, 385. instil a wanton, 357. linked, long drawn out, 249. loathe the taste of, 86. of proportion, preserving the, 178. on the desert air, 385. yieldeth proof, 484. Swell bosom with thy fraught, 155. music with its voluptuous, 542. the soul to rage, 272. Swells from the vale, cliff that, 397. the gale, note that, 386. the note of praise, 384. Swelling act, prologues to the, 116. and limitless billows, 503. of the voiceful sea, 503. Swift as a shadow, 57. expires a driveller and a show, 365. is less than to be wise, 341. race is not to the, 831. time too, 24. to hear, be, 849. too, arrives as tardy as too slow, 107. true hope is, 97. Swifter than a weaver's shuttle, 816. Swiftly glides the bonnie boat, 674. Swiftness, curb his, 572. never ceasing, O, 24. Swift-winged arrows of light, 416. Swim before my sight, temples, 333. how we apples, 291. in, naughty night to, 147. sink or, live or die, 530. to yonder point, 110. Swims or sinks or wades, 230. Swimmer in his agony, 557. Swimmingly, matters will go, 791. Swine, pearls before, 838. shear, all cry and no wool, 211. too rich a pearl for carnal, 213. Swine's snout, jewel in a, 826. Swinged the dragon, 78. Swinges the scaly horror, 251. Swinging round the circle, 678. Swinish gluttony, 246. multitude, 410. Swoop, at one fell, 124. Sword against nation, 832. chase brave employment with a naked, 205. edge sharper than the, 160. famous by my, 257. flesh his virgin, 346. fleshed thy maiden, 87. glorious by my, 257. glued to my scabbard, 194. good, rust, 502. has laid him low, another's, 514. I with, will open, 45. pen mightier than the, 606. stir the fire with a, 765. take away the, 606. the avenging, unsheathe, 804. the brave man draws, 339. the deputed, 47. worse than the, 189. Swords into ploughshares, 832. leaped from their scabbards, 409. sheathed their, for lack of argument, 91. twenty of their, 105. Sworn twelve, 47. Sycamore-tree, under a, 406. Sydneian showers, 259. Syene Meroe Nilotic isle, 240. Syllabes jar with time, 180. Syllable, chase a panting, 416. men's names, 243. No, could not pronounce that, 730. of recorded time, to the last, 125. Syllables govern the world, 196. Sylvia in the night, except I be by, 44. Sympathetic tear, the, 387. tears, sacred source of, 382. Sympathy cold to distant misery, 430. the silver link the secret, 488. with sounds, in souls, 421. Synonym for the devil, 590. Syrops, lucent, 575. Syrups, drowsy, of the world, 154. System, hub of the solar,
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