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Book online «Here Be Dragons - 1, Sharon Penman [e novels to read online txt] 📗». Author Sharon Penman

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thought, the two were one, ^Srsonal ^^wfelJi ^ V'f"I only hope you can cast such a spell upon the i^, % s J1 ^tj»ffl d*1 a'vLsaid, mustering a strained smile; Aber was now less th^h a' Ab^ -,* -;tL^ac''1 ^ tant. She slowed her mount, earning herself a quizzic^ 1VenijJe SK, 9%^°%' / welyn. But then he, too, eased his chestnut. Joanna s^ H0J('ltjT|8'^e V ahead; did Llewelyn ever think of that desperate midfl.redatt),e^V*»0|bfti e»V/ swer to Senena's falsp summons? Davvdd's words «> ^nt HH« ."jr. "n "^fniJ,' i swer to Senena's false summons? Davydd's words se^ ' % irV^»eLlni w'i the wind: We half killed our horses . . . Only to arrive ^ed to ech V* m!S''ICOVer~ ^ndX^-B^**.1'"Joanna, that serves for naught." ^ vrno*^liCl l tl 1. 1 l_//T '_ . _l JJ cj^li.cover<^^$"nd.V-i-BOi1 "Joanna, that serves for naught." VVr-roo.!,VShe gasped, then gave a weak laugh. "Jesii, what ^_ab[' ec^Jlock?"Na ^"I know you," he said simply.

,k"I can well imagine her satisfaction," Joanna said^. ' jj>^"ad guessed, gambled, and gotten lucky beyond beliw'tter|y. $«, %'*1't''')co^ was a man's life." '*"" al,;> ^gl, '«ti'^'t n^4^

684"At first, mayhap. But her satisfaction soon turned sour. She'd somehow convinced herself that I would then free Gruffydd. As if r^ been holding him just for your pleasure ..." Llewelyn shook his head "I ought to warn you, though, breila. Senena is at Aber." He heard her sharp intake of breath, said dryly, "It should be a memorable homecoming."WITHIN moments of their arrival at Aber, the bailey was packed with people.Joanna was gripping the saddle pommel so tightly that it was digging painfully into her palm. Never had she seen a crowd assemble so fast. Many of the faces were familiar to her; all shared a common expression, one of utter disbelief.Llewelyn had dismounted, was reaching up to help her from the saddle. Setting her down, he tilted her face up to his. The kiss was lingering, very deliberate. And then he turned to face his countrymen.No one spoke. The silence was even more absolute than in Bangor. Llewelyn had known there would be no overt defiance, not at his own court. The sheer audacity of his act would paralyze dissent. There was a sudden stir. People were stepping aside. Ednyved had his wife's arm in an inexorable grip;Gwenllian's body was stiff, resistant, but she followed him as he moved towardLlewelyn and Joanna.Reaching for Joanna's hand, Ednyved brought it to his mouth. "Welcome home, Madame."Gwenllian's face was a study in frustrated fury. "Yes," she said tonelessly, while her eyes bored like gimlets into Joanna's.There was nothing for the others to do then but to follow the example ofLlewelyn's Seneschal. One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances. Joanna had retreated into her public persona; her answers were automatic, and to many, she appeared aloof, unrepentant. She saw Senena standing some distance apart, but it was the hostility of the others that she felt most keenly. Adda's greeting had been edged in ice. How can I bear it? she thought. How can I live surrounded by so much hatred? But then Llewelyn touched her arm and she turned, saw her son.Joanna forgot all else. She started toward Davydd; he quickened his step and they met in the middle of the bailey. "Your father has forgivenJ J9"me," she said softly. "Do you think you can forgive me, too, Davydd."Yes," he said, "oh, yes."Ednyved had remained at Llewelyn's side, and he seized this op' portunity now to say, very low, "Well, you've just set tongues wagging from Cricieth toColchester. They'll be gossiping about naught else tor

685the next six months, on both sides of the border Are you sure, Llewelyn truly sure7"Llewelyn's eyes were fastened upon his wife and son As he vvatched, they embraced He glanced back at Ednyved "Yes," he said "I am sure ""ARE you certain she'll be at the waterfall, Davydd7""Not really But she does play there sometimes, and I know not where else to look " Davydd gave Joanna an oblique, inquiring glance "Are you positive you want to do this now, Mama7""I do not want to do it at all," Joanna admitted "In truth, I dread facing the child Does she blame me, Davydd, for her father's death7""I could not say Isabella is a timid little lass, keeps very much to herself Iconfess I know naught of what goes on in her head I think she fears Papa Isuspect she fears me, too ""Does she look ?""Like Will7 No, she favors her mother "They were within sight of the cataract, it had been known to freeze during exceptionally bitter winters, but now it shimmered m the January sun, patterned the mossy rocks below with lacy foam and spray Davydd pointed "There she is Isabella1"The girl whirled, and even at that distance Joanna could see how she flushed, as if caught in some flagrant misdeed Davydd moved toward the rocks, beckoned to her "Isabella, come here I want you to meet my mother ""The Lady Joanna7" Isabella lifted her skirts, scrambled up the rocks "You've come back1" The change in her was startling, her face was eager, expectant "Iprayed you would, I prayed so hard, and the Almighty heeded me, He brought you back1"Joanna reached out, took Isabella's hands between her own Her heart went out to this lonely little girl, but the last thing she'd expected was to be hailed as Isabella's saviour She smiled at the child, and then Isabella gave her the poignant answer to the puzzle"You're so pretty," she breathed, and raised up to whisper shyly, "No wonderPapa loved you so "Over the girl's head, Joanna's eyes met her son's m mutual dismay, tf for different reasons Davydd was thinking that Isabella's attachment to his mother might prove politically embarrassing, only fueling gossip all the more Joanna was thinking that to keep faith with Isabella, she'd be obliged to live

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