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Book online «Love Story: In The Web of Life, Ken Renshaw [mobi reader android .txt] 📗». Author Ken Renshaw

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as I walked. I heard Butte Creek tumbling downrapids and followed the game trail to the bank. I sat down by aneddy in the water, caused by a fallen tree and looked into the poolfor small fish, maybe trout. The bottom of the pool was lined withpolished, water-worn pebbles. I noticed a glint of light on one,which turned brighter as I watched.

Then I heard, "We bring you greetings onthis evening as you believetime to exist."

"Uriel?" I asked.

"Yes, it is our pleasure to talk with youagain."

The glint on the rock got very bright andturned into an intense blue-white spot, diffusing through ripplesin the water.

"Uriel, get out of there, you will getwet,"

"Ha-ha-ha....ha," came the reply, a full minuteof infectious laughter.

"You made what you call a joke. Your planet isone of the few we have explored or studied that has a language thatallows the joke. Tell me another."

I was dumbfounded and thought for a long timebecause I don't get exposed to many jokes in my work. Then, I said,"One time there was a man talking to his young son. He said, 'Thereonce was this man with a wooden leg named Smith.' His soninterrupted and asked, 'What was the name of the man's otherleg?'"

There was a long pause and then Uriel startedagain, "Ha-ha-ha....ha, what was the name of his other leg!Ha-ha-ha....ha," he went on. "But, It takes much energy for us tohold onto your location in space-time. We must get on to our reasonfor contacting you before we run out of what you would calltime.

"Now that you have some understanding ofspace-time, we would like to tell you about a vacuum in yourculture's understanding of human nature. You are actively connectedto other people in space-time and continually share information.You are communicating, at the subconscious level, with people inwhat you call the present, the past, and the future.

"Your people sometimes acknowledge part of thisas Déjà Vu. Some peopleacknowledge part of this as saying they have 'remembered' pastlives, which should be other lives in space-time, since time isonly an illusion, a coordinate in space-time.

"Your mind is made up of many levels. You haveyour conscious mind where you believe your rational thought andfactual information exists. There is also a layer of subconsciousthought and problem solving that generates your ah-ha moments. Yourpsychologists, ethnologists, and anthropologists have studied thesubconscious mind in limited areas of culture, behaviors and valuesyou have learned from being a member of a family, tribe, or gang,nation or race. Others have studied instinctual behavior, thosewired-in behaviors of you as an animal or biologicsystem.

"Your western scientists, unable to thinkbeyond the limitations of Newton and Einstein's four-dimensionalparadigm, have missed your subconscious connection to otherexperiences and learning from other individuals living in otherspace-time coordinates. The medical establishment cannot conceiveof the information transfer between your body functions and thoseof bodies at other space-time coordinates.

"However, some people on your planet havecreated healing practices or pseudo–religions based on subconsciousconnections. However, since these ideas don't agree with yourdominant scientific four-dimensional paradigm, the people are oftendismissed as quacks. They are ignored or persecuted by theestablishment.

"The implications of eight-dimensionalspace-time are not limited to the narrow area of what you callspace-time."

"Wait a minute. You have just overturned acouple of centuries of scientific thought. I need more time toassimilate this, or write it down." I said with somedesperation.

"Don't worry, our friend, this information willbe coming from sources you will encounter. Be open to the ideas asthey come to you. Then, try to think outside the four-dimensionalbox."

"Don't leave me hanging here with all thesequestions. Give me some examples, please!"

Uriel paused. "I am scanning through space-timeon your planet for examples." After another pause Uriel continued,"You have on your planet the idea of child prodigies. A child, atan early age, might go to a piano and start playing melodies and,with lessons, become very accomplished. Your Mozart might be anexample. He wrote his first opera at an age of eleven. Prodigiesare connected to other individuals in space-time and drawing ontheir abilities.

"Your planet has many students who areattending college at the age of eleven. Many go on to greataccomplishments in their fields, they are born with the ability todraw on several lifetimes of experience and learning.

"Many students are credited with being gifted,or 'naturals' who have great acting or vocal abilities. They areapplying many lifetimes of experience.

"In your culture you have the idea of lineartime, and you might say that these unusual children havepast lives from which they aredrawing experience. Maybe Mozart had been playing the keyboardinstruments for several lifetimes.It would be correct to say he is playing the keyboardinstruments in several simultaneouslifetimes.

"Some people have incurable fears. A personmight get attacks of anxiety from seeing even a picture of a tigerand hate cats. They may be drawing on the experience of beingattacked and eaten by a tiger in another life.

"In your medicine, doctors find ailments forwhich there is no cure. Suppose there is a man with a painful,chronic backache. They try medicines and find nothing works. Theydo surgeries and it does not work. It could be he is connected toanother person, in another lifetime who died in an accident wherehis back was broken. That idea is positively not scientificallyallowable in a four-dimensional paradigm."

"We do not expect you to understand all thisin, how do you say, a flash. Treat it as a hypothesis and seewhether you find data to support it. We leave you now to yoursearch.

"Ha-ha-ha....ha, what was the name of his otherleg?" he laughed as he faded away.

"Wait!" I shouted, but he was gone.

I sat and stared at the pool for a while as Itried to grasp what I had just heard. Then, I went back to theRiver View motel, sat in a lawn chair, watched the sunset, andwondered about my life. I had been a mainstream science guy;believing in the truth of science I was taught. Now, I am caught upin an obscure idea of space-time, with contacts with spiritualentities, and events dragging me in directions I didn't plan. Icertainly had put my career in a vulnerable position. Surprisingly,I was beginning to feel comfortable with it.

I watched the sky grow dark, and

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