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took place in a certain direction in space.”[18]

He noted that stock prices usually moved up, 92% of the time, when the planets were aligned near the galactic center where the Celestial Equator intersected the Galactic Equator. Dewey stated,

“The consistency with which stock prices tend to advance during the 30 days prior to conjunctions or oppositions of Mars, and Jupiter, and the superior and inferior conjunctions of Mercury, when in the same segment of space, is truly remarkable, and is surely not chance.”

The cause of such correlations is still unknown but, as will be seen later, this will not be the only connection between the galactic center and events here on earth. What we do know is that the galactic center emits gamma ray radiation.[19] Since stock prices are ultimately the result of human sentiment perhaps the galactic center gamma ray source has cycles that influence the human psyche in ways similar to the previously discussed solar cycles.

It should be noted that all of the above discoveries were made possible by analyzing large data sets. In other words, all one needs to discover such cycles are large sets of accurate, time-based records with which to cross-reference and find correlations. Did the Maya have such records?

Since most of the Mayan books were burned by Spanish priests, we will never know for sure. The Mayan books that do remain show they did, in fact, keep detailed chronicles of events in their history. (See Appendix B.) They also kept detailed records of astronomical observations. Did they also keep sunspot records? Many cultures made sunspot observations throughout history thus an astronomically sophisticated culture like the Maya undoubtedly did so as well.  By comparing patterns in their astronomical data with patterns in their historical chronicles did the Maya make similar discoveries a thousand years ago as those we have only made in the past one hundred years?

As we will see in Part 3, Chapter 16, “Decoding the Mayan Flood Myth,” the Maya do seem to have had accurate chronologies dating back at least 5,000 years. This is proven by the fact that they recorded the exact date of a series of catastrophic events near the end of their last calendar cycle. Evidence proving that such events actually occurred has been discovered in the geologic and Antarctic ice core records corresponding to this same date.

Clearly this is no coincidence. The Maya did not simply get lucky and picked a random date from 5,000 years ago that just-so-happened to match real events researchers would corroborate in the 20th century. The simplest explanation is that the Maya did, in fact, have detailed and dated historical chronologies going back thousands of years. Access to such a large set of data would have undoubtedly given them the ability to detect patterns that even our scientists today are unaware of.  More evidence of the existence of these ancient records will be explored in Part 2, “New Age of Disasters,” and Part 3, “Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes.”

With this knowledge of cycle science let us now take a look at the actual Mayan prophecies from the past and see what they might predict about the future.

II. The Katun Prophecies

4. Predictions for Katun 4 Ahau (1993-2012)

As stated previously, the primary Mayan prophecies or predictions for 2012 (or any other date) can be found in their books called the Chilam Balam. According to their katun cycles, we presently live in the cycle named Katun 4 Ahau. This cycle began on April 6, 1993 and ends on December 21, 2012. What predictions did the Maya make for this cycle?

There are currently nine known books of Chilam Balam. Each contains basically the same predictions with minor variations. I will use a combination of the Chilam Balam of Chumayel, Codex Perez, and Chilam Balam of Tizim as the source for this book. According to these sources, the prophecies or predictions for our current cycle, Katun 4 Ahau, that began on 4/6/1993 and ends on 12/21/2012 are as follows:

This is the katun for remembering knowledge and recording it.[20]

“The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come.  Ah Kantenal  shall come.  Blood-vomit shall come.  Kukulcan shall come with them for the second time[21].”

There will be scarcities of corn and squash during this katun that leads to a great loss of life. A plague will threaten beehives.[22]

The most interesting part of this Mayan prediction for our present katun cycle that ends in 2012 is the first part: "It is the katun of remembering and recording knowledge." It was in our present cycle that the World Wide Web was invented!

The World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee and became publicly available on August 6, 1991 but really went under-utilized until 1993 with the creation of the Mosaic web browser. According to Wikipedia, "Scholars generally agree that a turning point for the World Wide Web began with the introduction of the Mosaic web browser in 1993...."

Interestingly, Mosaic was released on April 22, 1993. As was stated earlier our present katun, Katun 4 Ahau, began on April 6, 1993. Interesting.

No technology has enabled the "remembering of knowledge and recording it" more so in the history of civilization than the World Wide Web. In just seconds one can access research on any topic in humanity's entire realm of knowledge. What used to require driving to a library, searching card catalogs, finding the book on the shelves and searching its index and table of contents to see if it had the information you were looking for can now be done in seconds from home. What is more, though, is no library could ever match the amount of information available via the Web thus the odds of finding what you are looking for is greatly increased on the Web than in a library.

More importantly, as Google CEO Eric Schmidt noted in 2010, every two days we create and record as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.[23] If you were a modern-day Mayan calendar priest, the arrival of the Web in

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