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shall come."  This refers to the arrival of the Toltec leader known as Topiltzen-Quetzalcoatl. (Kukulkan was the Mayan name for Quetzalcoatl.) This leader attempted to make reforms to violence-filled religious practices of the day that included child sacrifice. He commanded that instead of human sacrifices his followers should only sacrifice butterflies. This aroused the ire of the conservative religious authorities of the day whose power was threatened by this decree. Thus they persecuted him and drove him from their cities. He fled to the Yucatan peninsula where he took a leadership role at Chichen Itza.

In 2009 another leader took the world stage and on him the world pinned their hopes and dreams. That leader was Barack Obama. Articles written about him frequently used the terms "savior" and he was even given a Nobel Peace Prize within one year of being elected with the Nobel committee noting, “Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future.” More importantly, Obama was the first black President of the United States, undoubtedly one of the most powerful nations in the history of civilization. (Strangely enough, Obama has a sister named, of all things, Maya.)

A quick Google search reveals that, like Topiltzen-Quetzalcoatl, Obama was also attacked by conservatives and even accused of being an "anti-christ" and “socialist." He even issued an executive order, the first of his presidency, whereby the children of undocumented immigrants would no longer be “sacrificed”, er, “deported.” (Interestingly enough, most of these immigrants are descendants of the Maya and other Mesoamerican cultures.)

Obama's term happens to expire in 2012 just one month before the “end” of the Mayan calendar. He will then be up for reelection. Will he be expelled from Washington, DC just as Topiltzen-Quetzalcoatl was expelled from Tula?

Interestingly, all of the Founding Fathers of the United States were born in the previous Katun 4 Ahau cycle (1736-1756.) Thomas Jefferson was born in 1743.  James Madison was born in 1751. Alexander Hamilton was born in 1755 and John Jay was born in 1745. All of these figures are today seen as "saviors" who were most responsible for the new Constitution. They also moved the capital from New York City (which Jefferson referred to as a "sewer of all depravities of human nature") and created a great new city, Washington, D.C., just as Topiltzen-Quetzalcoatl was forced to flee Tula and founded Chichen Itza whose great pyramid has become the de facto symbol for 2012.

These examples provide compelling evidence that the Mayan beliefs about the nature of the katuns and specifically the predictions for Katun 4 Ahau may have a sound basis. Perhaps the Maya over the course of centuries of careful observations discovered a cycle of predictable patterns that governs human civilization. As the Harvard economist and founder of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, Edward Dewey, noted in 1967,

“Cycles are meaningful, and all science that has been developed in the absence of cycle knowledge is inadequate and partial. …any theory of economics, sociology, history, medicine, or climatology that ignores non-chance rhythms is as manifestly incomplete as medicine was before the discovery of germs.”

It should also be remembered that two cycles come to an end on December 21, 2012. Not only does the smaller Katun 4 Ahau cycle end but also the 13th baktun of the larger 5,126-year "Great Cycle" which began on August 11, 3114 BC.  Does this fact somehow amplify the events associated with the smaller katun cycle?

It seems that the creation of genetically modified plants, the creation of the World Wide Web and the election of a black man to the position of leader of the most powerful nation on the planet are significant turning points in the history of civilization. Looking back over the past 5,126 years one will find nothing comparable. Thus it does seem that the two cycles ending together have somehow amplified the events of the smaller cycle.

In physics it is possible for two interacting waves or cycles to either cancel each other out or to add together and create an amplified wave. This is referred to as interference. Constructive interference is the name applied to the phenomenon of two waves (or cycles) creating an amplified wave/cycle. Thus it is quite possible that the underlying sources of energy behind these two Mayan cycles, solar and galactic, are interacting in such a way as to create an amplified cycle in the final years of the 13th baktun that coincides with Katun 4 Ahau.

There is one final "prophecy" or prediction for Katun 4 Ahau that we have yet to discuss which states, “The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come.” The quetzal refers to a bird known today as the Resplendent Quetzal. It has brilliant green and red feathers and excessively long green tail feathers. In fact, the term quetzalli was used by the Aztecs to refer specifically to these long green tail feathers which they used in their headdresses.

The Aztecs also combined the term quetzal with their word for snake, coatl, to name their deity Quetzalcoatl, also known as the Feathered Serpent or Plumed Serpent. Astronomers Napier & Clube in the groundbreaking book The Cosmic Serpent noted that stories surrounding this and other mythological sky serpents and dragons were likely representations of comets and meteors.

The choice of the Quetzal bird fits quite well with this theory with its long comet-like tail. The Chinese, in fact, referred to comets as "long-tailed pheasant stars" since they reminded them of the long tail feathers of pheasants. The choice of a bird combined with a snake helps to symbolically represent a snake-like entity located in the sky, which is a perfect description of a comet.

The color green seems to be another important part of this symbolism. Quetzalcoatl is usually represented as being green. In fact, the Aztec day sign "coatl" is a green rattle snake. Could this prophecy be a prediction of the appearance of a green comet between 1993-2012?

In fact, there have been three green comets between 1993-2012. The

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