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upon the physical body or organ. In addition, the healer's mind is also set to work in the same way, and sets into motion the healing psychic forces in the way just mentioned. You will notice that the same principle is always involved and set into operation and manifestation.

There is no particular virtue in the form of affirmation used by the healer or patient, except the important virtue of being able to arouse strong mental pictures of restored health, proper functioning, etc. There is of course this also: certain forms of affirmations or mental statements are better suited than others to the particular wants of certain persons. For instance, a very religious person will be aroused better by affirmations and statements filled with religious sentiments and ideas; while a person of a purely scientific turn of mind will receive more benefit from affirmations in which the precise physiological functions are specifically mentioned; while the person who is fond of mystery and strange ceremonies will be better served in the affirmations or statements taken in the form of some magical incantation, etc. The difference, however, lies in the mind of the patient, rather than in the words themselves. Words are merely invokers of ideas—symbols of ideas. In themselves, words are nothing—ideas are everything.

If you wish to treat yourself psychically for some physical disorder, or if you wish to do good to others in the same way, you have but to put into operation the general principles of psychic influence herein described. That is to say, you must first be filled with the strong desire and wish to make the cure; then you must make a strong mental image of the desired result, as actually present. (Do not think of it as "going to be;" instead say and think that it "is now!"); then concentrate the attention firmly and positively upon the idea. You may aid yourself and others by affirmations or auto-suggestions (words creating desired ideas and mental pictures) if you wish—you may get better results in this way. In this connection, let me remind you that the healing work in many cases consists largely in placing proper mental pictures in the mind of the patient, thereby displacing improper and harmful mental pictures of disease, etc., which have been given lodgment there before. Many persons are sick because of improper and harmful mental pictures that they have allowed to be placed there by the suggestions of others. Fear and dread of disease often acts to bring about the feared condition, for reasons that you can readily see.

And, now, finally for the work of "absent healing" by psychic influence. I can state this to you very simply; it is this: take what I have just told you regarding personal treatments, and combine it with what I have told you in previous lessons about "long distance psychic influence"—then you will have the whole thing. Here is a sample of an effective distant treatment; or "absent treatment," to use the popular term—it may be varied and enlarged up to fit individual cases:

Sit quietly in your own room, inducing a calm, peaceful mental attitude and state. Then (in the way already told you in this book) make a mental picture of the patient as sitting opposite to you, or lying down in front of you. If you have never seen the patient, make simply a mental image of a man, or a woman, as the case may be, and think of the figure as being the patient. The best practitioners of distant psychic healing produce such a strong mental image of the patient that they can often actually "feel" his or her presence. (This of course is the result of a simple form of clairvoyance.) Then make a strong mental picture of the condition that you wish to induce in the patient—the healthy physical condition of the organ, or part or body, as the case may be. See this condition as existing at the present time, and not as merely to come in the future. At the same time, you will do well to mentally speak to the patient, just as you would in case he or she were sitting before you in the physical body. Tell the patient just what you would in such case. Pour in the suggestions, or affirmations, or whatever you may wish to call them. In some cases in which an excellent en rapport condition is established, patients become aware of the treatment, and sometimes can almost see and feel the presence of the healer.

A prominent Mental Scientist, of America, instructs his pupils to consider each of the organs of the patient, or of themselves, as having a separate intelligence; and, therefore, to "speak up to it" as if it really understood what was being said to its organ-mind. I would say that such form of treatment would be calculated to bring about very good results, indeed. The principle of concentration and mental picturing would be invoked very strongly in such a case, and the astral counterpart of the organ should respond to such treatment quickly and effectively. It is an occult fact that there is mind in every organ and cell of the body, and if the same is awakened in the astral counterpart, it will respond to the command, suggestion, or direction. The writer in question evidently is well acquainted with this occult law, judging from his other writings, and has simply veiled his knowledge with this easily understood method of treatment which undoubtedly will "do the work," to use the American term.

Finally, no matter what may be the theory, or method, given in connection with psychic healing of any or all kinds, you will find the same general principles underlying it that have been presented over and over again in this book. In fact, many purely material and physical remedies owe their success to the fact that they appeal to the imagination of the patient, and also inspire confidence in him. Anything that will inspire confidence, faith and hope in the mind of a patient, and will bring to his mind strong mental pictures of restored health and normal functioning of his organs—that thing will make for health for him. So, there you have the whole theory and practice in a sentence!

I would remind the student that these are not lessons to be read but once and then laid aside. In order to get from them all that they contain for you, you will find it necessary to read them several times, with a reasonable interval between readings for the knowledge to sink into your mind. I feel sure that you will find with each reading that there are many points that you over-looked before. The lessons cover a wide field, with many little excursions into bye-paths and lanes of thought. I trust that the reading and study will make you not only a wiser person, but also a stronger and more efficient one. I thank you for your kind attention, and trust that we shall meet again in the future.


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Abdominal Brain BY THERON Q. DUMONT

Man has four brains, and not merely one, as is commonly believed to be the case. Each of the four brains have separate characteristics and distinctive offices and functions.

The Solar Plexus, or Abdominal Brain is situated in the upper part of the abdomen, behind the stomach, in front of the great artery, and in front of pillars of the diaphragm.

The Solar Plexus is the great plexus, i.e., network of nerve-fibres, mass of nerve-substance, etc., of the great sympathetic nervous system. It is composed of both gray and white nervous substance, or brain-matter, similar to that of the other three brains of man. It receives and distributes nerve-impulses and currents to all the abdominal organs, and supplies the main organs of nutrition, assimilation, etc., with nervous energy.

It performs a most important work, supplying the nerve-energy which is required for

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