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the process of nutrition, assimilation, growth, etc. In fact, it is the great powerhouse of physical life-energy. The bodily functions cannot be performed without it; when it is injured the entire physical well-being is at once seriously affected; when it receives a severe shock, death often ensues.

Its name, "solar" was bestowed upon it by reason of its central position; its filaments extend in all directions to the important abdominal organs, like the rays of the sun; and it is recognized as being the powerhouse, and great reservoir of "life force," just as the sun is the great powerhouse and reservoir of material energy of our solar system.

Not alone modern scientific investigators; but also many very ancient investigators, such as the oriental occultists and sages, who many centuries ago recognized certain subtle functions and offices of this wonderful "fourth brain" of man, and taught their students many valuable methods of effectively employing its finer forces and hidden energies.

NO. 9, 64 PAGES, PAPER BOUND, SIZE 6x4-1/2


border border How to Know Your Future

Alexr. Verner, F.A.I.P.

As St. Paul points out, man has a natural (or material) body and a spiritual body. There are also a material world and a spiritual world. With the eye we can only see material things. To see the spiritual world we must cultivate the spiritual sight. Seeing spiritual things with the spiritual sight is called Clairvoyance (or "Second Sight").

You can if you choose, cultivate clairvoyant faculty. If you do, you may be able to see places and persons in the spiritual world. This may enable you to describe to your friends, people in spirit life that they have known here.

It can also help you to see what is going on at a distance in this world. To see into the past and the future. To obtain hidden information, and to give advice, of the utmost value. This faculty when properly developed enables one to trace hidden treasure, to find lost friends, animals, and property. With the development of Clairvoyance it is also possible to develop Clairaudience (Spiritual Hearing).

Crystal Gazing means looking into a crystal ball or into something else of a like kind. When this faculty is developed one sees a picture or image in the crystal. Presently the picture will dissolve and another will take its place. All the above matter is described in this book.

No. 15, 42 Pages, Paper Bound, Size 6x4-1/2.
Price Postpaid—Outside U.S.A.

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border border How to Converse with Spirit Friends How to
Spirit Friends By Alexr. Verner, F.A.I.P.

A medium is a person whose presence is necessary before a spirit can communicate. "How To Converse With Spirit Friends" tells you how you may develop mediumistic powers, so as to be able to receive messages from the other world when sitting alone.

The book also tells you about different kinds of spirits, including apparitions (ghosts) and spirit guides (the spirit friends that are constantly with each of us); about spirit control (how spirits work through the organisms of mediums); and about spirit-given premonitions, warnings, death-signs, etc. The work, moreover, gives other interesting and valuable matter. This work is calculated to "comfort those that mourn."

This book is printed in very legible type and contains illustrations to bring out points. One of the illustrations shows spirit forms as seen by a medium. Size 6x4-1/2

No. 14, 36 Pages, Paper Bound—Price Postpaid
Outside U.S.A.

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border border The Power of Concentration THE POWER

It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate. To make the greatest success of anything, you must be able to center your entire thought upon the idea you are working on. The person who is able to concentrate, utilizes all constructive thoughts and shuts out all destructive ones. The greatest man would accomplish nothing if he lacked concentration.


In these twenty lessons, this famous author gives you in simple, concrete form the results of his lifetime investigations. He shows you how to acquire that mental quality of concentration which has made world-known leaders. He shows you how to focus your ideas, to get away from mind wandering, to eliminate day dreams—how to use your mind like an ever-ready tool and to accomplish in hours what the man without this ability does only in weeks or months. He tells clearly why some men lead, while others with equal intelligence remain in the ranks. He shows the clear way to make the utmost out of your mentality. No degree of success, within reason, is impossible when one possesses the Power of Concentration.

Read the principles laid down so clearly by Professor Dumont. Practice the exercises which he has so carefully worked out. This training is as much a guarantee of success as any other method known. Simply learn to use your brains—learn to focus, to concentrate and the highway to bigger things is open to you.


Opportunities Made Through Concentration. (Shows the plain road to the top.)
Self Mastery. (How to centralize attention.)
Training the Will. (A mighty force at your disposal.)
Mental Poise. (How to command conditions.)
Business Success. (How to coordinate forces by concentration.)
Attaining Wealth. (How to attract money bringing factors.)
How Courage is Gained. (Use of concentration to drive out fear.)
Memory by Concentration. (A very valuable lesson.)
Practical Exercises. (The actual application of the principles of concentration.)
Many more topics all as interesting and important as those listed.

No. 5—186 Pages, Cloth Bound, Size 5x7
Price Postpaid—Outside U.S.A.

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border border Dynamic Thought DYNAMIC
THOUGHT How to Develop your
Personality By Henry Thomas Hamblin

This book develops your personality and the personal power that sways and compels and gives you a powerful influence over the minds of others.

Dynamic Thought reveals new and marvelous facts about the human system. Men and women achieve success according to the development of their own powers. You have as much power within you as anyone, but it is lying dormant; and this development can be attained.

There are certain definite principles that rule human beings in their attitude toward each other. When once you understand these principles you can convert enemies into friends and can make almost everyone be friendly toward you.

No 1 298 pages, Cloth Bound, Size 5x7. Price Postpaid—Outside U.S.A.

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border border Mental Influence Mental
Influence By William Walker Atkinson

A course of Lessons on Mental Vibration, Psychic Influence, Personal Magnetism, Fascination, Psychic Self-Protection, etc.

LESSON 1.—Why one mind can be made to influence another.
LESSON 2.—How thought waves manifest, and how they affect other persons.
LESSON 3.—How mental states are transmitted.
LESSON 4.—What mental concentration is, and how it works. The occult teachings regarding developing the powers of concentration. A course of training described and explained.
LESSON 5.—How occultists form a mental image.
LESSON 6.—The secret of mental fascination and personal magnetism. Why some have such a charming, irresistible influence. How it can be cultivated. LESSON 7.—Difference between fascination and hypnotism. How hypnotic influence upon others affects the person. The truth about hypnotism.
LESSON 8.—Influencing at a distance. How you can exert a mental influence upon others at a distance. How distant treatments are given. The most effective occult methods and practices.
LESSON 9.—How mental influence may be used to affect a great number of people at the same time.
LESSON 10.—The need of instruction on the part of the public.

No. 7—96 Pages, Paper Bound, Size 6x4-1/2

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border border Success and HappinessSUCCESS AND HAPPINESS BY

A guide to Success in matters relating
to Health, Friendship, Love, Marriage, etc.

"Success and Happiness" tells you how to develop magnetism and to strengthen your will. It tells you how to influence people to act as you so desire. It gives suggestions on how to relieve pain without medicine.

No matter what your condition or position may be, "Success and Happiness" tells you how you may improve it. It gives you plain directions as to how to achieve success tin friendship, love, matrimony, and business; how to make money and how to secure happiness.

Send for this book at once and learn how magnetism and will-power enable people to achieve success.

No. 16, 40 Pages, Paper Bound, Size 6x4-1/2 Price Postpaid—Outside U.S.A.

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This book will prove invaluable to anyone who feels that they might have any kind of psychic power. It contains lengthy discussion of the following:
Mental vibrations and transmission—Thought transference—Clairvoyance and kindred phenomena—Mediumship—Mediumistic conditions—How to develop mediumship—Mediumistic phenomena—Higher spirit manifestations.
This work explains clearly how to develop "mediumship." It tells how to form a "medium" circle. Questioning the spirits, the spirit communication code, persistent watchful waiting, building lines of communication.

No 2, 277 pages. Cloth Bound, Size 5x7.  


border border Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing PRACTICAL

A Series of Eleven Lessons on the Psychic; Phenomena of Distant Sensing, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, etc.

Scientific principles underlying Psychomancy, Sensing objects by the Astral Senses. Projection of the Astral Body.

HOW TO DEVELOP YOURSELF. Development Methods. Concentration. Visualization. Psychometry. How to use the Crystal and Mirror. General Instruction.
Simple and Space Psychomancy and their difference. Seeing Through Solid Objects. Seeing Down Into the Earth. Diagnosis of Disease by Psychomancy.

PSYCHOMETRY. Five Methods.
Various forms of Crystal Gazing. Directions of "How to Do It," etc.
ASTRAL PROJECTION. What the Trained Experimenter may do.
SPACE PSYCHOMANCY. What may be accomplished by means of it.
Sensing the scenes, occurrences and objects of the Past, by Astral Vision.
FUTURE TIME PSYCHOMANCY. Future events cast their shadows before.
DREAM PSYCHOMANCY. This lesson will explain many instances in your own experience.
This most interesting study is stated clearly, so that all may readily understand the fundamental principle of Psychic communication.

No. 20—Paper Bound, 93 Pages, Size 6x4-1/2 Price
Postpaid—Outside U.S.A.

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border border TABLE RAPPING
Alexr. Verner, F.A.I.P

Founder and Principal of the British
Psychological Institute

"If a man die, shall he live again?" Does death end all: or is it merely "the gate of life"? If there be a next world, can we communicate with those that are in it?

These are questions that have agitated the minds of millions. "Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" answers the questions. It also does more, it tells you how you can answer them. It tells you how to prove there is another life, and how to open up communication with those who dwell therein. To the Materialist it says: "Belief is unnecessary. You demand evidence—here it is."

"Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" gives full instructions on how to form a Circle for receiving messages from spirit friends; how to enable spirits to make themselves visible to ordinary sight; how to get written messages, drawings, etc., from those who have "passed over."

No. 18—25 Pages, Paper Bound, Size 6x4-1/2 Price Postpaid—Outside U.S.A.

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The Astral World THE
ASTRAL WORLD Its Scenery, Dwellers and
Phenomena By Swami Panchadasi

Containing treatment on such matter as the following:

CHAPTER I.—The Seven Planes of Being. What is meant by a Plane. A state rather than a place.
CHAPTER II.—Astral Regions. What is meant by an Astral Region. Where located.
CHAPTER III.—Reality of the Astral. What one encounters on an astral journey.
CHAPTER IV.—Passing the Border. Passing out of the physical body. Alone in the astral body.
CHAPTER V.—Some Lower Sub-Planes. Why the soul sheds. The Astral shell, bodies without souls, still seemingly alive and conscious.
CHAPTER VI.—Disembodied Souls. The resting place of the souls. Not dead, but sleeping.
CHAPTER VII.—Scenes of the Astral. How the low entities pass their time. Punished by their sins not for them.
CHAPTER VIII.—Life and Work on the Astral. Character and occupations of the Astral Dwellers.
CHAPTER IX.—Higher Planes and beyond. The true home of the soul. The Heaven worlds.
CHAPTER X.—The Astral Light. What the astral light is. A startling presentation of a wonderful occult truth.
CHAPTER XI.—Astral Entities. Non-human dwellers on the astral.

No. 10, 94 Pages, Paper Bound, Size 6x4-1/2 PRICE POSTPAID—Outside U.S.A.

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border border Practical Psychometry


There is a great demand for good Psychometrists at the present time, and in the near future there will be a greater demand for the vast amount of good that can be done

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