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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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aswiftly moving river.

“That water looks toorefreshing to resist,” Erling said. “I’m going for a swim.”

“It’s not safe. There mightbe dangerous animals in the water.”

“I’ll take my chances.” Hepulled off his shirt and made a shallow dive off the bank whileToemeka scanned the water for snakes or other creatures.

Deciding it was safe, she setdown her gun and jumped in. The water was warm, but energizing. Thestrong current carried her downstream to a low bank where she couldclimb out. Erling scrambled out after her. They hiked back to wherethey’d left their blasters and sat in the sun, drying off. Erlinglooked better with the dried blood washed off his face.

“Thanks for springing me fromjail,” Erling said. “I didn’t think I’d make it out alive.”

“What happened? Why were you inthe crypto room?”

“On my way to the lunchroom Isaw several people leave the crypto room. I was about to see if therewas a way to break in when I heard someone coming back. I quickly hidaround the corner and observed a man punch a code on the ID panelbeside the door. Each number gave off a different tone. After he leftI experimented until I heard the same sequence he’d punched in.When the door unlocked, I went in and began going through the files.

“I had just memorized thepasswords needed to access the classified information we need whenthree armed guards showed up. A hidden camera or an alarm must havetipped them off to my presence. Two of them held me while the thirdlaid into me. Their supervisor came in before they killed me andordered them to take me to jail, where they proceeded to rough me upsome more. Sadistic lot.” Erling scowled. “They used probes tosend shock waves of energy into me.”

“I know about probes.”

“They used it on you?” Hiseyes widened in horror.

“Only once. They didn’t roughme up like they did you.”

“I’m sorry, Toe. This mess ismy fault. I shouldn’t have gone into the crypto room.”

“You took a calculated risk. Weneeded those passwords to accomplish our mission, but you should havetold me what you were doing so I could have kept guard.”

“I had to take advantage of theopportunity when it presented itself. We’ll go back there tonight,steal the information, and fly out of here.”

“It’s too dangerous. Weshould abort the mission.”

“The mission is too important.We have a chance to find out Samrat Condor’s strategic plans. Itcould be a real breakthrough for the Coalition and for Jaipar.” Headded one last argument. “I might even find something that willhelp save my family.”

“Erling, you know I’d doanything to help your family, but I’m simply not up for such adangerous operation. The day before yesterday I was shot and took abad fall and now I’ve hardly slept and haven’t eaten since weleft Jaipar.” Her voice broke as she added, “I’m at my limit.”

“I’ll go back alone, then wecan leave together.”

“No! I don’t want to be leftalone in this horrible jungle! Do you know what it felt likeyesterday, not knowing what happened to you?”

“It’s all right, Toe. Don’tget upset. We’ve been in rough spots before.”

“No, it’s not okay! I’mpregnant.”

His mouth dropped open in shock,then he snapped it shut. “You’re what?”

“You heard me.”

“Why didn’t you tell mebefore?”

“I wanted to help with Jaipar’sdefense so I went back on active duty. If I told you I was pregnant,as my superior you would’ve made me resign.”

He threw out his hands palms up.“You could have helped me plan Jaipar’s defense without goingback on active duty.”

“I wanted access to theCoalition database. I don’t trust King Zanton and am having hisbackground researched. I didn’t expect the Coalition to give meorders to go on a mission when we were already serving in Jaipar.”

He shook his head. “Theywouldn’t have expected you to go on the mission just after beingwounded.”

“I know, but it was toodangerous for you to go alone.”

“That part turned out to betrue.” He pulled out his communicator. “Before we left, Idownloaded a program that’ll help us survive in this jungle. Ittells what plants and animals are edible. Let’s search for food.You’ll feel better after you’ve eaten.” Erling put on hisshirt, then pushed a pathway through the thick vegetation. He stoppedand held his communicator screen in front of a plant with red berrieson it. “Are these berries edible, Bea?

No,though they look similar to some edible berries

He tried several more plants andeach time Bea said it wasn’t edible.

“How about this orange flower?”Toemeka asked, pointing to a large, five petaled flower.

Erling held out his communicator.“Bea, can we eat this flower?’

Theflower is edible, Bea replied.

“Finally, something we caneat,” Toemeka exclaimed. She picked the flower and took a bite. Itsrepulsive taste made her gag. She spit it out. “Disgusting.”

“It can’t be that bad.” Hetook a bite, grimaced and spit it out. “Bea, this tastes terrible.Why did you tell us we could eat it?”

Youdidn’t ask if it tasted good.

“She has a point,”Toemekasaid.

After searching for nearly anhour, they found a bush with a few blue, ball-shaped fruits hangingfrom its branches that Bea said was edible. Jocollitosare delicious once they turn blue, Beasaid.

“Unfortunately,there weren’t many left on the bush,” Toemeka said.

“The birds must have eatenthem,” Erling said. He peeled the skin off one of the blue-coloredfruits, then broke the inner fruit into sections and handed some toToemeka. “It smells good.”

Toemeka bit into a piece and asweet taste exploded in her mouth. “It tastes good. Try some.”

He ate a section, then pickedapart the remaining four jocollitos. After they ate them, Erlingasked, “You must be exhausted. Do you want to sleep for awhile orlook for more food?”

“I’d like to sleep.”

“Okay. I’ll keep guard.”

She lay on spongy moss growingbeneath a tree and soon drifted to sleep. In the dream worlds, shewas a child again with her brother Baymond. They were searching forthe doll she’d dropped when they were high in the mountains.

After awhile Baymond said, “Wecan’t look any longer. We have to start for home. We’ve alreadymissed supper and it’s getting dark. Mom and Dad will be worried.”

“I’ve got to find Asta. She’shurt and hungry and scared in the dark.” On the verge of tears,Toemeka bit her lip.

“The Master will take

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