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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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you with moncrons. I heard you shot two guards andhelped some man escape from prison.” His voice had an angry edgetinge to it. “They’ll torture you to death when I hand you overto them,” he added menacingly.

Toemeka didn’t have to fakelooking afraid. She held her hands out beseechingly and spoke in asoft, breathy voice. “Don’t turn me over to them. I didn’t killanyone; I just stunned the guards. The man they were torturing was afriend of mine. He was just a technician, but they wouldn’t believehim and they just kept beating him. He died in the jungle from hisinjuries.”

To mock up some tears, shethought of how terrible she’d feel if Erling had died. Her voicecracked. “They used the stun gun on me as well. All I’m asking isthat you let me get my flight suit and pretend you never saw me.”

The guard’s face softened andhis stance became less rigid. “Why should I help you? I’llprobably get a promotion for capturing you.” His eyes traveledslowly down her body, then back up, lingering on her breasts for amoment, before meeting her eyes.

“Please, I’m begging you; letme go.” She looked at him through eyes blurred by tears.

“I’m not a traitor.” Helightly ran a finger over her lower lip.

“Would you really let themtorture me to death?”

“It’s my duty to turn youin.” The desire in his eyes contradicted his words.

“But I’m innocent.”

“Then they’ll set you free.”He stepped closer and she could feel the heat of his body.

“You know they won’t believeme.”

“Convince me to help youescape.”

Her breathing became ragged. Shedidn’t know how to handle the situation. Things were quicklyspinning out of control. He closed the space between them and hismouth descended on hers as his arms encircled her. She resisted theurge to push him away and let him kiss her instead. Thisis the only way to survive, shethought.Shefelt the solid muscle of his arms and chest and knew he wouldn’t beeasy to overpower if it came to a fight. She swayed her hips into hisas if they were dancing and maneuvered him so his back was turned tothe door. His mouth moved to her neck.

Over his shoulder, she saw Erlingslide through the still-open door. She cradled the guard’s face inher hands and brought his mouth back to hers to allow Erling to passunnoticed into the sleeping area where they’d stashed their gear inlockers the day before.

Once Erling was inside, Toemekarealized she wasn’t sure what to do next. She slid her hand downthe guard’s side toward his gun holster. Her hand touched the coldhandle of his Blackhawk and she drew the weapon. She hesitated afraction of a second, not wanting to kill him. He grabbed her arm andknocked her wrist against the desk. The blaster flew out of her handand landed on the floor.

“What’s your game?” heasked, his eyes dark with fury. He shoved her backward into the desk.

“I’m sorry. I’m justscared.”

He thrust his aroused bodyagainst hers. “This is what you do to me. Do you think I’m goingto let you out of our deal when I haven’t had a woman in over ayear?”

She shuddered, terrified he mightactually force himself on her. Wherewas Erling? Had he run into trouble?Any man in the barracks could awaken and discover him.

The man’s voice softened. “Hey,I won’t hurt you. I’ll make it good for both of us.”

She shook her head. “No,please.”

“Come on, baby, don’t befrightened.” His lips brushed lightly against hers. “In the nameof Samrat Condor, you are so beautiful.” His hand slid inside herblouse.

Toemeka kneed him in the groinand he crumpled to the ground in agony. She grabbed her blaster offthe desk and slammed it into the back of his head. His eyes rolledback as he lost consciousness and fell to the floor.

“Remind me to never try to kissyou,” Erling said. She looked up to see him coming through thedoorway with their flight suits and helmets in his hands.

“How come you didn’t knockthis guy out when you came in? He was all over me!” Toemeka said,still feeling shaken.

“Your plan was for me to knockhim out ifyou couldn’t distract him.” He raised an eyebrow. “He lookedverydistracted.”

“He was a little toodistracted.”

“Don’t get mad at me. I toldyou it wasn’t a good idea.” He sounded annoyed. “Let’s getout of here.” He walked out the door and she followed him.

“It was better than your idea.”

He moved to the unlit side of thebuilding and tossed her a flight suit and helmet. “Stop bickeringand change.” His eyes dropped to her unbuttoned shirt, then hediverted his gaze and stripped off his shirt.

Her hands shook as she changedinto her flight suit.

“You’re quite the seductress,Toe. It’s a shame the Coalition didn’t know of your talents allthese years. They could have put them to use.”

“Shut up, Erling.” She zippedup her flight suit. “I should have left you in prison and escapedon my own.” She jammed her helmet onto her head.

He turned around. “You couldhave, except you have a soft spot for me.”

She slugged him on the arm,venting her frustration. “Stop teasing me!”

“Sorry, I didn’t realize youwere really upset.” He sounded contrite. “I didn’t knock himout because it looked like you had everything under control and myjob was to get our stuff.”

“Forget it. Let’s go.”

They walked to the corner of thebuilding. She was about to step out when Erling threw out his arm andpushed her back against the wall.

“What is it?” she whispered.

“A squad of guards spreadingout across the grounds. I’m going to run to that tree. Cover me.”

She drew her blaster and kept hereyes on the guards as Erling dashed into the light. He was hidden amoment later in the shadow of a large tree. He signaled for her tofollow and she dashed over to him. Sticking to the shadows, they madetheir way across the military encampment. At the airfield, they movedcautiously toward their ship, staying away from the circles of lightmade by the overhead floodlights.

Once they reached and boarded theship, Erling started the engines. Toemeka glanced at the fuel gauge.“Erling, we’ve got a problem. We’re out of fuel.”

“Tawkus’ Blood, I should havethought of that. I’ll take care of it.”

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