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about the letterfrom Koriann requesting Michio’s help. “Since you weren’t thereI came in your stead.”

“Coming to Jaipar was dangerouswith the new threat from Samrat Condor.”

She squared her shoulders. “Ihave a right to be involved in the war.”

“Including the right to go on amission when you’re pregnant?”

“If that’s what I feel is thebest decision.”

“How long do you intend toignore the fact that you’re carrying our child?”

“I’m not ignoring it. I’mjust not letting it interfere with what I have to do.” She sighed.She might as well get it all out in the open. “Michio, there’ssomething I need to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I . . . um . . . seduced aguard to escape from the Raptor base on Flo Shah.”

Michio looked incredulous as hestared at her. “Was this part of your regular duties when you werean undercover operative?”

“No, of course not.”

“What exactly do you mean byseduced?”

A flush rose up her neck andheated her cheeks. “Well . . . I let him kiss me.”

His eyes narrowed. “Anythingelse?”

“Before I kicked him in theballs and knocked him out with my blaster?”

“Yeah, before that.”

She wished she hadn’t saidanything, but with her luck Erling would have said somethingincriminating. It would be worse if Michio found out that way.

“He groped me.”

“I didn’t think infidelitywas something I’d have to worry about with you.”

“It wasn’t infidelity.”

“What do you call it?”


“So it’s okay if you’redesperate?”

“No, it’s not okay,” shesaid, upset that he wasn’t being more understanding. “It’s justthe way the mission went down and it seemed better than beingtortured and executed. You’ll have to excuse me for not beingperfect. If you want a perfect wife, you’ll have to look elsewhere.I’ve got to change and go eat.”

She unzipped her flight suit andpulled it off. She felt Michio’s heated gaze and looked up. Hisannoyed scowl was replaced by desire, which sent an answeringresponse through her. He closed the distance between them and hismouth descended on hers. He unfastened her bra, tugged it away andpulled her flush against his chest. She slid out of his embrace,snatched up her knit top and pulled it over her head.

“Making love is going to haveto wait; I’ve barely eaten in days. Or maybe we can do both atonce.” She slipped on her slacks and headed, barefoot, toward thedoor.

“You’re supposed to be takingcare of yourself.”

She swung back around and facedhim. “It’s a little difficult when you’re dog-fighting, beinginterrogated and chased by moncrons through the jungle.”

“How can you put your life andour child’s in such peril?”

“I didn’tknowI was putting the baby in such peril. I thought it was a desk job.”

“You’ve been an undercoveroperative long enough to know any mission carries risk.”

She put her hands on her hips.“And you knew what my job involved when you married me, so don’tcomplain about it now.” She yanked open the door and glanced back.“Do you mind if we continue this discussion after I’ve eaten andslept for at least ten hours?” She left, not bothering to wait forhis reply.

Koriann stared at Erling’sbruised cheek and swollen eye, sickened that he’d been beaten sobadly. “I’m glad you made it back.”

“Thanks for your help.” Hecleared his throat. “I’d better get going. I’ve been gone a fewdays and there’s a lot to check up on. And I want to help with theanalysis of that crystal matrix.” He turned to go.

Koriann clasped his arm, notready for him to leave when she’d been so worried about him.“Erling, wait.”

He looked back at her, his eyesguarded. “What is it?”

“I was a knot of nervesworrying that something might happen to you. It made me realize howmuch I care about you.”

“Kori, I. . .” he faltered,his face full of anguish.

“You what?”

“You must know how I feel aboutyou, but if I were engaged I wouldn’t want another man telling myfiancée he loved her. I’m sure Zanton doesn’t either.”

“You love me?”

“I thought that was prettyobvious.”

She tightened her hold on his armas he started to pull away. “I love you, too.” His expressionchanged from questioning to understanding and they came together witha kiss that quickly built in intensity.

Koriann heard the sound offootsteps and looked up to see Zanton approaching. Stars!What bad timing!

“So you’re back andimmediately lusting after my fiancée!” Zanton raged.

Erling tightened his arms aroundKoriann’s waist. “Your engagement is a mistake. I’m going tomarry Kori.”

“You’re not stealing mywoman. I challenge you to a duel.”

“Can’t we settle thispeacefully?”

“Peacefully!” Zanton’snostrils flared. “I catch you with my woman and you want to settleit peacefully. If you want her, you’ll have to fight for her.Haklute honor demands we fight a ritualistic duel with Borithonswords until first blood.”

“Duels are rather barbaric.”

“You’re a coward.”

Erling bristled. “I’m not acoward. I accept your challenge.”

“No!” Koriann gaspedhorrified.

Zanton ignored her, his dark eyesriveted on Erling. “Meet me at the ocean just below the palace atdawn tomorrow. I’ll bring the weapons.”


“No, duels are illegal inJaipar!” Koriann exclaimed.

“Stay out of this!” Zantonsnapped, glowering at her.

She stepped toward him, wantingto calm him down. “We need to talk privately, Your Highness.”

The king nodded curtly. “Icouldn’t agree more.”

“Not a good idea, Kori,”Erling said, placing a protective hand on the small of her back.

“Erling, I made a pledge toKing Zanton. He deserves an explanation.”

“Come see me afterward. I’llbe in the kitchen getting something to eat.”

“It’s really late. We’lltalk in the morning.” Koriann looked at Zanton, her uneasinessincreasing. She didn’t look forward to smoothing his wounded ego.“Let’s talk in the den.”

“It’s as good a place asany.” King Zanton roughly grabbed her upper arm and started pullingher toward the palace.

Koriann glanced back over hershoulder at Erling who looked about ready to pounce on the King. Sheshook her head letting him know she didn’t want him to interfere.She wanted to settle things without a fight.

Her own irritation increased asZanton continued to drag her toward the palace. She tried to twisther arm free.

“Release me!” she hissedunder her breath. “You’re hurting me.”

“I’m sosorry.” He sounded anything but sorry though he loosened his grip.She looked around for her guards and saw they were conspicuouslyabsent. Zanton’s guard stood at the palace entrance.

They went into the privatesection of the palace where the den and bedrooms were located. AtZanton’s bedroom

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