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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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Toemeka said.

“That was a little too closefor comfort,” Erling said.

Toemeka gazed out the canopy top.“Do you think the Raptor ship will find us?”

“Afraid so.”

“We don’t have enough powerto use the shield.”

“I know,” he said in a softvoice.

Toemeka continued to watch thesky. Death was something she and Erling faced many times, but thistime she had more at stake. She longed to be reunited with Michio andhave their future child. “Maybe we should leave the ship and find aplace to hide in the craters.”

“We can’t. Delga doesn’thave enough gravity or oxygen and the temperature is too extreme.We’d need full space gear.” His expression clouded. “Ishouldn’t have let you come on this mission. I knew it was toodangerous.”

“Don’t blame yourself. We didwhat we had to. Besides we’re not defeated yet.”

Overhead they heard the roar ofengines. “It’s the Raptor ship!” Erling exclaimed. “He’sgoing by—no, he spotted us. He’s coming back.”

Toemeka turned on the radio.“Wind Rider to Night Wanderer, we’re on Delga hidden in a vastmountain range.” A missile hit the side of the mountain, sendingdebris tumbling down on them. The Raptor ship disappeared from view.

“He’ll be back for anotherpass,” Erling said.

Instead, a squad of Jaiparianships soared overhead. The radio crackled to life. “Night Wandererto Wind Rider and Cruiser. You’re in the clear. That ship tore outwhen he spotted us. We’re coming down. Any damages? Over.”

“They found us!” Toemekaexclaimed, relief flooding through her.

Erling checked out the system,then said into the microphone, “Negative, no damages. By the stars,we’re glad to see you!”

Michio landed his fighter craft ashort distance away in the valley. Toemeka noticed Koriannco-piloting beside him. A fuel aircraft set down near Erling’sship. The door opened and a man in full space gear stepped out andwalked over to their ship, carrying an electromagnetic plasma fuelblock.

Once their ship had a new block,the person delivering it returned to their ship. Erling started theengine and lifted the ship into the air.

“Did you notice Koriann waswith Michio?” Toemeka said, grinning at Erling. “She must havebeen worried about you. That’s a good sign.”

“Sign of what?”

“That she’s in love withyou.”

“She’s not in love with me.”

“You wanna bet?” Toemekasmiled smugly.

“No, but if I did, that’s onebet I wouldn’t mind losing.”

Hours later Erling landed theirship on the palace airfield, then raised the canopy top and climbedout. Toemeka was about to do the same when she saw Michio stridingtoward the ship. He was as handsome as she’d remembered, but helooked different. He’d let his hair grow and had a dark tan.

She knew he’d be upset with herfor going on the mission. He wouldn’t buy any of her excuses andshe didn’t feel like having to deal with him when she was sodrained. But as he drew closer, she could see the love in his emeraldgreen eyes and forgot everything but her elation at seeing him again.When she got out of the ship, he swept her into his arms and gave hera heated kiss. She was surprised by his open display of affection—hewas usually a private person.

As she returned the kiss, shethought guiltily of the Talon guard. She felt unclean, having kissedanother man, even if she only done it to escape from Flo Shah. Shepushed aside her guilt so she could enjoy the moment of reunion withher beloved husband.

When he finally released her, hesaid, “Toemeka, my heart, thank Bakka, you’re safe!” She clungto him, joyful tears blurring her vision, filled with happiness thatthey were together again.

He kissed her eyes and tearycheeks. “You gave me quite a scare.”

“I missed you so much it hurt.Six weeks is too long to be apart. I love you.”

He drew her tightly against himand said softly, “I didn’t know it was possible to love anyone aspassionately as I love you. I had trouble concentrating on mytraining at the monastery when I found out you were hurt and indanger. I wanted to leave and come to you immediately.”

“You stayed and finished,didn’t you? I don’t want to be the cause of your not completingyour training.”

“I stayed but it was thehardest thing I’ve ever done.” He turned and greeted Erling whowas talking to Captain Flint. “It’s good to see you again,Erling. That’s quite a shiner!”

“What happened to you, Erling?”Koriann asked, coming over to them. She and Erling embraced, then shestepped back, her eyes full of concern.

“I was interrogated.” Erlinghanded the matrix crystal over to Captain Flint. “Here is theinformation we downloaded.”

Koriann hugged Toemeka. “I’mso glad you and Erling are safely back. Michio told me you’reexpecting a baby. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. I didn’t want toshare the news until I was further along.”

Michio tensed at the mention ofbabyand clasped her hand. “Come on, let’s go to our room. We need totalk.”

She didn’t like the ominous wayhe said, “Weneed to talk.”He obviously wasupset,though he had the integrity to conceal his feelings in front ofothers.

On the way to the palace shesaid, “Tell me about your training. What was it like?”

He stopped walking, pulled a goldcoin out of his pocket and handed it to her. The sound current roaredin her ears as she held it. It had an eagle on it and a chill wentthrough her as she realized what it meant. She shifted into a higherstate of consciousness and saw a golden-white light glowing aroundMichio in an intensity she’d never seen before.

“You’re a Master of the Orderof the Eagles!” she gasped.

He nodded and she hurled herselfinto his arms. They kissed again. It was a few moments before shecould say, “That’s wonderful. You’re wonderful.” She searchedhis eyes looking for the change in him. “The training must havebeen difficult.”

“It honed my skills through alot of training and testing.” They started walking again.

She held his hand, cherishing thephysical link between them. “I suppose you have newresponsibilities now.”

“Some, but I’d already givenmy life over to serving God.”

“As an Ahimsa warrior?”

“Yes. Once Samrat Condor isdefeated, I hope you and I can live a more peaceful life.”

When they entered their room, shewent over to her dresser and pulled out a knit top and slacks. “Ineed to change out of this flight suit.” She sat on the bed andtugged off her boots.

“Why didn’t you stay onKanai?”

She explained

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