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Book online «The Price of Possession, Dakota Brown [i have read the book a hundred times .TXT] 📗». Author Dakota Brown

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after him.

"The cops will be here soon, Price. Someone's gotto hold them off unless you want them to know about Mal," he shouted. Somewherea door slammed, and I sensed he was gone.

"Fucker," I muttered.

"Aaron." Sabian broke the thick silence thatsettled in after Darius left. "I can break the circle, but it would beeasier if you did it."

"Yeah, sure. What do I do?" Aaron rubbed hishands together and I could smell his fear.

"Just put your foot over it."

"You can't do that?" Despite his question,Aaron walked forward and slid his foot over the runes etched into the floor.

The circle popped and I practically leapt out of it,the hellhound on my heels.

"No, not this one, anyway. Some, yes. I'd havehad to figure something else out. Chris, are you sure you can handle Mal?"

I glared at Sabian, but after the tirade I'd justthrown at Darius, my anger was spent and anything I could have said would justbe petty. Sabian had saved me, which was far more than Darius would have done.

"Yeah." I softened my expression and Sabianrelaxed. "It's just one more thing the prince has to heal. Since he'sstill trying to put me back together, he assured me that it was all included."

I went over to Mal and tugged at the ropes that boundhim. It looked like they'd simply tied him into the chair to keep him upright,not with any real intent at restraint. The ropes came away easily and I took adeep breath before I put my hand on the bolt of wood through Mal's heart.

Price, let me distract you. This is going to hurt. Alot.

Why are you so concerned?

If you want to experience what it's like to nearly dieagain, I'll leave you two alone, thedemon replied sharply.

I hesitated. I did not want to get in any deeper withthis demon, as Darius had put it, but I was also not keen on another near deathexperience.

I will keep you alive, but it's not going to be fun ifyou don't let me distract you.

It usually feels good when he bites me.

He's not in control of himself right now, and won't befor a bit.

Sounds like you've some experience with this.

I could almost feel the demon shrug, as if somethingunder my skin rippled. That definitely creeped me out.

What exactly are we talking about here, mate?

Invisible fingers trailed up my spine, sending athrill of pleasure through me.


A distraction only. Nothing more. Believe it or not,this is not my first choice, either.

Okay. Just this once.

I'm just engaging your mind, he explained. It will keep you from feeling what gettingdrained by a vampire actually does to a person without the helpful endorphinsthey usually use to pacify their prey. whatever it is you're going to do.

Pull the stake out.

Taking a breath, I grabbed the shaft of wood andyanked. I was surprised at how easily it came free, though the barbs on the endmust have done some damage on the way back out.

Mal's eyes snapped open, and if the demon hadn't beensomewhat in control of my body, I would have flinched away at the empty look inhis fully black eyes. He grabbed me, jerking me forward and going for my neck.

His teeth broke skin and for the barest moment I felt painbefore the demon prince intervened and my system flooded with endorphins.

For a moment, I wondered what he had been fussingabout. If that was all he had to do...but then my attention returned to whatMal was actually doing to me. That very brief moment made me extremely gladwhen I suddenly found myself standing in front of the prince again.

He looked tired, lips drawn, dusky skin unnaturally pale,some wrinkles I hadn't noticed before at the corners of his eyes.

"You are quite a lot of trouble, you know that, Price?"

"It's why everyone loves me." I gave him acocky grin.

"It may be the clue to your charm. I don't knowyou that well yet." He held out his hand.

Still making me choose. I guess that was fair. The yeton the end of his statement worried me though, and I tried not to think toomuch about it as I placed my hand in his. I didn't really want him to know mewell at all. Despite that, I didn't resist when he pulled me forward. He wasgentle, putting an arm around me, hand cupping my hip. He threaded the fingersof his other hand through the longer part of my hair and tilted my head. Hewasn't tall, but he was still taller than I was, and he leaned over to presshis lips to mine.

Though he'd professed some reluctance earlier, hepressed me against him now, and devoured my lips as if they were a lifeline. Myheart raced, and I hoped it was from what the demon prince was doing to me, notimpending cardiac arrest from blood loss.

After a moment lost in his embrace, I slid my hands aroundhim, under his suit jacket, his warmth nearly overwhelming through the dressshirt he wore.

It took a great deal of restraint to keep my handsfrom wandering, though I did grip his shirt, pulling him against me, trying toignore my ovaries that were demanding I get naked, get him naked and satisfyall of those urges that were racing through me.

He was helping me survive Mal without getting acomplex, that was it. He didn't want anything more. Really.

Ezra shifted against me, rumbling in pleasure as hetightened his hold on my body.

I had no idea where he had learned to kiss, but damn,I could get lost in this so easily and come back for more.

Holy crap something was seriously wrong with me.Lusting after Aaron, and now the prince? I had a pretty good excuse to make outwith the demon prince right now, but not wanting more later. Yes, he wasprobably the best kisser ever, but still...

You are living with an incubus, he pointed out without breaking off from consumingme.

So, it's Sabian's fault?

No. Just trying to give you an excuse. Though, hispresence isn't helping.

The prince nibbled at my lip, and I groaned, lettinghim lean my head back, gasping as he kissed along my jaw before biting gentlyat my

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