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along with him. He is constantly involved in arguments with suppliers, other merchants, and the local government. I think you’ll be doing everyone a favour by removing him from the equation,” Joe said.

“Then it is settled. Chris, take care of it,” I said.

“Done,” said Chris.

By the time we ran through the list, only one person would be allowed to live. After we had finished our drinks, we left the restaurant and all headed home.

Chapter 21

Business Plan Part Two

Where: Guillermo’s Cabana, North Walnut Grove, Miami

When: 1830 hours, Friday, February 10, 2012

Currency: US dollar

Eddie had been helping Anna in the kitchen and when finished, he sat in the usual spot and waited for his friends. Anna didn’t mind having the boys around, she knew that being in the restaurant meant they were out of harm’s way. Eddie knew his crew would be arriving any moment, so he cleared the table, ridding it of books and paper. He asked Anna if they could all have dinner at the restaurant, and she agreed. She didn’t mind feeding the boys every now and then. She didn’t know Alex and Chris that well, but she knew their parents and she didn’t think much of them. Making them dinner gave her the opportunity to get to know the boys a bit better. As far as she was concerned, this evening would be no different from all the other Friday or Saturday evenings when the boys came to the restaurant to hang out with her son. She knew they mostly talked about movies, music, and clothes. Sometimes the boys talked about girls, but it was never in a disrespectful way.

The boys turned up on time, which was a good sign, this proved to Eddie that they were serious about business.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Eddie said.

“Hey, Dom. I hope your mom made some of her rice pottage, I am starving, dude,” said Alex.

“Man, you’re always hungry, Alex.”

“Ha-ha, yeah man. Do you even eat at home?” said Chris.

“Come on, dude, I’m still growing, ,” Alex said, laughing.

“Yo, Dom, this is so weird man. This used to be your dad’s corner, now we’re sitting here with you. It’s an Honour, bro,” said Chris.

“I know, man. It’s cool though, my mom doesn’t mind either. I think she’s just happy I’m here at the restaurant and I’m okay. Especially after everything that went down with my dad, you know?” Eddie said.

“Yeah, I hear you, man,” said Chris.

Anna had finished making dinner, so she shouted for Eddie to come to the kitchen to grab the tray. Isabel had the day off, so she was at the restaurant that evening helping Anna. Eddie brought the tray of food and put it on the table, then he went back to the kitchen for orange sodas. With the food and drinks now served, he sat down with the boys—it was time to talk business.

“Yo, Dom, um, there are a couple of guys at one of the tables out front drinking coffee. I’ve never seen them here before, are they new customers or something?” said Alex.

“Nah, Remember I was telling you the cartel would send protection? Well, that’s them, they are the muscle. They’re here to make sure no one gives my family any trouble,” Eddie said.

“Dude, that is so cool!” said Alex.

“Yeah, I guess so man,” said Eddie.

“You guess so? Man, this guy is always trying to play it cool,” Chris said.

“Ha-ha, play it cool? Chris, I’m as cool as ice, and you know this!” Eddie said.

“Yeah, I hear you, man. But anyway, let’s continue our talk from this morning,” said Alex.

“Yes, our talk. So, I spoke to my dad’s cousin Raphael. I told him there was an opportunity to make some good money, and I convinced him it will be worth his time. He knows it wasn’t something we could talk about on the phone, so he’ll be joining us soon. When he gets here, we will go over everything,” Eddie said.

“Do you think he’ll be on board with all this?” asked Alex.

“I am one hundred percent sure that he’ll be on board. Raphael is not like my dad. I’ve watched how he moves, and I know he is connected with some guys that don’t play according to the rules. Raphael is a player, I know he is—his clothes, his shoes, his jewellery, his car. All this points to him being a player in the drug game or something else illegal,” Eddie said.

“Okay man, I hope you’re right,” said Alex.

The boys had almost finished eating when the restaurant door opened. It was Raphael. He saw the boys and headed for their table. Raphael was draped in jewellery. Around his neck were two necklaces, one herringbone and the other Cuban link. He wore a gold watch, a gold bracelet, and two gold rings on the index and middle finger of each hand. He was wearing a white silk shirt and linen trousers with a pair of alligator skin shoes. He didn’t remove his gold sunglasses when he sat down with the boys.

“So Edwardo, how have you been since the funeral? I was a bit worried when I saw you that day, you looked a bit lost,” said Raphael.

“I’m fine, Uncle Raphael, I’m doing much better now,” said Eddie.

“Good, good… and Anna and Isabel?” asked Raphael.

“They are doing much better. Actually, they are in the kitchen. Do you want me to let them know you are here?” Eddie asked.

“Nah, let’s get to it. Why am I here, Edwardo?” asked Raphael.

“Okay, you remember my friends Alex and Chris?” Eddie said.

“Yes, I’ve seen you hanging with them outside the restaurant. I also saw them at the funeral,” Raphael replied.

“Well, I trust these guys, and I need them to be involved in this,” Eddie said.

“Okay, fair enough,” Raphael said.


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