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Book online «House of Vultures, Maggie Claire [fun to read .txt] 📗». Author Maggie Claire

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are of Ddraig blood. Then we teachyou to be a true Cadogan leader, as is your right, Iris.” Sirilowers her head before me until her eyes are on mylevel.

“And what about Cane?” Ieke out through gritted teeth. You willtell me what I seek to know, Siri. Now.

Fine. “Cane will not have a Ddraig, I am afraid. He will have tostay with the ones that are unchosen.”

That word drives a hissfrom my throat. Unchosen. Up to now “unchosen” hasmeant a death sentence. Cane drops my hand as though stung,squaring his strong shoulders in preparation for a fight. “That’snot good enough! I’m not letting Iris stay behind with you monstersuntil I know more about your kind. Find me a Ddraig too, you huge,hideous brute!”

Iris snorts, a plume of fire circlingCane’s body as if in warning. All the fight leaves him the momenthe chokes on acrid smoke. “One of us will take you back to yourcamp.”

An iridescent black creature loomsover us, sparkling riots of color bursting where the light toucheshis scales. “Say your goodbyes here, Iris. It may be a while beforeyou meet again.”

“There has to be anotherway,” I protest even as Cane bundles me under his arm close to hisheart.

“I can’t fight them. Itwill have to be this way for now,” he breathes into my hairfeebly.

“It’s not fair!” I cryinto his chest. Everything keeps pullingus in opposite directions!You just told me you love me, and I….Desperately I want to say the words aloud, butsomething stays my lips. His cruel and grasping actions lately makeme wonder if I really know him at all. Maybe a little space would be the best thing for me rightnow.

“We will see each otheragain. I meant what I said earlier, Iris. I love you, and thathasn’t changed.” He kisses my forehead, a tear slipping down hisface to land just below my eye. “Be careful. Learn what you canabout these creatures, but do not trust them.”

A dragon of a brilliant green like newtree leaves screeches as it barrels toward us. Claws outstretched,the creature rips Cane out of my grasp and out of the Pith before Ieven have the chance to scream.

Wheeling, I stare into the silver eyesof my Ddraig. “You knew all along, didn’t you? You knew that Caneloved me, and that he was not a Cadogan.”

Siri sighs as she blinks, the liquidmetallic colors in her eyes seeming to swirl and dance with herpulse. “I suspected that something was wrong in his blood. I cansmell it, Iris. It’s strange, like the Cadogan blood is presentinside him, but it is rotten. I’ve never come across that before.As far as knowing that he feels for you, all I had to do was watchhis eyes. They follow you everywhere you go. Are you sure it islove? Or is it possibly the desire to possess you, body and soul?You should be careful with that one, Cadogan.”

It unnerves me that Siri’scounseling questions about Cane are exactly what I have beenpondering in my secret heart. We know verylittle about these creatures. Antero’s enough proof that we shouldbe careful with unfamiliar acquaintances. Cane’s warning replays inside me as I lean against the roughstones of the cavern walls, feeling their sharp edges upbraid myback. I don’t know who or what to trustanymore, I lament as sadness andexhaustion finally overpower me, and I close my eyes tosleep.


On the polished marble steps of anenormous palace in Déchets lies a stiff, scarred body, its form sognarled that its head curls tightly toward its legs. At the wall, ayoung guard notices and creeps down to investigate. Almost vomitingfrom the sight of the bloody mess, the guard manages to find itsbroken face. “My gods, Antero! What did you do?” He spins, atornado of wind enveloping their bodies as he hurries toward theinfirmary.

“Tell my father…they haveit. Cassé has Carreglas…guarded by Ddraigs. Not sure…not sure howmany there are. Make known my injuries. They are proof.”

Wolf’s healing was only like using abandage to cover a missing finger. He’d closed the wounds, but hecould not replenish Antero’s energy for the journey home. Fatigueand the drain from his Windwalker abilities left Anterohelpless.

Antero’s body quakes in shock,screaming as the furious breeze blows over his raw flesh. Hismentors had warned him about overusing his magic. Their scoldingwords echo in his ears in mocking tones. “Exhausting yourWindwalker magic without caring for your body can cause your skinto dry, crack, and burn. That’s why you must stay connected toyourself; do not get lost in the Windwalker’s dance and forget.”Antero always scoffed at his instructors, never believing theymight be speaking truth. Now, the wind’s brush is as agonizing asglass tearing into his skin.

“Are you crazy? To riskyourself like this….” The guard’s words cease as they reach themedics, and Antero is laid on a cot to be treated.

“Just…tell him. Maybe nowhe will see me as useful.” Antero barely whispers the command as anurse fills his blood with enough drugs to put a horse into acoma.

Chapter 12

“Stand up, Cadogan,”Siri’s voice demands from the shadows, but I cannot rise from myplace on the ground. One of Cane’s wolf claws managed to land nearmy feet, and I cannot seem to leave it alone. My fingers dancealong with its smooth, sharp tip, no longer frightened by itsdagger like edge. I know the man whowields this weapon, and I don’t think he would hurt me. He says heloves me. It is hard to come to terms withhis absence as the Ddraig repeats her wishes, “Iris, getup.”

“Why did you not let himstay?” I whine, clutching that claw and shoving it into my pocket.“Would it really have been so bad to keep him here?”He was my protector, Ithink, immediately berating myself for the idea.He was not your security blanket, stupidgirl! You canprotect yourself, can’t you?

“The things you will learnare not for his eyes, Iris.” Siri paces through the cave, the blackDdraig mirroring her actions. As they circle me their colors seemto blend, the epitome of night and day in their stark contrast,like complementing halves of the same whole. “You and I must joinour minds, complete the rites of Ddraig

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