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Book online «House of Vultures, Maggie Claire [fun to read .txt] 📗». Author Maggie Claire

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closing against the pain as though they could shutit out of his body. “What did our father tell you that made youhate me so much?” Condor inquires quietly, blood oozing down hisjaw. “What hateful lies did you swallow about me?”

Wolf’s answer hardly matters as twogreat forms shadow the sky, a roar cutting through the air as theyland. Iris drops from the creature’s back, rolling a couple timesbefore she rises and straightens her clothes. Her skin has more ofthose luminescent, thin as hair lines weaving along its surface. Aslightly bluish tint bruises the skin around her eyes naturally, asthough the mask of the mynah has permanently altered herface.


Before Wolf can run to her side, avoice rings out to address the onlookers. “We mean no harm to you.”A black, sleek Ddraig stalks forward, sniffing the air as thoughsearching for pleasant dinner aromas in a kitchen. He rangesthrough the speechless onlookers, eyeing one or two warily beforereaching Wolf’s side.

“This is your male,Cadogan, am I correct?” Suryc asks as he rears up over Wolf’s head.“What is your true name again?”

“I am not sharing suchinformation out loud in front of all these witnesses!” Wolfresponds, cowering as Suryc bellows his frustration.

“Do not waste my time,little fool! If you want to stay with your female, then….” As Surycspeaks his nostrils flare. The black Ddraig’s onyx eyes shimmer ashe notices someone behind Wolf. “You! What is yourname?”

Without hesitation the male responds.“Cyrus.”

An answering roar emanates from theblack dragon as ebony flames pass over Wolf’s head to engulf Cyrus,covering his skin with black patterns that trail from his shouldersto his fingertips. When Suryc is done, the male stands before them,the antithesis of Iris’s pale form.

Suryc faces Iris as he addresses her,but his mind is far away, focused on the figure behind Wolf’s back.“I had hoped to come to this land to give your male a secondchance. I thought maybe I was wrong in my assessment of him,especially since you care for him. However, by returning to thisplace, we have found my true Cadogan, and your second in command ofthe Ddraigs. He will be your closest ally, your greatestcompanion.”

Siri paces closer to me, a grimexpression on her face. “Iris, I told you that Suryc and I arecoupled. However, I neglected to share that it is customary for ourCadogans to join as well.”

“What?” I fumble for areply as her words sink in. “You’re saying that you expect me tolove Suryc’s Cadogan? That I’m bound to him, just as you are boundto each other? You cannot be serious!”

“Do you realize howantiquated that is? What gives you the right to choose her mate forher? Do you think she’s too stupid to choose a good man?” Wolfchallenges the black Ddraig, one hand reaching for hissword.

“It has nothing to do withthe human, little fool! And I do not explain myself to you.” Surychowls with enough power that Wolf is forced to step farther awayfrom the creature. “Your leadership position may intimidate therest of the people in this land, but it means little to me. I’dthink twice before I drew that sword at your hip unless you want toburn.” Suryc’s fiery breath heats the ground at Wolf’s feet inwarning.

“But you explain yourselfto me, Siri! Why should you choose who I love?” I cry, my eyessearching the crowd for the person blessed with Suryc’s Dadenibonds.

“Iris, when I showed youmy memories of Suryc, did you not feel my love for him? Did you notfeel some emotion yourself toward him? And wasn’t I the one whosuspected your feelings toward the Wolf?” Siri questions, waitingto continue until I nod my acquiescence. “You and I are bonded socompletely through Dadeni that there is little room left in ourhearts. It is the same with all other Cadogans too. Because ofthis, your heart will naturally turn in the same direction as mineand vice versa.”

“Meaning that because youlove Suryc, I will come to love his Cadogan,” I finish, feeling ahollow pit in my stomach. What if Suryc’sCadogan is a complete stranger?What if he’s a monster likeCreeper? Whatif—?

“That’s ridiculous! Youcan’t possibly have that much power over each other!” Wolf shoutsangrily.

“You don’t have a say inthis matter, I’m afraid.” Wolf’s heart falls to his feet, trampledin the mud as an all too familiar voice repeats, “Ddraig to Ddraig,blood to blood, their hearts will bond if they’re meant to love. Iam sorry, Brother Mine. For this change in our circumstances, Itruly am,” Condor rasps, his eyes wide as he steps up beside Suryc.His ebony etched hands stroke the Ddraig’s scaly chest lovingly,and when Wolf inspects the traitor binds, only a charred boardremains.

Chapter 13

Fate is cruel. I have known this eversince the death of my family. I have known this every time I’vetaken the life of an animal so that my housemates could survive.But this—this is beyond heartless. This is Fate’s outrightdeclaration of war against me. “There is no way that I will couplewith Condor,” I snap, glaring at the male as I lunge for Cane’sside. His hand entwines with mine immediately, as if that feeblegesture will somehow negate the Ddraigs’ claims. “I don’t care whatyou say, Siri. I will never see him as anything more than amonster! How can you choose him, Suryc? How can you possiblybelieve Condor is a good man?”

“Cyrus. I figure sinceSuryc just engulfed me in flames without burning me to a crisp, mytrue name is the least of my worries.” He edges up on my otherside, and I shift closer to Cane’s body in desperation.Please no, I pray towhomever might be listening. Anyone butthis animal.

“The choice is made,Cadogan. I am truly sorry that it distresses you.” Siri whispersher apology stiffly, almost as if it is only for my benefit and notheartfelt at all.

“And what if I refuseCondor as my second?” I cannot even force myself to considercoupling with him. The very idea turns my stomach and sends chillsdown my spine. My voice emphasizes his masked name to make my pointfor me.

“I’m no knight in shiningarmor, but I am not the epitome of evil either.” Condor grinds histeeth as he speaks. “Not that you’ve

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