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Book online «Love Story: In The Web of Life, Ken Renshaw [mobi reader android .txt] 📗». Author Ken Renshaw

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I asked, "Ms. Cloud, please explain to thecourt how you know me."

"My friend, Ann Sodastrom, called me and askedif I would organize a child-finding demonstration for the court. Mydaughter Kerri is, or was in Lucy's grade, and I know all themothers in the school class"

The defense attorney, Dean Buttress jumped tohis feet and objected, saying, "One of the main issues in thistrial is scientific credibility: a simple demonstration is notscientific proof of the legitimacy of psychicphenomena."

I was surprised Buttress was awake andresponded, "The scientific credibility of 'psychic phenomena,' ingeneral, is not an issue in this trial. The issue is limited to Mr.Manteo's credibility. This demonstration works toward thatend."

"Overruled. I'll allow the demonstration,"responded the Judge. "I'd like to see this myself.

"Please continue, Ms. Cloud."

"I am the president of the PTA, and Ann thinksI am a good organizer. She gave me your phone number, and I askedfor me to call you in Los Angeles. During that call, you asked forme to get three other parents from Lucy's class to participate inthe child–locating demonstration. All they had to do was hide withtheir daughters in separate location somewhere in town."

"Have I or any other person, contacted ortalked to you about this?"

"The phone call to LA is my only contact withyou before now. The other attorney, that lady over there, ElizabethMcKenzie, met with me briefly. She gave me and explained somewritten instructions for the child–locating demonstration. I havethem here."

"Would you read them aloud to the court,please."

She read, "Please contact and identify threeother parents of children in Lucy's class who would be willing toparticipate in a one hour demonstration. Only you and the otherparents are to know of the planned demonstration. They should giveyou a copy of the their children's classroom portrait, taken lastspring when they had 'picture day' at the school. On a given dayduring the Sodastrom versus County of Rocky Butte Trial, you willbe asked to call each of the other three parents and ask for themand their children to leave home and go to a place of theirchoosing in the vicinity of Rocky Butte. Each place should havestrong visual clues, a place you would recognize if given a photoof that place. They should stay at that location for one hour oruntil they are called on their cell phones. They and theirdaughters may engage in any normal activity to entertain themselveswhile they are at the place."

I asked; "Were you given any otherinstructions?"


"Do you have the three pictures?"


"Please write the name of the child on eachpicture and the cell phone number of the person who is withthem."

She wrote on the back of each picture, and Ientered them into evidence.

Then, I asked, "Do you know or know of a Mr.Steve Manteo?"

"No, I have never met or had any contact withhim that I know of."

"Thank you very much for your assistance insetting up this demonstration."

I then called Steve Manteo who was dressed in agrey business suit and tie.

I gave the three pictures to Steve and said,"Here are pictures of three classmates of Lucy's. Their names areon the back. Do you know any of these children or families with thesame surname?"

Steve examined the pictures and then said, "No,I don't know any of these children nor do I know any families withthe same last name. I haven't had any contact whatsoever with anyof them that I know of."

I then gave him map of Rocky Butte and vicinityand said, "Each of these children is somewhere in the vicinity ofRocky Butte. Will you please mark on the map where you perceive thethree children to be and describe what the children aredoing?"

Steve took the first picture in both hands andthen closed his eyes. Everyone in the courtroom was in completesilence, and I could feel the tension building. Then, Steve openedhis eyes and turned the picture over, read the name, marked an X onthe map, closed his eyes and said, "Kerri Legar is in a building,she is near a high arched window, looking out. She is unhappy anddoesn't want to be there. She is with her father. I can perceivethat she is on the second story, looking out the window atsomething moving by."

He took the next picture, read the name, closedhis eyes for a while, marked the map, closed his eyes again,paused, and said, "Amie Archerfish is in the outdoors playing. Sheis happy, having fun. She is going back and forth, like on a swing.She is at the school on the edge of town, in theplayground."

The audience murmured and Judge Cartright wasabout to bang his gavel and then, as Steve took the third picture,the audience grew quiet.

He looked at the third picture, closed his eyefor a minute and then said, "Janet Nestle, is here," as he markedthe map and then again closed his eyes. In a minute he said, "Janetis enjoying something to eat, cold. She is not inside, but undersome sort of roof or arbor. There is a blue structure nearby. Thereare objects, probably cars going by. She is at the Tasty Freeze onthe edge of town."

I had earlier arranged for the clerk to have aspeakerphone on her desk. She dialed the number on the back ofKerri's picture. We, including the jury, heard, a male vice answer,"Hello, Richard Legar here."

"Mr. Legar, this is David Willard calling fromthe courthouse. Where are you and is Kari with you?"

"I am in the library on the second floor. Kariis bored and driving me nuts. Can we go home now?" Richard Legaranswered in a very stressed voice.

"Yes, thank you very much. Your service to thecourt is appreciated."

Then, we called Joyce Archerfish and sheverified that her daughter, Amie, was at the school, playing on theswings. Dorothy Nestle verified that her daughter was at the TastyFreeze on the edge of town.

I entered the map Steve had marked intoevidence.

Opposing counsel declinedcross-examination.

I thanked everyone and then rested mycase.

The judge declared a forty-five minute recessfor lunch.

The defense then presented its case.

First, Dean Buttress, presented his scientificexpert witness, an emeritus Physics Professor, Charles Young, agentile, kindly looking man, from the Bowdon University ofCalifornia. He gave the expected expert testimony that there is nophysical

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