The Accidental Archmage, Edmund Batara [read after TXT] 📗

- Author: Edmund Batara
Book online «The Accidental Archmage, Edmund Batara [read after TXT] 📗». Author Edmund Batara
walked back to the trees.
Freak me again. Is she flirting with me? A Nordic spirit, now a Greek goddess? Wait, I
don’t remember any Greek goddess named Alea! Did I just got served? What is it with
women of this world not giving their real names? It’s like Earth! Urrggghhh!
Upset, Tyler turned and went his way. After a while, he remembered he also gave a
false name. That brought a smile to his face. She got served first!
He continued his trek. His direction always to the north. When he got tired, he rested
and ate. His waterskin he refilled in the small brooks and streams he came across. At
night, he stayed up in a tree for safety. He could now see plenty of small game along
the trail he blazed yet he noticed no large animals crossed his path. It was odd but he
was thankful.
But he kept his guard up. Even with the triangular barrier around him, being alone was
not a condition to put a watchful mind at ease. At the same time, he tried to check if
Alea or pretty boy was following him. He found no such sign.
Finally, he arrived at the end of the foothills. The rolling plains of the Telemark lay
before him. To the right of the plains, he could see Telemark Lake. To his left would be
the way to the town of Thornby. If he followed the curve of the lake, he will be able to
get to Scarburg.
The rocky terrain going down the hill slowed his progress which was already at a snail’s pace due to the need to check for danger. But this side of the Fossegrim area appeared
to lack jotnar and dokkalfr presence. When Tyler thought about it, except for the
encounter with the Greek entities, his trek had been uneventful.
As he reached the bottom of the hill, he paused and took cover behind some trees. The
way seemed clear. In front of him, the thinning grass was up to waist level in places.
Trees dotted the countryside though no roads or settlements could be yet be seen. But
he still didn’t feel safe. Crouching, he made his way to the next clump of trees.
“So, what’s a little mouse doing in this land? Crouching and hiding at that!” A loud
bellow followed the statement.
Tyler froze. His head turned to the direction of the voice.
Under a tree sat the familiar figure of an old man with an eye-patch. He could have
sworn nobody was there a moment ago. He made sure of that as he knew he going to
pass the tree.
“Come here, Tyler. Take a seat. Enjoy the breeze. The peace and quiet.” Tyler
somehow hear the emphasis on the last phrase.
Tyler walked to the old man.
“Hello, my lord. Fancy meeting you here.” Tyler joked, taking his seat beside the
powerful being.
“Heh. Could have been earlier but those nosy Greeks were all over the place. I don’t
mind them checking around and I can’t say I blame them. Though I think Athena took a
shine on you.”
“That’s gods for you, my boy. Names as many as you can think of. Alea is one of her
names. I believe she had a temple called Athena Alea. So be careful next time about
names of gods and goddesses, you never know what they will use from their bag of
names. But I think she’s right about that boy. Prideful, arrogant, and a short fuse. Not
too bright either. Those are the people who create a lot of headaches. Watch your
back. If it comes to another match, I suggest you teach him a lesson he will never
forget. Bullies understand only one language.”
“You suggesting I beat him to an inch of his existence?”
“More like half an inch. But I didn’t say that.”
Conflicting feelings churned within Tyler. Here’s Odin, the all-powerful head of Nordic pantheon, acting chummy with him. On top of that, telling him not to tolerate bullying
even by divine entities. He can relate with the second but the first? The god must want
something from him.
“So, to what do I owe this honor, my lord?”
“Straight to the point, Tyler. I like that. No wasted time and no misunderstanding. I
have a request.”
“Why do I feel it’s not going to be an easy request?”
“Just hear me out. I can’t force you anyway. You’re not one of mine.”
“I owe you that at least, my lord.”
“Call me Gangari. One of my names during my wandering years. You know what it
means? Wanderer, of course!” Odin laughed again.
“I am in a dilemma, Tyler. Ymir has immeasurably increased his forces. Forged an
alliance with the dokkalfr as well as with barbaric human tribes. Now I hear the magic
of the mages on his side are more powerful as ever. But until Ymir engages in battle
himself, the gods may not directly intervene. But the pantheon’s strength had been
greatly weakened. Nor can I commit the Valkyrie or the Einherjar. Their numbers have
lessened and their presence may worsen the conflict from a mere attack to the
beginnings of Ragnarok.”
“How can it be Ragnarok when Loki is not involved?”
“We don’t know if he is not involved. Though I know he is somewhere visiting again.
Sutr appears to be not involved too. Nor has Fimbulwinter come. But Ragnarok is a
process leading to the end. The coming battle may be a test of our resolve and failure
may lead to Ragnarok itself. I cannot ignore the risk. My nature has always been to
delay the onset of Ragnarok. I know Loki has said Ragnarok is not coming but who
knows what lies behind that cunning mind, mad as it appears to be? No, the risk of
failure in the coming battle is too great.”
“What do you expect me to do? I am not even a mage.”
“Oh, I know what you are and what you are becoming, Tyler. But as long as your
purpose includes delaying of the coming of Ragnarok, you will always find an ally in me.
Ragnarok here in Skaney is the beginning of an avalanche. Every pantheon has a
similar apocalyptic legend. What do you think will the effect be on the enemies of other
pantheons if
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