The Accidental Archmage, Edmund Batara [read after TXT] 📗

- Author: Edmund Batara
Book online «The Accidental Archmage, Edmund Batara [read after TXT] 📗». Author Edmund Batara
such things but for the guards, that would be enough.”
“You do know what will happen if you follow me, Jorund. You too, Habrok.” Tyler had
already guessed what the peculiar order of the old man was.
“Yes, my lord.”
“I will follow where Jorund goes, my lord.”
“No regrets? You may die while with me. My journey is more dangerous than you could
imagine. Last chance to change your minds.”
Surprisingly, it was Habrok who answered.
“The Havamal says a cowardly man thinks he will ever live, if warfare he avoids, but old
age will give him no peace, though spears may spare him. But this decision demands
some thought even if I remember my father with his club.”
“For me, none, my lord,” said Jorund, his voice firm, “and I do swear loyalty to my lord
Havard as he is known as such, to serve, obey and protect with my life, with my
allegiance to the All-Father now unto him, with the blessings of Odin the Wise.”
Habrok blanched. Apparently, he didn’t expect such a radical oath. Tyler and Jorund
both looked at him. Tyler for his part observed the that the wording of the oath seems
prepared. He concluded it must be of the old man’s own formulation.
Habrok was quiet for a while. The two gave him time.
“As do I, my lord Havard. I mean I may die horribly but it’s better than dying in bed or of old age. Do we still get to go to Valhalla?” he asked Jorund.
“Yes, Habrok. If we remain true and if needed, die like men. That much has been
revealed to me. Odin’s grace will remain with us.”
Then Jorund turned to Habrok. A stern face. And in a grave tone, he advised the
“Habrok, with your oath, you now have a geas of silence on you on matters involving
Lord Havard. Remember that. The All-Father will be watching us. What we did was not
a simple matter for him to accept but his blessings go with us. Learn to keep your
mouth shut and your lust under control. You get to be too talkative around women.”
Habrok listened wide-eyed. A simple warrior, a ranger, now thrust into the world of
divine beings. Before, gods were kept at a distance in Habrok’s mind. Now they were
looking over his shoulder. Poor man. Tyler pitied him. But he loved the expression on
Habrok’s face.
After the three took their meal together, Tyler told Habrok to look for information about
a mad hermit named Starkad, with the advice that he may be called some other names
too. This penchant of gods and related beings having so many names was giving him
apoplexy. Two or three names he can understand, but a whole gamut of them?
Meanwhile, he wanted to rest after his journey. A normal bed now sounds very enticing,
he can do the rest of his tasks after a good rest.
He found that Jorund’s room adjoined his own. With the huskarl’s room deliberately
being before his when approaching through the hallway. His room was at a corner of
the inn, located on the second floor. Habrok’s room was in front of his room. He
wouldn’t be surprised if Jorund arranged it that way. Or that Jorund loosened the floor
boards to give advance warning of anybody walking near their rooms. The hallway floor
did sound noisy while Tyler was going to his room.
Tyler cleaned himself up and changed. Jorund had the presence of mind to get new
clothes for him which were already on top of a table. His armor and sword he left with
the man who said he’ll have it fixed first with the blacksmith. His short staff he kept
with him. No way he was going to let it out of his sight. Lying down on the bed, he
planned out his immediate tasks in Scarburg.
First, a courtesy call with the priest-librarian and then a visit to Scarburg's war-mage.
After that, an unobtrusive check of the town’s defenses. He’ll decide what to do after
these tasks. Considering the scout reports he heard from Habrok, a few days still
remained before any assault on the town will be made. The library is more of a
courtesy call. A means to keep up appearances. The war-mage visit is different matter
altogether. Though calling upon the man was also necessary to keep up appearances, with Tyler being ostensibly a mage, it will provide information on the actual status of
the town’s defenses. But to examine the defenses and prepare whatever he can think
of, he may have to scout the Gap. So, far no enemies have been seen in the area so
the venture is possible. Good thing he still had the letters the Gothi provided.
After a few hours of rest, Tyler and Jorund were on their way to Scarburg’s library.
Tyler noticed several separate encampments on an open field as they were nearing it.
The people there didn’t appear to be warriors though they had organized rows of tents
and each camp had guards.
“What are those?”
“Seidr mages, itinerant adepts and not too crazy hermits, my lord,” came the answer.
“Seidr mages?”
“It is a type of magic which deal with divination and related practices, sometimes even
healing. But it is usually practiced by women. Men who follow that path are ergi as that
kind of magic is deemed unmanly. As with those that you see, they usually live isolated
lives, keeping to the mountains. But the recent war with the dokkalfr forced them down
to Scarburg.”
“Even those adepts and crazy hermits?”
“Yes, my lord. It is impossible to live in their mountain caves if dokkalfr are hunting
humans. Nor can they get food from the traders who usually supply them. The routes
to the mountains are now closed and nobody wishes to chance the journey, even for
any price.”
“How come those adepts are also living in the mountains?”
“Magic sometimes claims its victims, my lord. Too much energy can kill a man or make
him not right in the head. That’s what happened to those adepts and hermits. To kill
them outright is not permitted in the eyes of the gods. But to allow them to live in
towns also pose a danger to its inhabitants. So, the best solution was to exile them. But
I guess recent circumstances made the Jarl and the
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