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metaphysics, philosophy and religion.

“Now do you appreciate the depth of our National Socialist movement? Can there be anything greater and more all-comprehending? Those who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than a religion: it is the will to create mankind anew.”179

So said its founder. But did his plan die with him and with the defeat of Germany in 1945, or were the adepts of the Vril lodges secreted to distant subterranean fastnesses to develop and breed in readiness for the appearance of the new race at another time? And if so, does the modern UFO phenomenon represent the post-natal care stage of the new race?

Major Donald Keyhoe, Director of the National Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) stated in his 1957 book The Flying Saucer Conspiracy that UFOs were of tremendous importance and that a coverup had been put in place at the highest level:

“There is an official policy, believed in the best interests of the people, not to confirm the existence of UFOs until all the answers are known.”

On 27 June 1967 the New York Post quoted UN Secretary-General U Thant as saying that:

“next to the Vietnam War, I believe UFOs to be the most important problem facing the UN.”

The morbid interest of President Ronald Reagan in UFOs is well known. In November 1985 at the World Summit Conference in Geneva, President Reagan told Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev before the world’s Press:

“How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the Universe. We’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together.”

Two years later, on 16 February 1987, during a speech at the Kremlin, Gorbachev referred to Reagan’s remarks and said:

“I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I think it’s early yet to worry about such an intrusion.”

On 26 April 1990, in a reply to question about UFOs while visiting workers in the Urals, Gorbachev observed:

“The phenomenon of UFOs is real. I know that there are scientific organizations which study the problem.”

In a well-publicized speech at UN Headquarters in New York when addressing the 42nd General Assembly on 21 September 1987, President Reagan reiterated his earlier remarks with:

“Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask, is not analien force already among us ?”

President Reagan spoke here as if he were in possession of information made available to the heads of various States, including the USA and USSR, communicating from an ultraterrestrial force a threat of an intrusion and some sort of date by when it is to be realized. If we look dispassionately at Vril, Green Dragon, German flying saucers and Presidential fears the general drift and meaning behind events over the last sixty years or so must, I think, be growing clearer. It will be well, perhaps, at the risk of some repetition, to bring the argument together in a few sentences.

From time to time over the millennia there occurs a sudden step in human psychological evolution. Formerly, one suspects, this occurred in the form of an abrupt expansion in consciousness, or in the physical volume of the brain, such as the leap from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon Man, and the impression has always been, despite Darwin, that the change has been engineered.

Since the beginning of the 20th century we have been in the epoch of a revolution which is now approaching its climax. The horrors perpetrated during the National Socialist years should not blind us to the possibility that it is in such an environment that higher powers, should they be involved, are best able to wreak changes of a cosmic magnitude, and particularly if they are controlling the leader. From the earliest stirrings of Nazism, the enemy to be smashed was Bolshevism, and Bolshevism was Soviet Russia. This meant overruning the hinterland of Asia, to the Himalayas where the Aryan race originated and the mountains of Tibet, to the cold deserts of Mongolia and beyond to the Yangtse. Russian historians are now telling us that even before the outbreak of war with Poland, Stalin was planning to roll across Europe by 1942.181History does not take account of possible paranormal foreknowledge of an enemy’s aggressive intentions but the more important inference here is that the war with Soviet Russia seems to have been fore-ordained. Neither should we lightly dismiss the significance of Rudolf Hess’ mission in May 1941. Hitler’s defeat in the East meant that the New Race was not going to be bred at leisure in that same Asiatic hinterland from where flowed its Aryan ancestors and the whole scheme had to be hurriedly redesigned. The signs were obvious even before Barbarossa was launched in June 1941 that Hitler’s forces were insufficient for the task in hand against so many enemies – as the Germans say, the shirt was too short. Thus was born the advanced aircraft project.

The development of such a machine to utilize the knowledge the SS had acquired of how to travel in Gravity II, combined with Hitler’s idea of shifting the world’s axis to provoke a cataclysm to drown mankind seems an alien concept. Certainly the Germans were good at building the pioneer helicopters and flying boomerangs, but to have completed the project with its alien alloys and new aeronautical technology within three years was a great achievement. Obviously the craft were built for a reason so secret that the evidence that they ever existed has been deliberately concealed officially ever since. The reason for building them, at such a late stage in an apparently lost cause, was assuredly not to carry passengers

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